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The Design of Reflectable Capabilities

This document is intended to give a conceptually based presentation of the design choices that we have made regarding the class ReflectCapability and its subtypes, which is a set of classes declared in the library package:reflectable/capability.dart in package reflectable. For a more programming oriented point of view, please consult the library documentation. We use the word capability to designate instances of subtypes of class ReflectCapability. This class and its subtypes are used when specifying the level of support that a client of the package reflectable will get for reflective operations in a given context, e.g., for instances of a specific class. We use the word client when referring to a library which is importing and using the package reflectable, or a package containing such a library. Using one or another capability as metadata on a class C in client code may determine whether or not it is possible to reflectively invoke a method on an instance of C via an InstanceMirror. Given that one main reason for having the package reflectable in the first place is to save space consumed by less frugal kinds of reflection, the ability to restrict reflection support to the actual needs is a core point in the design of the package.

It should be noted that the notion of capabilities in this document and in relation to the package reflectable in general is different from the capability concept known from operating systems research, which is about unforgeable tokens of authority (that is, large and secret numbers). Here, a capability is only concerned with the ability to do something, not with security.

Context and Design Ideas

To understand the topics covered in this document, we need to briefly outline how to understand the package reflectable as a whole. Then we proceed to explain how we partition the universe of possible kinds of support for reflection, such that we have a set of kinds of reflection to choose from. Finally we explain how capabilities are used to make a selection among these choices, and how they can be applied to specific parts of the client program.

The Package Reflectable

The package reflectable is an example of support for mirror-based introspective reflection in object-oriented languages in general, and it should be understandable as such [1]. More specifically, the reflection API offered by the package reflectable has been copied verbatim from the API offered by the package dart:mirrors, and then modified in a few ways. As a result, code using dart:mirrors should be very similar to corresponding code using package reflectable. The differences that do exist were introduced for two reasons:

  • By design, some operations which are declared as top-level functions in dart:mirrors are declared as methods on the class Reflectable in the package reflectable, because instances of subclasses thereof, known as reflectors, are intended to play the role as mirror systems [1, or search 'mirror systems' below], and these operations are mirror system specific. For instance, the top-level function reflect in dart:mirrors corresponds to two different methods for two different mirror systems (with different semantics, so they cannot be merged).

  • Some proposals have been made for changes to the dart:mirrors API. We took the opportunity to try out an updated API by making modifications in the signatures of certain methods. For instance, InstanceMirror.invoke will return the result from the method invocation, not an InstanceMirror wrapping it. In general, mirror operations return base level values rather than mirrors thereof in the cases where the mirrors are frequently discarded immediately, and where it is easy to create the mirror if needed. Mirror class method signatures have also been modified in one more way: Where dart:mirrors methods accept arguments or return results involving Symbol, package reflectable uses String. This helps avoiding difficulties associated with minification (which is an automated, pervasive renaming procedure that is applied to programs mainly in order to save space), because String values remain unchanged throughout compilation.

  • New methods have been added to certain mirrors such that the package reflectable also provides an extended API compared to dart:mirrors. In particular, variable mirrors and parameter mirrors support the method reflectedType and method mirrors support reflectedReturnType. These methods are short hands for method invocation chains (that is, they work like .type.reflectedType respectively .returnType.reflectedType). The reason for having them is that the intermediate class mirror need not exist, which means that the space consumption can be reduced in cases where a substantial number of class mirrors would exist only because they would occur as intermediate results during execution of those particular method call chains. An added method on reflectors is getInstance, which returns the canonical reflector for a given reflector class; this method is needed in order to enable meta-level reflection, where the current program is browsed programmatically in order to find a suitable mirror system.

In summary, the vast majority of the API offered by the package reflectable is identical to the API offered by dart:mirrors, and design documents about that API or about reflection in general [2,3] will serve to document the underlying ideas and design choices.

Reflection Capability Design

The obvious novel element in package reflectable is that it allows clients to specify the level of support for reflection in a new way, by using capabilities in metadata. This section outlines the semantics of reflection capabilities, i.e., which kinds of criteria they should be able to express.

In general, we maintain the property that the specifications of reflection support with one reflector (that is, inside one mirror-system) are monotone, in the sense that any program having a certain amount of reflection support will support at least as many reflective operations if additional specifications are added to the given reflector. In other words, reflection support specifications can request additional features, they can never prevent any reflection features from being supported. As a result, we obtain a modularity law: a programmer who browses source code and encounters a reflection support specification S somewhere can always trust that the corresponding kind of reflection support will be present in the program. Other parts of the program may still add even more reflection support, but they cannot withdraw the features requested by S. Similarly, the specifications are idempotent, that is, multiple specifications requesting the same feature or overlapping feature sets are harmless, it makes no difference whether a particular thing has been requested once or several times.

