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Cathryn Carson edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 38 revisions

This wiki is a collection of information that is meant to be useful for new and current connector instructors, especially on the technical/computing side of things. It contains information for setting up your connector course, a bit about the technical infrastructure that we're using, and pointers to help you in your teaching. There is also a collection of useful little scripts for doing routine things, some example jupyter notebooks, and tutorials for you here (or click on the code tab above).

The pages listed immediately below have a decent amount of information. The pages listed over to the right may or may not be useful yet. They'll get more useful as we go.

  • Workflow describes how to create, distribute, and collect class materials on our servers with jupyterhub
  • FAQ contains commonly-asked questions from connector instructors.
  • Software Resources has information about the software we use in data8, as well as the process for setting up your course with the server.
  • Hardware Resources has information for the computational limitations and tools available to you (and your students)

Some of the material is still under development. If you have a question about something, or a suggestion for something to add, please open an issue by clicking on the issues tab, then clicking new issue. Or if you're really not GitHub-savvy, feel free to ask your connector assistant to do that for you, or contact us (at the bottom of this page).

Who is this for?

These guides are intended for connector instructors and their course staff interested in creating material that utilizes the same technology infrastructure as the Foundations (Data 8) course.

Specifically, if you would like to use Jupyter notebooks and optionally the datascience package (in python) in your course, this guide is for you. Follow the links above to find this information.

Points of contact

For the moment, Sam Lau ( and Chris Holdgraf ( are your points of contact about issues and questions you may have as a connector instructor that go beyond what your course assistant can answer. Email us with questions or ping us on slack (if you like slack).

In Spring 2017 we're adding new team members to support connector instructors and connector assistants. We'll update this page as soon as they're available to help.