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Awesome List of JS Tools from Microsoft

A list of amazing and awesome open sourced and free tools that powers a good portion of Microsoft products that are rely on JavaScript.

Language & language tools

  • Typescript - Typed JavaScript at any scale
  • API Extractor - Enforce API surface for libraries, create d.ts rollups, graduate unstable APIs, creates nicely formatted API documentation, and more

Package Managers

Monorepo Manager

  • Rush - all-in-one styled monorepo manager

Package Scripts

  • Just - A sensible set of task to build, test, and lint your frontend projects
  • Heft - Heft is an extensible build system designed for use with the Rush Stack family of tools

Task Runners

  • Rush - all-in-one styled monorepo manager (supports incremental builds, scopes)
  • Lage - Run npm scripts in topological order incrementally with cloud cache (supports incremental builds, scopes, cloud cache, pipelining)
  • BuildXL (npm) - distributed build runner (works with rush or lage repos)

End-to-end Testing

  • Playwright - enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps (works on all modern browsers)
  • Flamegrill - scenario level test automation that generates a V8-level sample-based flamegraphs

Package Publishing

  • Rush - all-in-one styled monorepo manager (requires repo managed by Rush)
  • Beachball - makes automating npm publishing a breeze (works for any workspace implementation: yarn, npm v7, pnpm, rush)


  • Boll - repository wide linter, enforces standards across all packages inside a monorepo


  • workspace-tools - A collection of tools that are useful in a git-controlled monorepo
  • p-graph - Run a promise graph with concurrency control.
  • @microsoft/task-scheduler - Run a sequence of steps across all the packages of a monorepo
  • Rush - contains many useful libraries like command line parsing, incremental build engine using git hashes, useful webpack plugins etc.

Cross platform development


An awesome list for JS tools



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