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File metadata and controls

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6. Resource Reference

This section provide a little detail on how to use specific resource types. For specific command line options, please see the Command Reference <commands>.

Git resources

The git resource type provides project tracking and management for Git repositories. There are actually two types of git resources supported:

  1. A standalone repository. This can be either one controller by the user or, for source data, a 3rd party repository to be treated as a read-only resource.
  2. A subdirectory of the data workspace's git repository can be treated as a separate resource. This is especially convenient for small projects, where multiple types of data (source data, code, results, etc.) can be kept in a single repository but versioned independently.

When running the dws add git ... commend, the type of repository (standalone vs. subdirectory of the main workspace) is automatically detected. In either case, it is expected that there is a local copy of the repository available when adding it as a resource to the workspace. It is recommended, but not required, to have a remote origin, so that the push, pull and clone commands can work with the resource.


When initializing a new workspace, one can add sub-directory resources for any and each of the resource roles (source-data, code, intermediate-data, and results). This is done via the --create-resources option as follows:

$ mkdir example-ws
$ cd example-ws/
$ dws init --create-resources=code,results
$ dws init --create-resources=code,results
  Have now successfully initialized a workspace at /Users/dws/code/t/example-ws
  Will now create sub-directory resources for code, results
  Added code to git repository
  Have now successfully Added Git repository subdirectory code in role 'code' to workspace
  Added results to git repository
  Have now successfully Added Git repository subdirectory results in role 'results' to workspace
  Finished initializing resources:
    code: ./code
    results: ./results
$ ls
code  results

Here is an example from the Quick Start <quickstart> where we add an entire third party repository to our workspace as a read-only resource. We first clone it into a subdirectory of the workspace and then tell dws about it:

git clone
dws add git --role=source-data --read-only ./sklearn-digits-dataset

Support for Large Files: Git-lfs and Git-fat integration

It can be nice to manage your golden source data in a Git repository. Unfortunately, due to its architecture and focus as a source code tracking system, Git can have significant performance issues with large files. Furthermore, hosting services like GitHub place limits on the size of individual files and on commit sizes. To get around this, various extensions to Git have sprung up. Data Workspaces currently integrates with two of them, git-lfs and git-fat.


Git-lfs (large file storage) is a utility which interacts with a git hosting service using a special protocol. This protocol is supported by most popular Git hosting services/servers, including GitHub and GitLab. You need to manually install the git-lfs executable (see for details).

Data Workspaces automatically determines whether a particular git repository is using git-lfs by looking for any references to git-lfs in a .gitattributes within the repository. This is done for both the workspace's metadata repository and any git resources. DWS also will ensure that the user is correctly configured for git-lfs, by running git-lfs install if the user does not have an associated entry for in their .gitconfig file.

We support the following integration points with git-lfs:

  1. The git repo for the workspace itself can be git-lfs enabled when it is created. This is done through the --git-lfs-attributes command line option on dws init. See the Command Reference <commands> entry for details (or the example below).
  2. Any dws push or dws pull of a git-lfs-enabled workspace will automatically call the associated git-lfs command for the workspace's main repo.
  3. If you add a git repository as a resource to the workspace, and it has references to git-lfs in a .gitattributes file, then any dws push or dws pull commands will automatically call the associated git-lfs commands.


Git-fat allows you to store your large files on a host you control that is accessible via ssh (or other protocols supported through rsync). The large files themselves are hashed and stored on the (remote) server. The metadata for these files is stored in the git repository and versioned with the rest of your git files.

Git-fat is just a Python script, which we ship as a part of the dataworkspaces Python package.1 Running pip install dataworkspaces will put git-fat into your path and make it available to your git commands and dws commands.

We support the following integration points with git-fat:

  1. The git repo for the workspace itself can be git-fat enabled when it is created. This is done through command line options on dws init. See the Command Reference <commands> entry for details (or the example below).
  2. Any dws push or dws pull of a git-fat-enabled workspace will automatically call the associated git-fat command for the workspace's main repo.
  3. If you add a git repository as a resource to the workspace, and it has a .gitfat file, then any dws push or dws pull commands will automatically call the associated git-fat commands.
  4. As mentioned above, git-fat is included in the dataworkspaces package and installed in your path.


