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executable file
73 lines (54 loc) · 2.76 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
73 lines (54 loc) · 2.76 KB


    __ ___    _______    ____  _   _______
   / //_/ |  / / ___/   / __ \/ | / / ___/
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/_/ |_| |___//____/  /_____/_/ |_//____/  
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   / __ )___  ____  _____/ /_  ____ ___  ____ ______/ /__
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/_____/\___/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/  /_/|_|

Compare the average throughput of different dns servers.

It compares

  • queries per second
  • answered responeses
  • memory usage
  • failure resiliance


To run the benchmark you need to install ansible version 2. The benchmark is written for a setup of 3 server machines and one or more requesters (yet to test multiple requesters).

It is required to have password-less access between the servers using an SSH-key. In particular:

  • Each machine must have the same user with password-less sudo (same password as well). This was done in order to avoid setting the root user setting ssh keys with other servers.
  • One of the servers will orchestrate backends so this one needs to have password-less SSH access to the others.
  • The requester (or requesters) must be able to connect to the servers using a password-less connection.

The servers must have the following ports open for the KvsDns server for its different backends:

  • Redis: 7001,7002,7003,7004,7005,7006 and 17001,17002,17003,17004,17005,17006 since Redis uses "server port + 10" for intercluster gossip.
  • Cassandra: 7000, 9042, 9160
  • Etcd: 2380, 2379

To compute the results and create charts the python3 environment needs to install the requisites.txt

Run and configuration

Basic configuration requires a non root user, the IP addresses of each machine, and tests configs like which server to test, what test to run, and others. Modify the files:

  • ansible/inventory/hosts
  • ansible/playbooks/group_vars/all.
  • tests.conf; each line sets the variables SERVER and ZONES, the choices are the supported servers/backends and for the zones "random" or "real".

Once the variables are written just run and follow the prompts:

user$ ./



If you wish to create a new dataset to test run

user$ ./

and if you want to remove all data from caches (to have a clean test) using the same script accept the delete databases option.

Remove files

Just remove the working_directory you have configured, and the databases caches if you used etcd.


Mail me at


Hector Castro, Azavea Inc.

Knot Benchmarking DNS