Mirror API Based Capabilities

The level of support for reflection may in principle be specified in many ways: there is a plethora of ways to use reflection, and ideally the client should be able to request support for exactly that which is needed. In order to drastically simplify this universe of possibilities and still maintain a useful level of expressive power, we have decided to use the following stratification as an overall framework for the design:

  • The most basic kind of reflection support specification simply addresses the API of the mirror classes directly, that is, it is concerned with "turning on" support for the use of individual methods or small groups of methods in the mirror classes. For instance, it is possible to turn on support for InstanceMirror.invoke using one capability, and another capability will turn on ClassMirror.invoke. In case a supported method is called it behaves like the corresponding method in a corresponding mirror class from dart:mirrors (except for the adjustments mentioned above, such as returning a base value rather than a mirror on it). In case an unsupported method is called, an exception is thrown.

  • As a refinement of the API based specification, we have chosen to focus on the specification of allowable argument values given to specific methods in the API. For instance, it is possible to specify a predicate which is used to filter existing method names such that InstanceMirror.invoke is supported for methods whose name satisfies that predicate. An example usage could be testing, where reflective invocation of all methods whose name ends in ...Test might be a convenient feature, as opposed to the purely static approach where someone would have to write a centralized listing of all such methods, which could then be used to call them.

With these mechanisms, it is possible to specify support for reflection in terms of mirrors and the features that they offer, independently of the actual source code in the client program.

Reflectee Based Capabilities

Another dimension in the support for reflection is the selection of which parts of the client program the mirrors will be able to reflect upon, both when a ClassMirror reflects upon one of those classes, and when an InstanceMirror reflects upon one of its instances. In short, this dimension is concerned with the available selection of reflectees.

The general feature covering this type of specification is quantification over source code elements—in particular over classes and other top-level declarations. In this area we have focused on the mechanisms listed below. Note that MyReflector is assumed to be the name of a subclass of Reflectable and myReflector is assumed to be a const instance of MyReflector, by canonicalization the unique const instance thereof. This allows us to refer to the general concept of a reflector in terms of the example, myReflector, along with its class and similar associated declarations.

  • Reflection support is initiated by invoking one of the methods reflect or reflectType on myReflector. We have chosen to omit the capability to do reflect (in the sense that this is always possible) because there is little reason for having reflection at all without support for instance mirrors. In contrast, we have chosen to have a capability for obtaining class mirrors and similar source code oriented mirrors, which also controls the ability to perform reflectType; this is because having these mirrors may be costly in terms of program size, and it may not be needed in some situations. Finally, we have chosen to omit the method reflectClass, because it may be replaced by reflectType, followed by originalDeclaration when isOriginalDeclaration is false.

  • The basic mechanism to get reflection support for a class C is to attach metadata to it, and this metadata must be a reflector such as myReflector. The class Reflectable has a constructor which is const and takes a single argument of type List<ReflectCapability> and another constructor which takes up to ten arguments of type ReflectCapability (thus avoiding the boilerplate that explicitly makes it a list). MyReflector must have a single constructor which is const and takes zero arguments. It is thus enforced that MyReflector passes the List<ReflectCapability> in its constructor via a superinitializer, such that every instance of MyReflector has the same state, "the same capabilities". In summary, this basic mechanism will request reflection support for one class, at the level specified by the capabilities stored in the metadata.

  • The reflection support specification can be non-local, that is, it could be placed in a different location in the program than on the target class itself. This is needed when there is a need to request reflection support for a class in a library that cannot be edited (it could be predefined, it could be provided by a third party such that modifications incur repeated maintenance after updates, etc.). This feature has been known as side tags since the beginnings of the package reflectable. They must be attached as metadata to an import directive for the library package:reflectable/reflectable.dart.

  • Quantification generalizes the single-class specifications by allowing a single specification to specify that the capabilities given as its arguments should apply to a set of classes or other program elements. It is easy to provide quantification mechanisms, but we do not want to pollute the package with a bewildering richness of quantification mechanisms, so each of the ones we have should be comprehensible and reasonably powerful, and they should not overlap. So far, we have focused on the following variants:

    • It should be possible to request reflection support for a set of classes chosen via some query mechanism. Obvious candidate quantification mechanisms quantify over all superclasses; over all supertypes; over all subclasses; over all subtypes of a given class; and over all classes whose name matches a given pattern.
    • Quantification as in the previous bullet is centralized because it is based on one specification which is then used to 'query' the whole program for matching entities. It is common and useful to supplement this with a decentralized mechanism, where programmers explicitly mark each member of a set, for instance by attaching a certain marker as metadata to those members. This makes it possible to maintain the set precisely and explicitly, even in the cases where the members do not share obvious common traits that fit into the centralized 'query' approach. A good example is that a set of methods can be given reflective support by annotating them with metadata; for instance, we may wish to be able to reflectively invoke all methods marked with @businessRule.

