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Releases: danvergara/morphos


12 Apr 03:03
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feat: XLSX - CSV (#48)

* build(gomod): add tealeg/xlsx as dep

* feat(documents): add a csv struct that converts csv to xlsx files

* test(document): add test function to test csv-xlsx

* feat(xlsx): add a xlsx struct able to convert xlsx files to csv ones

* test(documents): add a test function to make sure xlsx - csv works as expected

* feat(documents): add changes to integrate the new kind of documents

* refactor(csv): remove the outdir

* feat(main): add the text kind of document to the main file

* docs(readme): add the csv and xlsx kind of documents to the conversion matrix

* build(gomod): resolve conflicts on go module


27 Mar 14:55
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feat: docx-pdf conversion  (#40)

* feat(document): add a way to convert pdf to docx using libreoffice

* feat(documents): add the ability to convert docx to pdf using libreoffice

* test(document): test both new features

* ci(github-actions): install libreoffice on github actions

* refactor(files): add a new method to the file interface to support mime types as they can differ from the know extensions

* refactor(documents): add a new constant to the document package for docx

* refactor(files): add the new method to every struct that implements the file interface

* build(docker): install libreoffice at the release stage

* docs(readme): add a new table on what's new in terms of file conversion

* build(dockerfile): replace debian bookworm with debian trixie just to have more up to date image

* refactor(pdf): add two buffers as stdout and stderr to see what's goin on at the time to convert pdf to docx

* fix(pdf): use %q to make the filename a double-quoted string safely escaped with Go syntax

* refactor(pdf): print the stderr when it is not empty

* refactor(docx): replicate the changes added to the pdf file


26 Jan 20:38
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ci(github-actions): change the permissions to content from read to wr…

…ite (#35)