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⚡️ Build the entire layout of your website without CSS ⚡️

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It is a library that allows us to build the entire layout quickly and easily, using directives on the HTML nodes. It mainly works based on the use of a grid, especially for the definition of columns.

  • 🚀 Super fast and parallel: Automatically processes all the nodes that are found when loading the web and also any new node that is added or starts using any directive.
  • 🎉 Shared styles: Share the already created styles of other previously processed nodes.
  • ⚗️ Pre-rendering virtual nodes: Pre-render virtual nodes before adding them to the DOM.

🔧 Installation

You just have to call, in the HTML, the script layouter.umd.js that is inside the 'dist' folder of this repository:

<script src="layouter.umd.js"></script>

you can also use one of these CDNs:

<script src="" defer></script>
<script src="" defer></script>

And voila! That's all we need to use the layouter with its base configuration.

✨ Example of use

Let's say we want to define the following layout:

taking into account that we need to define margins, height, width by columns, etc, and each one in their respective breakpoints

Layouter Logo

So we would make this HTML with the following directives:

<main p="24-1/15 24-1/25@sm 30-1/31@md 29.26-1/41@lg" mxw="1280" mx="auto">
    <header fx="jc:sb@md" mb="24 30@md">
        <div h="100" c="11.1/29@md" mb="24@-md"></div>
        <div h="100" c="16.9/29@md"></div>

    <section h="320" mb="24 25@sm 30@md"></section>

    <footer fx="jc:sb@sm">
        <div h="200" c="7/23@sm 9/29@md 12.33/39@lg"></div>
        <div h="200" c="7/23@sm 9/29@md 12.33/39@lg" my="24@-sm"></div>
        <div h="200" c="7/23@sm 9/29@md 12.33/39@lg"></div>
Let's see what happened
  • For the <main> tag, the following layout was determined:

    • A top and bottom padding of 24 pixels on your initial breakpoint (ie on mobile), also a left and right padding of 1 column, relative to the 15 columns defined for that breakpoint.
    • Upon reaching the breakpoint of sm the top and bottom padding of 24 pixels will be maintained but it is determined that 1 column of 25 columns is required for that breakpoint.
    • Then for the md breakpoint we change the top and bottom padding to 30 pixels and then set the left and right padding to be 1 column out of 31 columns for that breakpoint.
    • Finally, for the lg breakpoint, it was determined that the upper and lower padding would be 29.26 pixels, and for the right and left padding, 1 column of 41 columns would be taken from that breakpoint.
    • On the other hand, it was also determined that its maximum width would be 1280 pixels.
    • As well as it will have a top and bottom margin of 0 and right and left to 'auto'.
  • For the <header> tag, the following layout was determined:

    • Display 'flex' with 'justify-content' in 'space-between' from the breakpoint of md i.e. to tablet in landscape.
    • Bottom margin of 24 pixels at the start breakpoint and 30 pixels from the md breakpoint.
    • For its two child divs, a height of 100 pixels was determined.
    • For the first div 11.1 columns of 29 columns from the md breakpoint and only 24 pixels of bottom margin to the md breakpoint.
    • For the second child div, 16.9 columns out of 29 columns were determined from the md breakpoint.
  • For the <section> tag, the following layout was determined:

    • A height of 320 pixels.
    • A bottom margin of 24 pixels for your initial breakpoint, 25 pixels for the sm breakpoint, and finally 30 pixels for the md breakpoint.
  • For the <footer> tag, the following layout was determined:

    • A 'flex' display with 'justify-content' of 'space-between'.
    • For its child divs, a height of 200 pixels and a width of 7 columns of 23 columns were determined for the sm breakpoint, followed by 9 columns of 29 columns for the md breakpoint and finally 12.33 columns of 39 columns for the lg breakpoint.

Every time a new node is added to the body or an existing node uses a layouter directive, it will automatically be processed.

⚙️ Configuration

By default the library will work with the following base configuration:

    breakpoints: {
        xs: {
            width: 360,
            cols: 15
        sm: {
            width: 600,
            cols: 25
        md: {
            width: 900,
            cols: 31
        lg: {
            width: 1200,
            cols: 41
        xlg: {
            width: 1536,
            cols: 51
    debug: true,
    bridge: false,
    prefix: '',
    ready: () => {
        // initial process completed!

One can write one's own configuration by creating a variable called 'layouterConfig' in the 'window' object. This has to be before the library call. To know more check the configuration options table

⚡ Directivas

Name Alias Examples Description
Cols c cols="13/15", c="5/10" Determines the columns, that is, the 'width' as a percentage.
d display d="bl", display="inline" Determines the display that the node will have.
Mart mt, margin-top mart="10", mt="20", margin-top="12" Determines the top margin of a node.
Marr mr, margin-right marr="2/15", mr="5/10", margin-right="3/5" Determine the right margin of a node.
Marb mb, margin-bottom marb="30", mb="50", margin-bottom="25" Determine the bottom margin of a node.
Marl ml, margin-left marl="3/15", ml="5/10", margin-left="3/5" Determine the left margin of a node.
Mar m, margin mar="20-2/15-30-3/15", m="20-2/15-30-3/15", margin="20-2/15-30-3/15" It is a shorthand of the directives: mart, marr, marb, y marl.
Mary my, margin-y mary="10", my="20", margin-y="30" Determine the top and bottom margin of a node.
Marx mx, maring-x marx="10", mx="20", margin-x="30" Determine the right and left margin at the same time of a node.
Padt pt, padding-top padt="10", pt="20", padding-top="30" Determine the top padding of a node.
Padr pr, padding-right padr="2/15", pr="3/16", padding-right="4/17" Determine the padding right of a node.
Padb pb, padding-bottom padb="30", pb="40", padding-bottom="50" Determine the bottom padding of a node.
Padl pl, padding-left padl="3/15", pl="4/16", padding-left="5/17" Determine the left padding of a node.
Pad p, padding pad="20-2/15-30-3/15", p="20-2/15-30-3/15", padding="20-2/15-30-3/15" It is a shorthand of the directives: padt, padr, padb, y padl.
Pady py, padding-y pady="10", py="20", padding-y="30" Determine the padding top and bottom than the same time of a node.
Padx px, padding-x padx="10", px="20", padding-x="30 Determine the right and left padding at the same time of a node.
Flex fx flex="jc:ce ai:fs fd:co", flex="jc:fe ai:fs, fx="align-items:center flex-wrap:wrap" Determine the display Flex of the node and its derivatives.
Wdh w, width wdh="100", w="200", width="300" Determine the width of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.
Hgt h, height hgt="100", h="200", height="300" Determine the height of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.
Mxw max-width mxw="200", max-width="300" Determine the maximum width of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.
Mxh max-height mxh="200", max-height="300" Determine the maximum height of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.
Miw min-width miw="300", min-width="400" Determine the minimum width of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.
Mih min-height mih="300", min-height="400" Determine the high height of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.
Pos position pos="re", position="relative" Determine the position of node.
T top t="10", top="20" Determine the top of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.
R right r="10", right="20" Determine the right of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.
B bottom b="10", bottom="20" Determine the bottom of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.
L left l="10", left="20" Determine the left of the node in pixels or other unit of measure.

🌐 Websites that use layouter

📚 Where to get help?

There is extensive documentation in the archive

📝 Planned work

  1. Add a directive for positioning. ✅ ¡Ready!
  2. Add more semantic aliases for directives. (Example: from 'mar' to 'margin' or only 'm') ✅ ¡Ready!
  3. Add directives for declaration of superior margins and paddings. ✅ ¡Ready!
  4. Create component for React JS ✅ ¡Ready!
  5. Create component for Vue JS 🏗️ In progress...
  6. Create component for Svelte JS

🧾 License

The code and documentation are published under the Mit License.