It is worth noting the flexibility that is enabled by the separation of the mechanisms for supporting specific methods on mirrors (API related) and for supporting specific target classes (reflectee related). The separation comes about because API related support is specified in reflector classes via capabilities, and reflectee related support is specified by adding reflectors as metadata to top-level declarations like classes, and via global quantifiers. In particular, it is possible to use a reflector which is declared in some third-party package, and then locally specify which classes that reflector should provide reflection support for, because there is no need to edit the reflector class itself.

We subscribe to a point of view where reflective operations are divided into (a) operations concerned with the dynamic behavior of instances, and (b) operations concerned with the structure of the program; let us call the former behavioral operations and the latter introspective operations. As an example, using InstanceMirror.invoke in order to execute a method on the reflectee is a behavioral operation, whereas it is an introspective operation to use ClassMirror.declarations in order to investigate the set of members that an instance of the reflected class would have.

An important consequence of this distinction is that behavioral operations are concerned with the actual behaviors of objects, which means that inherited method implementations have the same status as method implementations declared in the class which is the runtime type of the reflectee. Conversely, introspective operations are concerned with source code entities such as declarations, and hence the declarations reported for a given class does not include inherited declarations, they must be found by explicitly iterating over the superclass chain. Similarly, the introspective point of view includes abstract member declarations, but they are ignored when using the behavioral point of view.

Finally, we need to elaborate a little on the notion of mirror systems, which is a term that we have already used several times. As mentioned earlier, the 2004 OOPSLA paper by Bracha and Ungar establishes the conceptual foundation for mirrors and mirror systems [1]. A mirror system is a set of features which provide support for mirror based reflection in a specialized context, e.g., only for some classes or methods in a given execution rather than all classes and all methods, or only for some of the features that mirrors can provide, e.g., only for reflective invocation of instance methods and not for static methods. Typical examples could also be mirror systems tailored for remote debugging, or for compile-time reflection, but those examples are less relevant here.

With package reflectable, we need the concept of mirror systems because it can be useful to use several different mirror systems in the same program, e.g., when a few classes require extensive reflection support and a large number of other classes require just a little bit. In that situation, using a powerful mirror system with the former and a minimalist one with the latter may be worth the effort, due to the globally improved resource economy.

Some extra complexity must be expected; e.g., if we can obtain both a "cheap" and a "powerful" mirror for the same object it will happen via something like myCheapReflectable.reflect(o) respectively myPowerfulReflectable.reflect(o). It is up to the programmer to avoid asking the cheap one to do powerful things. In return, the program as a whole may save a substantial amount of space, compared to the situation where a single mirror system is used and every class with any need for reflection must carry the full set of data for the most demanding kind of reflection done anywhere in that program.

Specifying Reflection Capabilities

As mentioned in the first section of this document, reflection capabilities are specified using the subtype hierarchy rooted in the class ReflectCapability in package:reflectable/capability.dart. Instances of these classes are used to build something that may well be considered as abstract syntax trees for a domain specific language. This section describes how this setup can be used to specify reflection support using that "domain specific language".

The subtype hierarchy under ReflectCapability is sealed, in the sense that there is a set of subtypes of ReflectCapability in that library, and there should never be any other subtypes of that class, as explained below.

Being used as const values, instances of these classes obviously cannot have mutable state, but some of them do contain const values such as Strings or Types. Capabilities do not have methods, except the ones that they inherit from Object. Altogether, this means that instances of these classes cannot "do anything", but they can be used to build immutable trees, and the universe of possible trees is fixed because the set of classes is fixed. This makes the trees similar to abstract syntax trees, and we can ascribe a semantics to these syntax trees from the outside. That semantics may be implemented by an interpreter or a translator. The sealedness of the set of classes involved is required because an unknown subtype of ReflectCapability would not have a semantics, and interpreters and translators would not be able to handle them.

In other words, we specify reflection capabilities by building a representation of an expression in a domain specific language; let us call that language the reflectable capability language. There is a translator for that language, which is an integrated part of the implementation of the package reflectable (namely the code generator).

It is obviously possible to have multiple representations of expressions in this language, and we have considered introducing a traditional, textual syntax for it. We could have a parser that accepts a String, parses it, and yields an abstract syntax tree consisting of instances of subtypes of ReflectCapability, or reports a syntax error. A Reflectable constructor taking a String argument could be provided, and the String could be parsed when needed. This would be a convenient (but less safe) way for programmers to specify reflection support, possibly as an alternative to the current approach where the abstract syntax trees must be specified directly.

However, the textual syntax is used in this document only because it is concise and easy to read, it has not been (and might never be) implemented. Hence, actual code using the reflectable capability language will have to use the more verbose form that directly builds an object structure representing an abstract syntax tree for that expression. Example code showing how this is done can be found in the package test_reflectable.

In this document, we will discuss this language in terms of its grammatical structure, along with an informal semantics of each construct.

