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What is it?

Laeggen is a routing library written on top of Aleph designed to be simple, easy to use, and powerful (since you do everything yourself).


[laeggen "0.5"]

;; In your project:
  (:require [laeggen.core :as laeggen]
            [laeggen.dispatch :as dispatch]))

Laeggen uses a list of regular expressions mapped to clojure functions to determine where a request is handled. Each handler function takes at least one argument, the request. If the regular expression for routing has matching groups, those are mapped into additional arguments to the handler.

For example:

(defn hello
  {:status 200 :body "Hello World!"})

(defn hello-person
  [request name]
  {:status 200 :body (str "Hello " name "!")})

(def my-urls
   #"^/hello$" #'hello
   ;; the expression "([^/]+)" means to match everything except for "/"
   #"^/hello/([^/]+)" #'hello-person

This matches a request for http://localhost:2345/hello to the hello handler, and a request for http://localhost:2345/hello/bob would call hello-person with the request and "bob" as arguments.

Next, define a function to be called to start the server, using the urls created by the dispatch/urls function:

(defn start-server []
  (laeggen/start {:port 2345
                  :append-slash? true
                  :urls my-urls}))

The laeggen/start function will return a method that can be used to stop the server, to start the server:

(def stop-server (start-server))
;; laeggen will start up the server

;; to stop the server

The URLs map can also use the same handler to handler multiple routes, so to write the example from above using a single handler using either optional arguments, or multiple arities:

(defn hello-world
  [request & [name]]
  {:status 200 :body (str "Hello " (or name "World") "!")})

;; or, the same function using multi-arities:

(defn hello-world2
     {:status 200 :body "Hello World!"})
  ([request name]
     {:status 200 :body (str "Hello " name "!")}))

;; the same handler is specified for two 'routes'
(def my-urls
   #"^/hello$" #'hello-world
   #"^/hello/([^/]+)" #'hello-world
   #"^/hello2$" #'hello-world2
   #"^/hello2/([^/]+)" #'hello-world2))

;; patterns can also be grouped
(def my-urls
   [#"^/hello$" #"^/hello/([^/]+)"] #'hello-world
   [#"^/hello2$" #"^/hello2/([^/]+)"] #'hello-world2))

Retrieving a query-string

Sometimes it is desirable to use the query string from the handler, in laeggen, the query string is parsed into a map as part of the request:

(defn your-info
  (let [name (-> request :query-string :name)
        age (-> request :query-string :age)]
    {:status 200 :body (str name " is " age " years old.")}))

(def my-urls
   #"^/info$" #'your-info))

Which can be tested using curl:

% curl "http://localhost:2345/info?name=Jim&age=25"
Jim is 25 years old.


Laeggen believes that you should be responsible for your own authentication, so provides helpers built around that idea.

(ns eggplant.baz
  (:require [laeggen.core :as laeggen]
            [laeggen.dispatch :as dispatch]
            [laeggen.auth :as auth]))

(defn home
  {:status 200 :body "Welcome home."})

(defn login
  (let [username (-> request :query-string :user)
        password (-> request :query-string :pass)]
    (if (auth/authorized? request)
      {:status 200 :body "You have already logged in"}
      (if (and (= username "Dan") (= password "Larkin"))
        (auth/authorize-and-forward! username "/private")
        {:status 401 :body "Unauthorized!"}))))

(defn private
  {:status 200 :body "This page is a secret"})

(def my-urls
   #"^/$" #'home
   #"^/login$" #'login
   #"^/private$" (auth/authorization-required "/" #'private)))

In this example, notice that in order to protect a page, it should be wrapped in the authorization-required function, which takes a page to redirect to in the event the user is not authenticated, and a handler to user if the user is authenticated (in this case, the private handler).

Inside the login method, it is up to the handler itself to do whatever authentication is necessary, and when authenticated, call the authorize-and-forward! method with the username (or some identifier) to store the authorization and redirect to the specified page. The authorized? method can be called with the request at any time to determine whether the identifier has been authenticated.

To authenticate to this request with curl, you could use:

% curl "http://localhost:2345/login?user=Dan&pass=Larkin"

Note: this is a terrible way of doing authentication because it is entirely insecure. It is only put here as an example.


Just adorn your view function with :async metadata and laeggen will know it doesn't return a response. Then you can use lamina to receive and send messages asynchronously.

(defn ^:async websocket-handler
  [{:keys [channel] :as request}]
  (lamina/enqueue channel "Hi, thanks for connecting.")
  (lamina/receive-all channel (fn [msg] (prn "client sent:" msg))))

(def my-urls
   #"^/subscribe$" #'websocket-handler))


3-Clause BSD Copyright 2012 Dan Larkin


It's an HTTP library I guess?







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