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Rust API client for iceberg-catalog-nessie

No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

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This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 0.65.1
  • Package version: 0.65.1
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder in a directory named iceberg-catalog-nessie and add the following to Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

iceberg-catalog-nessie = { path = "./iceberg-catalog-nessie" }

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:19120/api

Class Method HTTP request Description
V1Api assign_reference PUT /v1/trees/{referenceType}/{referenceName} Set a named reference to a specific hash via a named-reference.
V1Api commit_multiple_operations POST /v1/trees/branch/{branchName}/commit Commit multiple operations against the given branch expecting that branch to have the given hash as its latest commit. The hash in the successful response contains the hash of the commit that contains the operations of the invocation.
V1Api create_namespace PUT /v1/namespaces/namespace/{ref}/{name} Creates a Namespace
V1Api create_reference POST /v1/trees/tree Create a new reference
V1Api delete_namespace DELETE /v1/namespaces/namespace/{ref}/{name} Deletes a Namespace
V1Api delete_reference DELETE /v1/trees/{referenceType}/{referenceName} Delete a reference endpoint
V1Api get_all_references GET /v1/trees Get all references
V1Api get_commit_log GET /v1/trees/tree/{ref}/log Get commit log for a reference
V1Api get_config GET /v1/config List all configuration settings
V1Api get_content GET /v1/contents/{key} Get object content associated with a key.
V1Api get_default_branch GET /v1/trees/tree Get default branch for commits and reads
V1Api get_diff GET /v1/diffs/{fromRefWithHash}...{toRefWithHash} Get a diff for two given references
V1Api get_entries GET /v1/trees/tree/{ref}/entries Fetch all entries for a given reference
V1Api get_multiple_contents POST /v1/contents Get multiple objects' content.
V1Api get_namespace GET /v1/namespaces/namespace/{ref}/{name} Retrieves a Namespace
V1Api get_namespaces GET /v1/namespaces/{ref}
V1Api get_ref_log GET /v1/reflogs Get reflog entries (DEPRECATED)
V1Api get_reference_by_name GET /v1/trees/tree/{ref} Fetch details of a reference
V1Api merge_ref_into_branch POST /v1/trees/branch/{branchName}/merge Merge commits from 'mergeRef' onto 'branchName'.
V1Api transplant_commits_into_branch POST /v1/trees/branch/{branchName}/transplant Transplant commits from 'transplant' onto 'branchName'
V1Api update_properties POST /v1/namespaces/namespace/{ref}/{name}
V2Api assign_reference_v2 PUT /v2/trees/{ref} Set a named reference to a specific hash via another reference.
V2Api commit_v2 POST /v2/trees/{branch}/history/commit Commit one or more operations against the given 'branch'.
V2Api create_reference_v2 POST /v2/trees Create a new branch or tag
V2Api delete_reference_v2 DELETE /v2/trees/{ref} Delete a reference
V2Api get_all_references_v2 GET /v2/trees Get information about all branches and tags
V2Api get_commit_log_v2 GET /v2/trees/{ref}/history Get commit log for a particular reference
V2Api get_config_v2 GET /v2/config Returns repository and server settings relevant to clients.
V2Api get_content_v2 GET /v2/trees/{ref}/contents/{key} Get the content object associated with a key.
V2Api get_diff_v2 GET /v2/trees/{from-ref}/diff/{to-ref} Get contents that differ in the trees specified by the two given references
V2Api get_entries_v2 GET /v2/trees/{ref}/entries Fetch all entries for a given reference
V2Api get_multiple_contents_v2 POST /v2/trees/{ref}/contents Get multiple content objects.
V2Api get_reference_by_name_v2 GET /v2/trees/{ref} Fetch details of a reference
V2Api get_repository_config GET /v2/config/repository Returns repository configurations of the requested types.
V2Api get_several_contents GET /v2/trees/{ref}/contents Get multiple content objects.
V2Api merge_v2 POST /v2/trees/{branch}/history/merge Merge commits from another reference onto 'branch'.
V2Api transplant_v2 POST /v2/trees/{branch}/history/transplant Transplant commits specified by the 'Transplant' payload object onto the given 'branch'
V2Api update_repository_config POST /v2/config/repository Create or update a repository configuration.

Documentation For Models

To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:

cargo doc --open