Specifying Mirror API Based Capabilities

Figure 1 shows the raw material for the elements in one part of the reflectable capability language grammar. The left side of the figure contains tokens representing abstract concepts for clustering, and the right side contains tokens representing each of the methods in the entire mirror API. A few tokens represent more than one method (for instance, all of VariableMirror, MethodMirror, and TypeVariableMirror have an isStatic getter, and metadata is also defined in two classes), but they have been merged into one token because those methods play the same role semantically in all contexts where they occur. In other cases where the semantics differ (invoke, invokeGetter, invokeSetter, and declarations) there are multiple tokens for each method name, indicating the enclosing mirror class with a prefix ending in _.

Strong Specialization
invocation instance_invoke | class_invoke | library_invoke | instance_invokeGetter | class_invokeGetter | library_invokeGetter | instance_invokeSetter | class_invokeSetter | library_invokeSetter | delegate | apply | newInstance
naming simpleName | qualifiedName | constructorName
classification isPrivate | isTopLevel | isImport | isExport | isDeferred | isShow | isHide | isOriginalDeclaration | isAbstract | isStatic | isSynthetic | isRegularMethod | isOperator | isGetter | isSetter | isConstructor | isConstConstructor | isGenerativeConstructor | isRedirectingConstructor | isFactoryConstructor | isFinal | isConst | isOptional | isNamed | hasDefaultValue | hasReflectee | hasReflectedType
annotation metadata
typing instance_type | variable_type | parameter_type | typeVariables | typeArguments | originalDeclaration | isSubtypeOf | isAssignableTo | superclass | superinterfaces | mixin | isSubclassOf | returnType | upperBound | referent
concretization reflectee | reflectedType
introspection owner | function | uri | library_declarations | class_declarations | libraryDependencies | sourceLibrary | targetLibrary | prefix | combinators | instanceMembers | staticMembers | parameters | callMethod | defaultValue
text location | source

Figure 1. Reflectable capability language API raw material.

Figure 2 shows a reduction of this raw material to a set of capabilities that we consider reasonable. It does not allow programmers to select their capabilities with the same degree of detail, but we expect that the complexity reduction is sufficiently valuable to justify the less fine-grained control.

We have added RegExp arguments, specifying that each of these capabilities can meaningfully apply a pattern matching constraint to select the methods, getters, etc. which are included. Concretely, this argument is a String which is used as a regular expression. The empty RegExp is the default value, which means that all entities in the relevant category are included when the RegExp is omitted.

Similarly, we have created variants taking a MetadataClass argument which expresses that an entity in the relevant category is included iff it has been annotated with metadata whose type is a subtype of the given MetadataClass (it can be the trivial subtype, i.e., MetadataClass itself). That argument is an instance of type Type corresponding to the intended class.

In summary, this provides support for centralized and slightly abstract selection of entities using regular expressions, and it provides support for decentralized selection of entities using metadata to explicitly mark the entities.

It is important to note that the MetadataClass is potentially unrelated to the package reflectable: We have the use case where some class C from a package P unrelated to reflectable happens to fit well, because instances of C are already attached as metadata to the relevant set of members. That could in turn be because some other package requires C metadata for some other purpose which is somehow linked to the need for reflection, e.g., serialization.

Non-terminal Expansion
apiSelection invocation | annotation | typing | introspection
invocation instanceInvoke([RegExp]) | instanceInvokeMeta(MetadataClass) | staticInvoke([RegExp]) | staticInvokeMeta(MetadataClass) | topLevelInvoke([RegExp]) | topLevelInvokeMeta(MetadataClass) | newInstance([RegExp]) | newInstanceMeta(MetadataClass)
delegation delegate
annotation metadata
typing type | typeRelations
introspection owner | declarations | uri | libraryDependencies

Figure 2. Reflectable capability language API grammar tokens.

In the category invocation we have used the prefix topLevel rather than library, because this terminology is common in the existing documentation of mirror classes. The category naming was eliminated and support for the corresponding features is always provided, because the need for disabling these features never arose in practice and they are cheap to support; the category classification was handled in the same manner, and so was concretization. The category text was removed because we do not plan to support reflective access to the source code as a whole at this point.

We have omitted apply and function because we do not have support for ClosureMirror and we do not expect to get it anytime soon.

The category delegation was separated out from invocation, because support for delegation is rather costly.

The category typing was simplified in several ways: instance_type was renamed into type because of its prominence. The method reflectType on reflectors is only supported when this capability is present. The capabilities variable_type, parameter_type, and returnType were unified into type because they are concerned with lookups for the same kind of mirrors, but the set of classes supported is controlled using a type annotation quantifier, described below. To give some control over the level of detail in the type related mirrors, typeVariables, typeArguments, originalDeclaration, isSubtypeOf, isAssignableTo, superclass, superinterfaces, mixin, isSubclassOf, upperBound, and referent were unified into typeRelations; they all address relations among types, type variables, and typedefs, and it may cause a substantial space overhead to preserve the associated information if it is never used.

