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Problems using generics in mixin with reflectable 0.4.0 #653

dam0vm3nt opened this issue Dec 2, 2015 · 7 comments

Problems using generics in mixin with reflectable 0.4.0 #653

dam0vm3nt opened this issue Dec 2, 2015 · 7 comments


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This is a prosecution of #651 . Using generics on mixin makes reflectable mess the generated wrapper code.

For example with:

class FantasticMixin<X> {
 @property X field;

class ExampleList extends PolymerElement with FantasticMixin<String> {
  @property List<String> values = [
  ExampleList.created() : super.created();

building you get :

A final variable must be initialized.
Try adding an initializer or removing the 'final' modifier.

but the real problem is that the generated code will contains something that is messed up:

final _data = {
  const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(): new r.ReflectorData(
        new r.GenericClassMirrorImpl(r"FantasticMixin", r".FantasticMixin", 7, 0, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[0], const <int>[2, 3], const <int>[], 14, {}, {}, {}, -1, 0, const <int>[], const <Object>[prefix7.behavior], (o) { return o is prefix1.FantasticMixin && o is! prefix1.polymer.lib.polymer_micro.PolymerElement with .FantasticMixin; }, const <int>[15], 0),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"JsProxy", r"polymer.lib.src.common.js_proxy.JsProxy", 519, 1, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[], const <int>[], const <int>[], 14, {}, {}, const {}, -1, 1, const <int>[], const <Object>[prefix0.jsProxyReflectable]),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"PolymerMixin", r"polymer.src.common.polymer_js_proxy.PolymerMixin", 519, 2, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[], const <int>[], const <int>[], 14, {}, {}, const {}, -1, 2, const <int>[], const <Object>[prefix0.jsProxyReflectable]),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"polymer.lib.polymer_micro.PolymerElement with .FantasticMixin", r".polymer.lib.polymer_micro.PolymerElement with .FantasticMixin", 583, 3, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[0], const <int>[4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3], const <int>[], 8, const {}, const {}, const {}, -1, 0, const <int>[], const []),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"dart.dom.html.HtmlElement with polymer.src.common.polymer_js_proxy.PolymerMixin", r"polymer.lib.polymer_micro.dart.dom.html.HtmlElement with polymer.src.common.polymer_js_proxy.PolymerMixin", 583, 4, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[], const <int>[4, 5, 6], const <int>[], -1, const {}, const {}, const {}, -1, 2, const <int>[], const []),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"PolymerSerialize", r"polymer.src.common.polymer_serialize.PolymerSerialize", 519, 5, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[8, 9], const <int>[8, 9], const <int>[], 14, {}, {}, const {}, -1, 5, const <int>[2], const <Object>[]),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"ExampleList", r".ExampleList", 7, 6, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[1], const <int>[4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 10, 11], const <int>[], 3, {}, {}, {}, -1, 6, const <int>[], const <Object>[const prefix8.PolymerRegister("example-list")]),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"dart.dom.html.HtmlElement with polymer.src.common.polymer_js_proxy.PolymerMixin, polymer_interop.src.js_element_proxy.PolymerBase", r"polymer.lib.polymer_micro.dart.dom.html.HtmlElement with polymer.src.common.polymer_js_proxy.PolymerMixin, polymer_interop.src.js_element_proxy.PolymerBase", 583, 7, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[7], const <int>[4, 5, 6, 7], const <int>[], 4, const {}, const {}, const {}, -1, 9, const <int>[], const []),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"PolymerElement", r"polymer.lib.polymer_micro.PolymerElement", 7, 8, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[], const <int>[4, 5, 6, 7], const <int>[], 7, {}, {}, {}, -1, 8, const <int>[], const <Object>[]),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"PolymerBase", r"polymer_interop.src.js_element_proxy.PolymerBase", 519, 9, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[7], const <int>[7], const <int>[], 14, {}, {}, const {}, -1, 9, const <int>[], const <Object>[]),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"String", r"dart.core.String", 519, 10, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[], const <int>[], const <int>[], 14, {}, {}, const {}, -1, 10, const <int>[], const <Object>[]),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"Type", r"dart.core.Type", 519, 11, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[], const <int>[], const <int>[], 14, {}, {}, const {}, -1, 11, const <int>[], const <Object>[]),
        new r.GenericClassMirrorImpl(r"List", r"dart.core.List", 519, 12, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[], const <int>[], const <int>[], 14, {}, {}, const {}, -1, 12, const <int>[], const <Object>[], (o) { return o is List && o is! prefix6.DomStringList && o is! prefix6.FileList && o is! prefix6.HtmlCollection && o is! prefix6.MimeTypeArray && o is! prefix6.NodeList && o is! prefix6.PluginArray && o is! prefix6.SourceBufferList && o is! prefix6.SpeechGrammarList && o is! prefix6.TextTrackCueList && o is! prefix6.TextTrackList && o is! prefix6.TouchList && o is! prefix6.ImmutableListMixin && o is! prefix9.ListMixin && o is! prefix9.UnmodifiableListView && o is! prefix10.Int8List && o is! prefix10.Uint8List && o is! prefix10.Uint8ClampedList && o is! prefix10.Int16List && o is! prefix10.Uint16List && o is! prefix10.Int32List && o is! prefix10.Uint32List && o is! prefix10.Int64List && o is! prefix10.Uint64List && o is! prefix10.Float32List && o is! prefix10.Float64List && o is! prefix10.Float32x4List && o is! prefix10.Int32x4List && o is! prefix10.Float64x2List && o is! prefix11.SqlResultSetRowList && o is! prefix12.LengthList && o is! prefix12.NumberList && o is! prefix12.PathSegList && o is! prefix12.StringList && o is! prefix12.TransformList; }, const <int>[16], 12),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"Element", r"dart.dom.html.Element", 7, 13, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[4, 5, 6], const <int>[4, 5, 6], const <int>[], -1, {}, {}, {}, -1, 13, const <int>[], const <Object>[]),
        new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"Object", r"dart.core.Object", 7, 14, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <int>[], const <int>[], const <int>[], null, {}, {}, {}, -1, 14, const <int>[], const <Object>[]),
        new r.TypeVariableMirrorImpl(r"X", r".FantasticMixin.X", const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 14, 0, <Object>[]),
        new r.TypeVariableMirrorImpl(r"E", r"dart.core.List.E", const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 14, 12, <Object>[])], <m.DeclarationMirror>[
          new r.VariableMirrorImpl(r"field", 5, 0, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), -1, -1, -1, const <Object>[]),
          new r.VariableMirrorImpl(r"values", 2129925, 6, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 12, -1, -1, const <Object>[]),
          new r.ImplicitGetterMirrorImpl(const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 0, -1, -1, 2),
          new r.ImplicitSetterMirrorImpl(const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 0, -1, -1, 3),
          new r.MethodMirrorImpl(r"attached", 262146, 13, null, -1, -1, const <int>[], const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <Object>[]),
          new r.MethodMirrorImpl(r"detached", 262146, 13, null, -1, -1, const <int>[], const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <Object>[]),
          new r.MethodMirrorImpl(r"attributeChanged", 262146, 13, null, -1, -1, const <int>[1, 2, 3], const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <Object>[]),
          new r.MethodMirrorImpl(r"serializeValueToAttribute", 262146, 9, null, -1, -1, const <int>[4, 5, 6], const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <Object>[]),
          new r.MethodMirrorImpl(r"serialize", 131074, 5, 10, 10, 10, const <int>[7], const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <Object>[]),
          new r.MethodMirrorImpl(r"deserialize", 65538, 5, null, null, null, const <int>[8, 9], const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), const <Object>[]),
          new r.ImplicitGetterMirrorImpl(const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 1, -1, -1, 10),
          new r.ImplicitSetterMirrorImpl(const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 1, -1, -1, 11)],
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"_field", 102, 3, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), null, -1, -1, const [], null),
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"name", 32774, 6, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 10, -1, -1, const <Object>[], null),
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"oldValue", 32774, 6, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 10, -1, -1, const <Object>[], null),
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"newValue", 32774, 6, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 10, -1, -1, const <Object>[], null),
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"value", 16390, 7, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), null, -1, -1, const <Object>[], null),
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"attribute", 32774, 7, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 10, -1, -1, const <Object>[], null),
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"node", 36870, 7, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 13, -1, -1, const <Object>[], null),
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"value", 16390, 8, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), null, -1, -1, const <Object>[], null),
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"value", 32774, 9, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 10, -1, -1, const <Object>[], null),
          new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"type", 32774, 9, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 11, -1, -1, const <Object>[], null),
        new r.ParameterMirrorImpl(r"_values", 2130022, 11, const prefix0.JsProxyReflectable(), 12, -1, -1, const [], null)], <Type>[prefix1.FantasticMixin, prefix0.JsProxy, prefix2.PolymerMixin, const r.FakeType(r".polymer.lib.polymer_micro.PolymerElement with .FantasticMixin"), const r.FakeType(r"polymer.lib.polymer_micro.dart.dom.html.HtmlElement with polymer.src.common.polymer_js_proxy.PolymerMixin"), prefix4.PolymerSerialize, prefix1.ExampleList, const r.FakeType(r"polymer.lib.polymer_micro.dart.dom.html.HtmlElement with polymer.src.common.polymer_js_proxy.PolymerMixin, polymer_interop.src.js_element_proxy.PolymerBase"), prefix3.PolymerElement, prefix5.PolymerBase, String, Type, List, prefix6.Element, Object], 15, {r"field": (dynamic instance) => instance.field, r"attached": (dynamic instance) => instance.attached, r"detached": (dynamic instance) => instance.detached, r"attributeChanged": (dynamic instance) => instance.attributeChanged, r"serializeValueToAttribute": (dynamic instance) => instance.serializeValueToAttribute, r"serialize": (dynamic instance) => instance.serialize, r"deserialize": (dynamic instance) => instance.deserialize, r"values": (dynamic instance) => instance.values}, {r"field=": (dynamic instance, value) => instance.field = value, r"values=": (dynamic instance, value) => instance.values = value}, null)};

Notably :

... (o) { return o is prefix1.FantasticMixin && o is! prefix1.polymer.lib.polymer_micro.PolymerElement with .FantasticMixin; } ...


... new r.NonGenericClassMirrorImpl(r"polymer.lib.polymer_micro.PolymerElement with .FantasticMixin", ...
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I realize only now that probably this should be a reflectable issue more than a polymer-dart one...

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eernstg commented Dec 2, 2015

There is an issue at google/reflectable.dart#48 about this bug now. Copy/paste from the code quoted above produces text containing some <span>..</span> tokens, but after I removed that it seems likely that there is only one problem: A mixin application (whose "name" is on the format A with M) is used in an is! test, which is of course not syntactically correct. That problem is being addressed in relation to google/reflectable.dart#48.

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eernstg commented Dec 2, 2015

You can do git clone '' now and put something like

    path: ../the/path/to/reflectable

into your 'pubspec.yaml', and try it out with the version of reflectable that contains a fix for the code generation bug (0f06199f91c49601ba1133a0a8f42cd0faa0d4b9).

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ok now it works. tnx.

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@eernstg I'm getting

Cannot resolve 'field'.

Doesn't seem to like this area

const <Object>[const prefix32.field('created_at')]

That's an annotation on one of my models. So not sure what it's doing there.

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eernstg commented Dec 3, 2015

Sounds like a new issue, could you please report it as an issue on

The fact that it is an annotation on one of your models could mean that it is there because there is a reflector which covers that class and includes a metadataCapability. In that case it should be possible to perform a myClassMirorr.metadata query, and it should return the list you mentioned. But maybe it fails because something is wrong in the computation of prefix32.

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I think this is resolved now, please re-open if that is not the case

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