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MVP: Demo version

you can choose between two teams to play.

when you choose a team, the player is directed to the game page.

the game has one player and one defender.

bouth of then move horizontally and vertically.

the defender moves randomly across the football field.

the player is moved by the keyboard arrows.

the player has to avoid the collision.

if you collide with the defender the game is over.

if the player manages to reach the goal spot. win the game.


I will fix the collision bug.

implement more interaction with the player.

add 4 more defenders to make the game more difficult.

I will make a display scoreboard of goals and "balls stolen by defenders".

the game will end: if you win, after 5 goals if you lose, after 5 "defences".

I will add pup ups in case of goal or defense.

Interaction music, and sound when scoring a goal as a defense too.

improve index and game design.

Data structure:

index.html : landing page. game-Barca.html : barcelona game page. game-Real.html : Real Madrid game page. style.css : Style of the pages.

img: Pictures

index-barca.js : Barcelona index code. game-barca.Js : Barcelona game code. backgrouind-barca.js : Barcelona background code. defenders-barca.js : Barcelona defenders code. player-barca.js : Barcelona player code.

index-real.js : Real Madrid index code. game-rela.Js : barcelona game code. backgrouind-real.js : Real Madrid background code. defenders-real.js : Real Madrid defenders code. player-real.js : Real Madrid player code.



Presentation :

images from: