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Priority Queue

A priority queue is an abstract data structure which differs from a queue based on how the items are extracted. Instead of a FIFO or LIFO structure, PQs return the items based on a set priority. Depending on the underlying mechanism a PQ can pull the largest or smallest items off first. This kind of process enables a fast way of extracting minimum and maximum values of a container.

A heap is one of the most used data structures for delivering the results and either a min or max heap can be used depending on how the priority will be set. Another common way of implementing it is with a doubly linked list which provides some more efficient time complexities on insert and delete in most cases.

Use Cases

A priority queue, like queues and stacks, can be used in a lot of ways. The difference in applications deals more with the fact that LIFO and FIFO don't apply here. It's all about an item's priority. Some use cases could be:

  • Bandwidth management: By using a PQ here, you can ensure the proper traffic dispersion is maintained. For instance, real-time traffic will have a higher priority.
  • Dijkstra's Algorithm: A PQ allows extracting a minimum vertex efficiently.
  • Huffman Coding: Since you need to find the two lowest-frequency trees then a PQ offers that kind of functionality.
  • Job Scheduling: For jobs that need to occur before others, a PQ offers a sane way to manage job hierarchy.

Time Complexity

Since the PQ is using a Max Heap as the underlying mechanism for operations, the time complexity is that of a binary max heap.

Case Average Worst Case
Space O(n) O(n)
Search O(n) O(n)
Insert O(lg n) O(lg n)
Delete O(lg n) O(lg n)