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File metadata and controls

executable file
118 lines (74 loc) · 3.66 KB

How to do various things for Old NYC.

(Suggest opening this file in TextMate or another editor that understands Markdown.)

Bring up a demo

Set up the Python environment:

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then start the appengine app locally via:


Note: this doesn't actually run AppEngine, just a hacked up local server that emulates it.

Push a new version to App Engine

Change version in viewer/app.yaml to match today's date. Then, from the viewer directory run: --email update .

Visit and make the new version the default.

Update the data

Data (lat/lon→image lists, image metadata), is hosted on GitHub pages. To update this, run something like this sequence:

cd ..
git clone
cd ../oldnyc
cd ../
git add .
git commit -a -m 'Update site'
git push

Update the JavaScript bundle


Iterate on geocoding

It's easiest to do this by iterating on the records.pickle file, which has one entry per milstein card, rather than one entry per photo.

./ --coders milstein --pickle_path nyc/records.pickle --output_format records.js --geocode > /tmp/records.json

This will print out lots of information about incorrect geocodes and eventually print something like: 25574 milstein 25574 (total) This is out of 43363 total records in the Milstein collection.

By default, this only uses the local "geocache"--it doesn't fetch any geocodes from Google Maps. If you want to do that, add --use_network:

./ --coders milstein,nyc-parks --pickle_path nyc/records.pickle --output_format records.js --geocode --use_network > /tmp/records.json

Geocoding is done based on the "Full Address" column of milstein.csv. You can see this by running:

csvcut -c7,15 nyc/milstein.csv

If you want to determine per-borough geocoding coverage, run

./nyc/coverage-by-borough /tmp/records.json

Regenerate geocodes for the viewer (nyc-lat-lons-ny.js)

To get new geocodes into the frontend, you need to geocode photos.pickle. Do so with:

./ --coders milstein,nyc-parks --pickle_path nyc/photos.pickle --lat_lon_map lat-lon-map.txt --output_format lat-lons-ny.js --geocode > viewer/static/js/nyc-lat-lons-ny.js

The lat-lon-map.txt file can be generated via:

./ --coders milstein,nyc-parks --pickle_path nyc/records.pickle --output_format locations.txt --geocode > locations.txt
./ locations.txt > lat-lon-map.txt

Update the static site (

OldNYC issues XHRs to GitHub pages using XDomain. This allows a site consisting of completely static content. To update the static site, first clone it into a sibling directory to this repo:

cd ..
git clone

And then run the update script:

cd oldnyc

Generate photos.pickle

photos.pickle is like records.pickle, but it duplicates each record across all its photos. (There are potentially several photos on the Milstein card for each record.)

cd nyc
./ crops.txt > /tmp/photos.json
./ records.pickle /tmp/photos.json photos.pickle

Generate crops.txt


Generate records.pickle from CSV

The original source for the data is a CSV file that Matt K gave me, milstein.csv.

To convert this to a records.pickle file, run:

cd nyc

This will read "mistein.csv" and create a "records.pickle" file in the nyc directory.