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Deep Feature Extraction for Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning

This is an implementation in Keras and Scikit-learn of the approach described in my Master's thesis.

This work was supervised by Prof. Marcello Restelli, Dott. Carlo D'Eramo, and Matteo Pirotta, Ph.D. from Politecnico di Milano.

Please cite the thesis if you use any of this code for your work:

  title={Deep Feature Extraction for Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Grattarola, Daniele},
  publisher={Politecnico di Milano},


Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has been under the spotlight of artificial intelligence research in recent years, enabling reinforcement learning agents to solve control problems that were previously considered intractable. The most effective DRL methods, however, require a great amount of training samples (in the order of tens of millions) in order to learn good policies even on simple environments, making them a poor choice in real-world situations where the collection of samples is expensive. In this work, we propose a sample-efficient DRL algorithm that combines unsupervised deep learning to extract a representation of the environment, and batch reinforcement learning to learn a control policy using this new state space. We also add an intermediate step of feature selection on the extracted representation in order to reduce the computational requirements of our agent to the minimum. We test our algorithm on the Atari games environments, and compare the performance of our agent to that of the DQN algorithm by Mnih et al. (2015). We show that even if the final performance of our agent amounts to a quarter of DQN’s, we are able to achieve good sample efficiency and a better performance on small datasets.


To run the code in this repo, the IFQI module by @teopir is required. This is available on GitHub, but the development of the package was already stalled when I was working on the thesis, so you might have troubles with it. Let me know if I can help.

To install, clone the repository and install with pip:

git clone
cd nips2017-deepIFS
sudo pip install -e .


Basically the only script you need to run is scripts/, which can execute a complete run of the algorithm including the training of the AE, the feature selection, and FQI.

To run the algorithm exactly as desccribed in the thesis, run the following command:

$ python \
    --main-alg-iters 10 \
    --train-ae \
    --binarize \
    --fs \
    --rfs \

Note that you may have to play with the datasets sizes in order to make the whole thing run on your machine.

Even bigger note: this code is released under the CRAPL license and will may not work as intended in most some cases.