The category introspection was also simplified: We unified class_declarations, library_declarations, instanceMembers, staticMembers, callMethod, parameters, and defaultValue into declarations. Finally we unified the import and export properties into libraryDependencies such that it subsumes sourceLibrary, targetLibrary, prefix, and combinators. We have retained the owner capability separately, because we expect the ability to look up the enclosing declaration for a given declaration to be too costly to include implicitly as part of another capability. We have also retained the uri capability separately because the preservation of information about URIs in JavaScript translated code (which is needed in order to implement the method uri on a library mirror) has been characterized as a security problem in some contexts.

Note that certain reflective methods are non-elementary in the sense that they can be implemented entirely based on other reflective methods, the elementary ones. This affects the following capabilities: isSubtypeOf, isAssignableTo, isSubclassOf, instanceMembers, and staticMembers. These methods can be implemented in a general manner, so they are provided as part of the package reflectable rather than being generated. Hence, they are supported if and only if the methods they rely on are supported. This is what it means when we say that instanceMembers has been 'unified into' declarations.

Covering Multiple API Based Capabilities Concisely

In order to avoid overly verbose syntax in the cases where relatively broad reflection support is requested, we have chosen to introduce some grouping tokens. They do not contribute anything new, they just offer a more concise notation for certain selections of capabilities that are expected to occur together frequently. Figure 3 shows these grouping tokens. As an aid to remember what this additional syntax means, we have used words ending in 'ing' to give a hint about the tiny amount of abstraction involved in grouping several capabilities into a single construct.

Group Meaning
invoking([RegExp]) instanceInvoke([RegExp]), staticInvoke([RegExp]), newInstance([RegExp])
invokingMeta(MetadataClass) instanceInvokeMeta(MetadataClass), staticInvokeMeta(MetadataClass), newInstanceMeta(MetadataClass>)
typing type, name, classify, metadata, typeRelations, owner, declarations, uri, libraryDependencies

Figure 3. Grouping tokens for the reflectable capability language.

The semantics of including the capability invoking(RegExp) where RegExp stands for a given argument is identical to the semantics of including all three capabilities in the same row on the right hand side of the figure, giving all of them the same RegExp as argument. Similarly, invoking() without an argument requests support for reflective invocation of all instance methods, all static methods, and all constructors. The semantics of including the capability invokingMeta(MetadataClass) is the same as the semantics of including all three capabilities to the right in the same row, with the same argument. Finally, the semantics of including typing is to request support for all the capabilities on the right; that is, requesting support for every feature associated with information about the program structure.

Automatically Obtaining Related Capabilities

We have chosen to use the subtype structure among capabilities to ensure that there is an automatic relation between some of them. For instance, if you specify the declarations capability then the type capability is automatically also included. The reason for this is that the declarations capability is useless unless there are some class or library mirrors from which those declarations can be obtained, i.e., there is no situation where anyone would need the declarations capability and not the type capability. The details of this mechanism can be inspected by checking the actual subtype relationships among the capability classes: If a capability class C1 is a subtype of another capability class C0 then inclusion of C1 implies inclusion of C0.

Specifying Reflectee Based Capabilities

In the previous section we found a way to specify mirror API based capabilities as a grammar. It is very simple, because it consists of terminals only, apart from the fact that some of these terminals take an argument that is used to restrict the supported arguments to the matching names. As shown in Fig. 2, the non-terminal apiSelection covers them all. We shall use them several at a time, so the typical usage is a list, written as apiSelection*.

In this section we discuss how the reflection support specified by a given apiSelection* can be requested for a specific set of program elements. The program elements that receive reflection support are called the targets of the specification, and the specification itself is given as a superinitializer in a subclass (call it MyReflector) of class Reflectable, with a unique instance (call it myReflector). Now, myReflector is used as metadata somewhere in the program, and each kind of capability is only applicable as an annotation in certain locations, which is discussed below.

Figure 4 shows how capabilities and annotations can be constructed, generally starting from an apiSelection*. The non-terminals in this part of the grammar have been named after the intended location of the metadata which is or contains a capability of the corresponding kind.

Non-terminals Expansions
reflector Reflectable(targetMetadata)
targetMetadata apiSelection | subtypeQuantify | superclassQuantify(upperBound, excludeUpperBound) | typeAnnotationQuantify(transitive) | correspondingSetterQuantify | admitSubtype
globalMetadata globalQuantify(RegExp, reflector) | globalQuantifyMeta(MetadataClass, reflector)

Figure 4. Reflectable capability language target selection.

In practice, a reflector is an instance of a subclass of class Reflectable that is directly attached to a class as metadata, or passed to a global quantifier; in the running example terminology it is the object myReflector. The reflector has one piece of state that we model with targetMetadata. In the grammar in Fig. 4 we use the identifier Reflectable to stand for all the subclasses, and we model the state by letting it take the corresponding targetMetadata as an argument. The semantics of annotating a class with a given reflector depends on the targetMetadata, as described below.

