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  • golang: Install go in /usr/local/go and /usr/local/bin

Defined types


Data types



Most people will not need to change any parameter other than perhaps setting $ensure to latest.


The following parameters are available in the golang class:


Data type: Golang::Ensure

  • present: Make sure any version of Go is installed.
  • latest: Make sure the latest stable version of Go is installed.
  • absent: Make sure Go is uninstalled.
  • version: Make sure exactly the specified version of Go is installed. For example, '1.19.1'.

Default value: present


Data type: Optional[Golang::Version]

Deprecated. Use $ensure instead. If this parameter is set it will only be honored if $ensure is present.

Default value: undef


Data type: Array[String[1]]

The binaries to symlink into /usr/local/bin.

Default value: ['go', 'gofmt']


Data type: Stdlib::HTTPUrl

URL to directory that contains the archive to download.

Default value: ''


Data type: String[1]

The OS to use to determine what archive to download.

Default value:

$facts['kernel'] ? {
    'Linux'  => 'linux',
    'Darwin' => 'darwin',
    default  => $facts['kernel']

Data type: String[1]

The architecture to use to determine what archive to download.

Default value:

$facts['os']['hardware'] ? {
    undef     => 'amd64', # Assume amd64 if os.hardware is missing.
    'aarch64' => 'arm64',
    'armv7l'  => 'armv6l',
    'i686'    => '386',
    'x86_64'  => 'amd64',
    default   => $facts['os']['hardware']

Data type: Optional[Stdlib::HTTPUrl]

Deprecated. Use golang::from_tarball instead:

golang::from_tarball { '/usr/local/go':
  ensure => $ensure,
  source => $source,

golang::linked_binaries { '/usr/local/go':
  ensure   => $ensure,
  into_bin => '/usr/local/bin',

If this is set it overrides everything else except $ensure == absent.

Default value: undef

Defined types


Install Go from a binary tarball


Standard usage
golang::from_tarball { '/usr/local/go':
  source => '',
Running puppet as user
golang::from_tarball { '/home/user/go/go':
  source => '',


The following parameters are available in the golang::from_tarball defined type:


Data type: Stdlib::HTTPUrl

The URL to the binary tarball to install. If the URL changes and $ensure is present, $go_dir will be wiped and the new tarball will be installed.


Data type: Enum[present, any_version, absent]

  • present: Make sure Go is installed from $source.
  • any_version: Make sure Go is installed regardless of what version it is. This will not upgrade Go if $source changes.
  • absent: Make sure Go is uninstalled.

Default value: present


Data type: Stdlib::Unixpath

The path where the tarball should be installed. This path will be managed by this resource.

Default value: $name


Data type: Variant[String[1], Integer[0]]

The user that should own $go_dir. May be a user name or a UID.

Default value: $facts['identity']['user']


Data type: Variant[String[1], Integer[0]]

The group that should own $go_dir. May be a group name or a GID.

Default value: $facts['identity']['group']


Data type: String[1]

The mode for $go_dir.

Default value: '0755'


Data type: Stdlib::Unixpath

Where to store state information.

This file will contain the URL to the tarball. If the file contents don’t match the URL passed in $source, then we know that we need to download the tarball and replace the installation.

This defaults to a file in the same directory as $go_dir, but with a . prefix and a .source_url suffix. For example, if $go_dir is '/usr/local/go', then this will default to '/usr/local/.go.source_url'.

Default value: golang::state_file($go_dir)


Install Go in a local directory


Simple: install once and never update
golang::installation { '/usr/local/go': }
For a user
golang::installation { '/home/user/go/go':
  ensure => latest,
  owner  => 'user',
  group  => 'user',
A specific version
golang::installation { '/usr/local/go-1.19.1':
  ensure => '1.19.1',


The following parameters are available in the golang::installation defined type:


Data type: Golang::Ensure

  • present: Make sure any version of Go is installed.
  • latest: Make sure the latest stable version of Go is installed.
  • absent: Make sure Go is uninstalled.
  • version: Make sure exactly the specified version of Go is installed. For example, '1.19.1'.

