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Twine: A Unified Cluster Management System for Shared Infrastructure

What is Twine

  • A cluster management system helps to convert dedicated machines cross data centers/regions into a large scale shared infrastructure.
  • Single control plane
    • LCM of millions of machines.
    • LCM of containerized applications across clusters.


Why does Facebook need Twine

Limitations from existing system(K8S)

  • Focus on isolated single cluster. (TODO: K8S Cluster Federation and Multi cluster service)
  • Does not consult an application when performing the LCM operations.
    • K8S has the configuration of priorityClass for Pod, but it does not it does not have a way to dynamically consult the Pod if it is good time to perform the LCM.
  • Does not have a way for applications to specify the preferred hardware and OS settings.
  • Prefer big machines with more CPUs and memory in order to stack workloads and increase utilization.
    • Cluster API has the concept of MachineDeployment, but all Machine has the same setting.

Twine architecture


Task (Pod)

One instance of an application deployed in a container.

Job (Deployment)

A group of tasks of the same application.

Entitlement (Cluster)


  • An abstraction represents a group of machine to host jobs. It looks similar to the concept of cluster in K8S.
  • Machines could be from different datacenters in a region.
  • Twine binds job to an entitlement.

Agent (Kubelet)

Run on every machine to manage tasks. Like kubelet.

Scheduler (Controller manager)

  • Cooperate with Agent, Allocator, ResourceBroker and TaskController to manage the lifecycle of Task and Job as the central orchestrator.

Allocator (Scheduler)

  • Assign machine to entitlement.
  • Assign tasks to machine.
  • Talk to ResourceBroker to get machine information.
  • Use multiple threads for Job allocation and optimistic concurrency control to handle the conflicts(Two threads try to handle the same job). And use two phase commit to commit an allocation.
  • Use the in-memory write-through cache to speed up the repeated Job allocation.

TaskController (K8S does not have)

  • The API allows applications to collaborate with the cluster management system when deciding which operations to proceed and which to postpone.
  • Handles three options:
    • Move a Task from one machine to another.
    • Stop a Task and restart later.
    • Do nothing and keep the Task running.


  • Asynchronously and continuously to improve the decision of Allocator.

Resource Broker

  • Store machine information.
  • Handle machine unavailability events and notify Allocator and Scheduler.

Health Check Service

  • Monitor machines.
  • Updates machine status in Resource Broker.


  • Apply host profiles to the machines as needed.
  • All machines share the same host profile in one entitlement. It looks like MachineDeployment in K8S Cluster API makes all machines have the same flavor.

Service Resource Manager (HPA/VPA)

Auto-scale jobs in response to load changes.

How is a job deployed

  • Front end handles a request which wants to deploy a Job.
    • The request contains entitlementID, allocationPolicy and other necessary inputs.
  • Front end sends the request to Scheduler.
  • Scheduler consults Allocator on where to deploy the Task within a Job.
    • If no such entitlement instances exist:
      • Allocator gets the entitlement capacity from Capacity Portal.
      • Allocator assigns the free machine to an entitlement by marking the machine status in ResourceBroker.
      • Sidekick watches on the event of updating machine status then switch the host profile for that particular machine.
    • Allocator returns the machine information(should be a list, because a Job has multiple Tasks) back to Scheduler.
  • Allocator notifies the Agent on a particular machine to start the Task(containerized application).

How is a task redeployed

Machine failure/maintenance or rolling update might make a task to be redeployed.

The redeployment is caused by machine unavailability

  • HealthCheckService will detect the unavailability and send an event to ResourceBroker.
  • ResourceBroker notifies Scheduler and Allocator.
  • Scheduler disables the affected Task's service discovery so that no clients could send requests to it.
  • Scheduler consult TaskController of that Job to see if a move operation is allowed.
  • TaskController responses with the decision.
    • If yes:
      • Scheduler will consult Allocator to deallocate the affected Task from the unavailable machine by evict its cache entry.
      • Scheduler will consult Allocator to allocate a new machine for the affected Task.
      • The following steps are the same as the [job deployment](#How is a job deployed)
    • If no: Nothing to be done.
  • Scheduler re-enable the service discovery.

The redeployment is caused by rolling update

An example is to update the container image of a Job. A new task will be created, an old task will be terminated.

  • Scheduler consult TaskController of that Job to see if a stop operation is allowed.
  • TaskController responses with the decision.
    • If yes:
      • Scheduler will disable the service discovery.
      • Scheduler will consult Allocator to deallocate the affected Task from the unavailable machine by evict its cache entry.
      • Scheduler will instruct Agent to stop the Task.
      • Scheduler will consult Allocator to allocate a machine for the updated Task.
      • The following steps are the same as the [job deployment](#How is a job deployed).
      • Scheduler will re-enable the service discovery.
    • If no: Nothing to be done. The current task will be up and running.

How does a machine get moved from one entitlement to another

**Note:**This is from my personal understanding

  • A machine needs to be drained before the reassignment.
    • Scheduler consults TaskController to get the acknowledgement. Otherwise, this will be a no-op.
    • [Optional] Scheduler and Allocator redeploy the tasks to different `machine.
    • Scheduler stops the service discovery on all Tasks from that machine.
    • Scheduler instructs Agent to stop all containers.
    • Scheduler notifies Allocator the machine is drained.
    • Allocator updates ResourceBroker by un-marking the machine from the entitlement and mark the machine to be available.

How does auto scaling work

Service Resource Manager is the components to use historical data of a service and predict the traffic, so that it could automatically send resize job request to front end in order to fulfill the horizontal auto scaling.

How does Twine control plane manage one million machines

Shard the core components


  • Shard the Scheduler to handle a subset of entitlement.
  • Shard the Allocator to have 1:1 mapping to Scheduler.
  • Each shard of Allocator talks to all ResourceBrokers to allocate.
  • Each of above stateful component has its own separate external persistent store for metadata.

Application level scheduler to offload core scheduler

  • Plugin model to support Application-level scheduler which allocates and LCM tasks without involving Twine. (This sounds like the aggregated API server + custom controller in K8S)

FB Sharding VS K8S Federation



Comparison Twine K8S
Machine allocation Dynamic Static
Job metadata management Within same Scheduler and Allocator Split and distributed


Single regional control plane could not handle the HA well. Twine has the following design principles:

  • All components are sharded.
  • All components are replicated(leader based).
  • Decouple the application running from the lifecycle of Twine components, so that Twine components failure will not affect applications.
  • Rate-limiting and circuit breaker(this is added by myself) to prevent destructive operations.
  • Twine manages its own components as Twine job(except for Agent).
  • Twine manages its dependencies as Twine job(E.g., ZooKeeper).