A targetMetadata capability can be a base level set of capabilities, that is, an apiSelection*, and it can also be a quantifier, possibly taking an argument for expressing variants. The semantics of attaching a reflector containing a plain apiSelection* to a target class C is that reflection support at the level specified by the given apiSelection* is provided for the class C and instances thereof.

The semantics of attaching a reflector containing subtypeQuantify to a class C is that the reflection support specified by the apiSelection elements given to the same reflector is provided for all classes which are subtypes of the class C, including C itself, and their instances.

The semantics of attaching a reflector containing superclassQuantify(upperBound, excludeUpperBound) to a class C is that the reflection support specified by the apiSelection elements given to the same reflector is provided for all classes (and their instances) which are superclasses of the class C, including C itself and stopping at the given upperBound or immediately below it if excludeUpperBound is true. If excludeUpperBound is omitted then it is taken to be false, and if upperBound is omitted then it is taken to be Object.

The set of classes receiving reflection support as specified by a given reflector is computed as the least fixed point based on these rules. For instance, subtypeQuantify gives rise to repeated addition of immediate subtypes of the already included classes until such a state is reached where this does not add any classes. The fixed point computation adds subtypes first in one phase, and then it adds superclasses in a second phase. Note that we would trivially have included all classes (under the upper bound, and with the default upper bound: all classes at all) when both quantifiers are present if we had used the opposite order, or if we had run the fixed point iteration on the two together, so the chosen ordering is the only meaningful ordering.

If the declarations capability is specified then it is possible to obtain a class mirror and then look up the variable mirrors for its fields and the method mirrors for its methods, getters, and setters (using the declarations, instanceMembers, or staticMembers methods on the class mirror). With those mirrors it is in turn possible to look up further class mirrors, such as the mirrors of the types of the parameters of the given method mirrors, and that procedure could be repeated any number of times. This means that a naively provided support for all reachable class mirrors would easily cause all classes in a program to be included, even though this may not be a good choice. Because of this, we have chosen to omit all the class mirrors for the type annotations of declarations by default. If those class mirrors should indeed be included then they must be requested explicitly. This is done using the typeAnnotationQuantify capability.

The semantics of attaching a reflector containing typeAnnotationQuantify(transient) to a class C is that the set of included class mirrors will be enhanced with all the classes used as type annotations in included members. That is, the set of already included classes is traversed, each of the included members of those classes is inspected (a method, say, is included if it matches the given RegExp or carries the given type of metadata, if the corresponding capability takes such an argument). For each parameter as well as the return value of that method, any given type annotation which is a class is added to the set of included classes. This process runs just once if transient is false or omitted, and it runs until no more classes are added if transient is true.

The extension of the set of covered classes based on type annotations, whether it is a single step or a fixed point iteration, takes place in a third phase, after the subtype and superclass fixed point iterations.

The semantics of attaching a reflector containing admitSubtype to a class C is subtle enough to warrant a slightly more detailed discussion, given in the next section. The basic idea is that it allows instances of subtypes of the target class to be treated as if they were instances of the target class.

Finally, we support "side tags" using global quantifiers, globalQuantify(RegExp, reflector) and globalQuantifyMeta(MetadataClass, reflector). Currently, we have decided that they must be attached as metadata to an import statement importing package:reflectable/reflectable.dart, but we may relax this restriction if other placements turn out to be helpful in practice. Due to the monotone semantics of capabilities it is not a problem if a given program contains more than one such globalMetadata, the provided reflection support will simply be the least one that satisfies all requests.

The semantics of having globalQuantify(RegExp, reflector) in a program is identical to the semantics of having the given reflector attached directly to each of those classes in the program whose qualified name matches the given RegExp. Similarly, the semantics of having globalQuantifyMeta(MetadataClass, reflector) in a program is identical to the semantics of having the given reflector attached directly to each of those classes whose metadata includes an instance of type MetadataClass or a subtype thereof.

Included Members and No Such Method

In general, coverage is based on a bottom-up semantics: With a given set of capabilities, the set of covered classes and the set of covered members inside them is computed as a query over the given program. This is a bottom-up semantics because it sets out from the empty coverage and then extends the coverage with concrete elements that do exist in your program.

Consider a member in a covered class. If it does not match the coverage criteria (its name does not match a given regular expression and it does not have any of the requested types of metadata), it has the same status as a class name or member name for which there does not exist any declaration at all. When invoking methods with a given actual list L of arguments, the method is considered to be non-existing even if there is a declaration of a method with the specified name, if its formal parameter list does not admit an invocation using L as the actual arguments. For instance, even if void foo(int i) exists, it is a no-such-method event if we encounter the invocation foo(0, bar: true).

