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Java URL Shortener (JUST)

A self-hosted URL Shortener

Swagger API playground:

Try it out at with Postman (ironically, I did not buy a new short domain)


(Optional) Update Default Domain:

  1. PUT :/update/defaultDomain?value=<defaultDomainName>

Sets the default domain name to be returned from the service. Skip this step if you want your application to be mapped to multiple domains.

Note: requires basic authentication based on the USER_NAME and USER_PASS. See Environment Variables

  1. POST: /shorten

Request Body:

  "options": {
    "customPath": "string",
    "domain": "string",
    "liberalHash": true,
    "urlSize": 0,
    "ttl": 0
  "strategy": "custom",
  "url": "string"

url : the URL to shorten


strategy: Can either be custom, hash, word, or wordHashCombo. If no strategy is provided, word is taken as default.

custom: can add a custom URL identifier. The custom URL identifier has to be defined in options.customPath

hash: generates a Hash value as an identifier The hash generated is of size 8 by default. If you require a custom size of hash, you must define it in options.pathSize

word: generate a word based identifer, e.g. upper-dipper-dapper. The default generated is a combination of 3 words. Configurable only from file at the moment

wordHashCombo: Combination of a word and a hash, e.g. hillbilly-ae7f


domain: setting a domain will allow you to get the shortened URL in the form of domain/<identifier>. However this only works when a default domain is not set for the application. If the default domain is set, and no domain is specified in the request, the service will just return the identifier. This helps when you want to map multiple domains to your URL shortening service.

customPath: set this if you select the custom strategy.

urlSize: set this if you select the hash strategy.

liberalHash: adds support for additional characters like $, -, _, ., :, = which are unsafe special characters but can be used in a URL resolver to increase the number of hash values that can be generated from a number. See

ttl (in days): adds a ttl to a URL. Default value considered is 7 days


    "shortUrl": "",
    "ttl": 7,
    "error": ""

  1. PUT:/delete/defaultDomain

Removes the default domain

Note: requires basic authentication based on the USER_NAME and PASSWORD. See Environment Variables

Deployment options:

  1. Run as a JAR file
  2. Run as Docker Image
  3. Compile from source

Environment Variables:

Ensure that Redis Environment variables are set up on your system:

REDIS_HOST=localhost // Redis Host Name
REDIS_PORT=6379      // Redis Port
REDIS_PASS=admin     // Redis Password
USER_NAME=admin      // UserName for access to protected features
PASSWORD=admin      // Password for access to protected features

Run as JAR

Requirements: Java 11 (Recommended using SDKMAN!)

  1. Download the JAR from the releases page
  2. Run with Java 11 using the command
java -jar url-shortener-<release>.jar

Run as Docker Image

Requirements: Docker

You can pull the latest docker image by using

docker pull darshit12/url-shortener:latest

and then run using

docker run -d --env-file ./env.list --publish=8080:8080 -it darshit12/url-shortener

Compile from source


  1. Java 11
  2. Maven
  3. Redis

For installing Redis, use Homebrew

For Java 11 and Maven, I recommend SDKMAN! for easy installs for the above (only works the best if you're on *NIX environments)

Once you have them set up, you can easily run the following commands depending on what you want (JAR or a Docker image)

Ensure that you have Redis running on port 6379 when building from source as these will run integration tests as well as unit tests.


cd url-shortener
mvn clean install

The JAR should be present in the target folder inside url-shortener project.

Docker Image

cd url-shortener
mvn compile jib:dockerBuild

It should build the image directly to your local Docker daemon.

Statistics> SET abcdefghijkl
OK> memory usage abcdefghijkl
(integer) 120

A free Redis instance from RedisLabs provides 30 MB of Storage, which after calculations

120 bytes stored for a key of length 12

30 MB = 31457280 Bytes

31457280/120 = 262144 URLs

means you can store up to 262144 URLs