Default value: present


Data type: Stdlib::Unixpath

The path where Go should be installed. This path will be managed by golang::from_tarball.

Default value: $name


Data type: Stdlib::HTTPUrl

URL to directory that contains the archive to download.

Default value: ''


Data type: String[1]

The OS to use to determine what archive to download.

Default value:

$facts['kernel'] ? {
    'Linux'  => 'linux',
    'Darwin' => 'darwin',
    default  => $facts['kernel']

Data type: String[1]

The architecture to use to determine what archive to download.

Default value:

$facts['os']['hardware'] ? {
    undef     => 'amd64', # Assume amd64 if os.hardware is missing.
    'aarch64' => 'arm64',
    'armv7l'  => 'armv6l',
    'i686'    => '386',
    'x86_64'  => 'amd64',
    default   => $facts['os']['hardware']

Data type: Variant[String[1], Integer[0]]

The user that should own $go_dir. May be a user name or a UID.

Default value: $facts['identity']['user']


Data type: Variant[String[1], Integer[0]]

The group that should own $go_dir. May be a group name or a GID.

Default value: $facts['identity']['group']


Data type: String[1]

The mode for $go_dir.

Default value: '0755'


Data type: Stdlib::Unixpath

Where to store state information.

This file will contain the URL to the tarball. If the file contents don’t match the URL we generate, then we know that we need to download the tarball and replace the installation.

This defaults to a file in the same directory as $go_dir, but with a . prefix and a .source_url suffix. For example, if $go_dir is '/usr/local/go', then this will default to '/usr/local/.go.source_url'.

Default value: golang::state_file($go_dir)


Link binaries from Go installation into a directory


Standard usage
golang::linked_binaries { '/usr/local/go':
  into_bin => '/usr/local/bin',
User install
golang::linked_binaries { '/home/user/go/go':
  into_bin => '/home/user/bin',


The following parameters are available in the golang::linked_binaries defined type:


Data type: Stdlib::Unixpath

The directory to link the binaries into.


Data type: Enum[present, absent]

  • present: Make sure links are present.
  • absent: Make sure links are absent.

Default value: present


Data type: Stdlib::Unixpath

The directory where Go is installed.

Default value: $name


Data type: Array[String[1]]

The binaries to link.

Default value: ['go', 'gofmt']



Type: Ruby 4.x API

Makes a request to the passed URL to find the latest stable version of Go. The request will be cached for 10 minutes, so repeated calls to this function will return the same thing for at least that amount of time.

golang::latest_version(Stdlib::HTTPUrl $url)

Makes a request to the passed URL to find the latest stable version of Go. The request will be cached for 10 minutes, so repeated calls to this function will return the same thing for at least that amount of time.

Returns: Golang::Version The version number, e.g. '1.19.1'.


  • Puppet::Error If the URL is invalid, the request failed, it didn’t understand the returned JSON, or it couldn’t find a version that was listed as stable.

Data type: Stdlib::HTTPUrl

The URL to check. This should usually be '' unless you are getting Go from elsewhere.


Type: Puppet Language

The location must be outside of $go_dir, and it must be writable by the same user (if Puppet is not being run as root).

golang::state_file(Stdlib::Absolutepath $go_dir)

The location must be outside of $go_dir, and it must be writable by the same user (if Puppet is not being run as root).

Returns: Stdlib::Absolutepath Where to store the state file by default


  • Puppet::Error If $go_dir is '/' or a few other things, this will fail because there isn’t a reasonable default outside of $go_dir itself.

Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath

Where Go will be installed

Data types


Valid ensure values for golang::installation

Alias of Variant[Enum[present, latest, absent], Golang::Version]


Generally something like '1.8.1', but may also be something like '1.3rc1'.

Alias of Pattern[/\A[1-9]\d*(\.\d+)*([a-z]+\d+)?\z/]