The crucial difference between this semantics and the semantics associated with no-such-method events for a native Dart invocation is that the method in question may be missing entirely, or it may be denied coverage, because the given capabilities are too strict. Hence, in order to enable programmers to handle the no-such-method situations properly for a reflectable invocation, we treat these situations differently from the way a native no-such-method situation is treated. Whereas a native invocation failure causes noSuchMethod to be invoked on the same receiver with an Invocation argument that describes the selector and the arguments, the reflectable invocation failure causes a ReflectableNoSuchMethodError to be thrown. This type of exception contains a StringInvocation which specifies the same information about the invocation as an Invocation, except that its memberName is a string rather than a symbol. Programmers may catch this invocation and react in whatever way is appropriate in the context, e.g., by calling their own variant of noSuchMethod.

Completely or Partially Mirrored Instances?

Traditionally, it is assumed that reflective access to an instance, a class, or some other entity will provide a complete and faithful view of that entity. For instance, it should be possible for reflective code to access features declared as private even when that reflective code is located in a context where non-reflective access to the same features would not be allowed. Moreover, when a reflective lookup is used to learn which class a given object is an instance of, it is expected that the response describes the actual runtime type of the object, and not some superclass such as the statically known type of that object in some context.

In the package reflectable there are reasons for violating this completeness assumption, and some of them are built-in consequences of the reasons for having this package in the first place. In other words, these restrictions will not go away entirely. Other restrictions may be lifted in the future, because they were introduced based on certain trade-offs made in the implementation of the package.

The main motivation for providing the package reflectable is that the more general support for reflection provided by the dart:mirrors package tends to be too costly at run time in terms of program size, or maybe the resource implications of having dart:mirrors are such that the support for dart:mirrors has been omitted entirely. Hence, it is a core point for package reflectable to specify a restricted version of reflection that fits the purposes of a given program, such that it can be done using a significantly smaller amount of space. Consequently, it will be perfectly normal for such a program to have reflective support for an object without reflective access to, say, some of its methods. There are several other kinds of coverage which is incomplete by design, and they are not a problem: they are part of the reason for using package reflectable in the first place.

The following subsections discuss two different situations where some restrictions apply that are not there by design. We first discuss cases where access to private features is incomplete, and then we discuss the consequences of admitting subtypes as specified with admitSubtype(apiSelection*).

Privacy Related Restrictions

The restrictions discussed in this subsection are motivated by trade-offs in the implementation in package reflectable, so we need to mention some implementation details. The package reflectable has been designed for code generation. The code generator receives a program (which is using package reflectable) as input, and generates code which provides support for the requested reflective features, using a "database" of mirror creation expressions and consulting that database at run time, all implemented using ordinary, non-reflective code.

Ordinary code cannot violate privacy restrictions. Hence, the reflective operations provided by package reflectable cannot, say, read or write a private field in a library which is different from the one that contains the relevant generated code. But the current code generation approach always and only generates one new library which contains all the generated code; this means that no private declaration at all in the program can be reached from generated code, not even the ones in the current package.

It would in principle be possible to modify all the libraries in the current package itself, but even though this could be used to get access to the private declarations locally, it would still leave all private declarations in imported packages out of reach. However, this would only help in the cases where a solution is not so desparately needed: Libraries in the local package could normally just be edited, adding a suitable public declaration in order to give some kind of access to the member which is otherwise inaccessible.

There are a couple of exceptions: Mirrors for private classes can be obtained from a mirror on the enclosing library, and private classes in superclass chains are preserved, such that it will work to iterate over all superclasses if superclass quantification has been requested. But these private classes do not support invocation of static methods, and they do not support getting a mirror on their instances.

Considerations around Admitting Subtypes

When a targetMetadata on the form apiSelection* is attached to a given class C, the effect is that reflection support is provided for the class C and for instances of C. However, that support can be extended to give partial reflection support for instances of subtypes of C in a way that does not incur further costs in terms of program size: A mirror generated for instances of class C can have a reflectee (the object being mirrored by that mirror) whose type is a proper subtype of C. A targetMetadata on the form admitSubtype(apiSelection*) is used to specify exactly this: It enables an instance mirror to hold a reflectee which is an instance of a proper subtype of the type that the mirror was generated for.

The question arises which instance mirror to use for a given object O with runtime type D which is given as an argument to the operation reflect on a reflector, when there is no mirror class which was created for exactly D. This is the situation where a subtype reflectee is actually admitted. In general, there may be multiple candidate mirror classes corresponding to classes C1, C2, .. Ck which are "least supertypes of D" in the sense that no type E is a proper supertype of D and a proper subtype of Ci for any i (this also implies that no two classes Ci and Cj are subtypes of each other). The language specification includes an algorithm which will find a uniquely determined supertype of C1 .. Ck which is called their least upper bound. We cannot use this algorithm directly because we have an arbitrary subset of the types in a type hierarchy rather than all types, and then we need to make a similar decision for this "sparse" subtype hierarchy that only includes classes with reflection support from the given reflector. Nevertheless, we expect that it is possible to create a variant of the least upper bound algorithm which will work for these sparse subtype hierarchies.

