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The simplest possible way to read and publish messages with kafka


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A clojure kafka client focusing on the simple consumer.

latest clafka version


To provide the simplest possible consumer and producer interfaces for kafka by exposing the new java producer api and the simple consumer.

It is designed to be used as the basis for more sophisticated consumers whose needs are not met by the default zookeeper consumer in kafka.


API docs can be found here


Include the following to your lein project.clj dependencies

[mixradio/clafka "0.2.3"]

Most functions are found in clafka.core

(require '[clafka.core :refer :all])


The IBrokerClient protocol is the core abstraction of clafka.

You will see functions that accept an IBrokerClient use the name client, as opposed to low-level fns that may require a consumer. Most functions require a client.

The kafka SimpleConsumer is one implementation of IBrokerClient. A pooled implementation is also provided.

SimpleConsumer Client

I have provided a wrapper for the simple consumer, a good zookeeper consumer api can be found in clj-kafka

First create a SimpleConsumer instance with consumer

(def c (consumer "localhost" 9092))
;;close a consumer with
(.close c)

The SimpleConsumer talks to a single broker, and can only receive data for partitions on which that broker is the leader.

Pooled Client

You can use a pooled client in order to:

  • Load balance requests over many client/consumer instances
  • Support fetching data without worrying about which broker leads a partition.

Find the pooled client in clafka.pool.

(require '[clafka.pool :refer [pool])
(require '[clafka.proto :refer [shutdown!]])

;; p will balance requests over 2 clients for each listed broker for a total of 4 clients.
(def p (pool [{:host "localhost" :port 9092} {:host "localhost", :port "9093"}] 2))
;; you can use all the regular clafka functions with the pooled client.
(log-seq p "my-topic" 0 0)
;; =>
({:message #<byte[] [B@755df882>
  :offset 0 
  :next-offset 1}, ...)
;;close the pooled client with shutdown!, this will attempt to close all underlying clients.
(shutdown! p)

By default the pool will create SimpleConsumer instances for each listed broker, but you can override this behaviour by providing a :factory as part of the pool config map. See the docstring for more details.

Be warned, you can still get NotLeaderForPartitionException's if leaders change as you are making a request, this should be rare however. You should expect subsequent requests to reflect the new leader, so simply retry in these cases.

Finding a leader

You can ask any broker which broker is the leader for a partition in your cluster via find-leader or find-leaders

(find-leader c "my-topic" 0)
{:host "localhost" :port 9092 :id 0}


You can fetch some data from a log with fetch

;;fetches 1024 bytes of data from topic "my-topic" partition 0, offset 0.
(fetch c "my-topic" 0 0 1024)
;; =>
{:messages [{:message #<byte[] [B@755df882>
             :offset 0 
             :next-offset 1}]
 :total-bytes 1024 
 :valid-bytes 124
 :error nil 
 :error-code 0}

fetch will throw exceptions for the various kafka error codes given by the ErrorMapping class in kafka, if you do not want this and you want to manually check error-codes etc you can do so with the underlying -fetch fn.

So for example, if the leader for a partition changes, you should expect fetch to throw a kafka.common.NotLeaderForPartitionException.

At which point, if you wanted to continue fetching from that partition, you would have to construct a new consumer.

Fetching a seq

You can fetch a lazy seq of the entire log until the current head with fetch-log

;;fetches a seq of messages lazily from the log in blocks of *default-fetch-size*
;;from topic "my-topic" partition 0 offset 0
(fetch-log c "my-topic" 0 0) 
({:message #<byte[] [B@755df882>
  :offset 0 
  :next-offset 1}, ...)

;;you can also manually specify the fetch size to use... (here we say 1024 bytes)
(fetch-log c "my-topic" 0 0 1024)

You can also return an infinite seq of messages with log-seq, this sequence does not terminate when the log is exhausted, rather it enters a polling mode allowing you to block on new messages being added to the log over time.

;;will use the default size and poll-ms parameters (512KB and 1 second)
(log-seq c "my-topic" 0 0)
({:message #<byte[] [B@755df882>
  :offset 0 
  :next-offset 1}, ...)

;;you can manually specify the size and poll-ms through a configuration map
(log-seq c "my-topic 0 0 {:size 1024, :poll-ms 2000})

fetch-log and log-seq will skip messages that are too large to be fetched with a single fetch, so tune the fetch-size carefully. The default fetch size is 512KB which should be plenty for most use cases.


You can produce messages using the KafkaProducer api.

Create a producer using configuration as specified: docs

(def p (producer {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092,localhost:9093"}))

;;close a producer with 
(.close p)

** NB ** - The config options are specified in the properties style, so always use strings!

Then publish a message using publish!

(publish! p "my-topic" (.getBytes "some-key") (.getBytes "hello world!"))

;;publish returns a delay that can returns some metadata about the publish 
{:topic "my-topic", :offset 0, :partition 0}

By default publish! will take byte arrays for the key and value. If you want you can use the KafkaProducer serialization mechanism by specifying a pair of either functions or Serializer instances when you create the producer.

;;using a pair of functions, one for the key and the latter for the value
(def p2 (producer {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092,localhost:9093"} 
                  (fn [topic v] (.getBytes v))
                  (fn [topic v] (.getBytes v))))
;;using just a single function for both the key the value
(def p3 (producer {"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092,localhost:9093"}
                  (fn [topic v] (.getBytes v))))

Other features

  • You can utilise broker acknowledgment on publish using publish-ack!
  • You can make requests for offsets at given times using offsets, offset-at, earliest-offset and latest-offset


PR's welcome!

Low hanging fruit:

  • There are few type hints!
  • Anything that I have missed feature wise relating to the SimpleConsumer and KafkaProducer.
  • More tests would be good


clafka is released under the 3-clause license ("New BSD License" or "Modified BSD License").


The simplest possible way to read and publish messages with kafka







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