It should be noted that a very basic invariant which is commonly assumed for reflection support in various languages is violated: An instance mirror constructed for type C can have a reflectee which is an instance of a proper subtype D. Of course, not all mirror systems have anything like the notion of a mirror that is constructed for a given type, but the corresponding problem is relevant everywhere: The mirror will not report on the properties of the object as-is, it will report on the properties of instances of a supertype. This is a kind of incompleteness, and it even causes the mirror to give plain incorrect descriptions of the object in some cases.

In particular, assume that an object O with runtime type D is given, and that we have an instance mirror IM whose reflectee is O. Assume that the class of IM was generated for instances of a class C, which is a proper supertype of D. It is only because of admitSubtype that it is even possible for IM to have a reflectee whose runtimeType is not C. In many situations this discrepancy makes no difference and IM works fine with O, but it is informative to focus on a case where it really matters:

Let us use a reflective operation on IM to get a class mirror for the class of O. IM.type will return an instance CM of the class mirror for C, not a class mirror for O's actual runtime type D. If a programmer uses this approach to look up the name of the class of an object like O, the answer will simply be wrong, it says "C" and it should have said "D". Similarly, if we traverse the superclasses we will never see the class D, nor the intermediate classes between D and C. A real-world example is serialization: if we look up the declarations of fields in order to serialize the reflectee then we will silently fail to include the fields declared in the ignored subclasses down to D. In general, there are many unpleasant surprises waiting for the naive user of this feature, so it should be considered to be an expert-only option.

Why not just do the "right thing" and return a class mirror for D? It is not possible to simply check the runtimeType of reflectee in the implementation of the method type, and then deliver a class mirror of D because, typically, there is no class mirror for D. In fact, the whole point of having the admitSubtype quantifier is that it saves space because a potentially large number of subtypes of a given type can be given partial reflection support without the need to generate a correspondingly large number of mirror classes.

To further clarify what it means to get 'partial' reflective support, consider some cases:

Reflectively calling instance methods on O which are declared in C or inherited into C will work as expected, and standard object-oriented method invocation will ensure that it is the correct method implementation for O which is called, and that might be the implementation which is available in C or it might be an implementation in a proper subtype of C.

Calling instance methods on O which are declared in a proper subtype of C, including methods from D itself, will not work. This is because the class of IM has been generated under the assumption that no such methods exist, it only knows about C methods. As mentioned, if we fetch the class of O we may get a proper supertype of the actual class of O, and hence all the derived operations will be similarly affected. For instance, the declarations from CM will be the declarations in C, and they have nothing to do with the declarations in D. Similarly, if we traverse the superclasses then we will only see a strict suffix of the actual list of superclasses of the class of O.

Based on these serious issues, we have decided that when an instance mirror is associated with the admitSubtype quantifier, it is a run-time error to execute the type method in order to obtain a mirror of a class, because it is very unlikely to work as intended when that class is in fact not the class of the reflectee. Similarly, declarations is not supported in this situation. It would be possible to allow it in the cases where the match happens to be perfect (C == D), but this would be difficult for programmers to use, and they may as well use reflectType(C) directly if they want to reflect upon a class which is not taken directly from an instance.

In summary, there is a delicate trade-off to make in the case where an entire subtype hierarchy should be equipped with reflection support. The trade off is to either pay the price in terms of program size and get full support (using subtypeQuantify); or to save space aggressively and in return tolerate the partial support for reflection (using admitSubtype).


We have described the design of the capabilities used in the package reflectable to specify the desired level of support for reflection. The underlying idea is that the capabilities at the base level specify a selection of operations from the API of the mirror classes, along with some simple restrictions on the allowable arguments to those operations. On top of that, the API based capabilities can be associated with specific parts of the target program (though at this point only classes) such that exactly those classes will have the reflection support specified with the API based capabilities. The target classes can be selected individually, by adding a reflector as metadata on each target class. Alternatively, target classes can be selected by quantification: For instance, it is possible to quantify over all subtypes, in which case not only the class C that holds the metadata receives reflection support, but also all subtypes of C. Finally, it is possible to admit instances of subtypes as reflectees of a small set of mirrors, such that partial reflection support is achieved for many classes, without the cost of having many mirror classes.


  1. Gilad Bracha and David Ungar. "Mirrors: design principles for meta-level facilities of object-oriented programming languages". ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 24 Oct. 2004: 331-344.
  2. Brian Cantwell Smith. "Procedural reflection in programming languages." 1982.
  3. Jonathan M. Sobel and Daniel P. Friedman. "An introduction to reflection-oriented programming." Proceedings of Reflection. Apr. 1996.