Here is an example using git-fat to store all gzipped files of the workspace's main git repo on a remote server.

First, we set up a directory on our remote server to store the large files:

fat@remote-server $ mkdir ~/fat-store

Now, back on our personal machine, we initialize a workspace, specifying the remote server and that .gz files should be managed by git-fat:

local $ mkdir git-fat-example
local $ cd git-fat-example/
local $ dws init --create-resources=source-data \
                 --git-fat-remote=remote-server:/home/fat/fat-store \
                 --git-fat-user=fat --git-fat-attributes='*.gz'
local $ ls

A bit later, we've added some .gz files to our source data resource. We take a snapshot and then dws push to the origin:

local $ ls source-data
README.txt           census-state-populations.csv.gz zipcode.csv.gz
local $ dws snapshot s1
local $ dws push # this will also push to the remote fat store

If we now go to the remote store, we can see the hashed files:

fat@remote-server $ ls fat-store
26f2cac452f70ad91da3ccd05fc40ba9f03b9f48  d9cc0c11069d76fe9435b9c4ca64a335098de2d7

Our local workspace has our full files, which can be used by our scripts as-is. However, if you look at the origin repository, you will find the content of each .gz file replaced by a single line referencing the hash. If you clone this repo, you will get the full files, through the magic of git-fat.

Adding resources using rclone

The rclone resource type leverages the rclone command line utility to provide synchronization with a variety of remote data services.

dws add rclone [options] source-repo target-repo

dws add rclone adds a remote repository set up using rclone.

We use rclone to set up remote repositories.


We use rclone config to set up a repository pointing to a local directory:

$ rclone config show
; empty config

$ rclone config create localfs local unc true

The configuration file (typically at ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf) now looks like this:

type = local
config_automatic = yes
unc = true

Next, we use the backend to add a repository to dws:

$ dws add rclone --role=source-data my_local_files:/Users/rupak/tmp tmpfiles

This creates a local directory tmpfiles and copies the contents of /Users/rupak/tmp to it.

Similarly, we can make a remote S3 bucket:

$ rclone config
mbk-55-51:docs rupak$ rclone --config=rclone.conf config
Current remotes:

Name                 Type
====                 ====
localfs              local

e) Edit existing remote
n) New remote
d) Delete remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
e/n/d/r/c/s/q> n
name> s3bucket
Type of storage to configure.

# Pick choice 4 for S3 and configure the bucket
# set configuration parameters

Once the S3 bucket is configured, we can get files from it:

$ dws add rclone --role=source-data s3bucket:mybucket s3files

Configuration Files

By default, we use the default configuration file used by rclone. This is the file printed out by:

$ rclone config file

and usually resides in $HOME/.config/rclone/rclone.conf

However, you can specify a different configuration file:

$ dws add rclone --config=/path/to/configfile --role=source-data localfs:/Users/rupak/tmp tmpfiles

In this case, make sure the config file you are using has the remote localfs defined.

rclone synchronization options

Data Workspaces uses rclone for uni-directional synchronization. Either the workspace or the rclone remote is the master and the other side is the replica. All changes must be made on the master side and the replica side treats the data as read-only. The roles of the workspace and the remote are determined with the dws add rclone command via the -master option. It must hve one of three values:

  • none (the default) means that no action is taken for pushes and pulls. The user is responsible for manually calling rclone for synchronization. Use this option if you want full control over your synchronization or need to change the direction of the synchronization based on the situation.
  • remote means that pulls will be done, but not pushes. The data is treated as read-only from the perspective of the workspace.
  • local means that the local system is the master and the remote the replica. Pushes will be done for this resource, but not pulls.

When first adding the resource or cloning to a new machine, if the local directory does not exist, and remote or none were specified, the contents of the remote will copied down to the local directory.

The --sync-mode option to dws add rclone will also impact the synchonization behavior. This option determines the rclone command used when synchronization data. The following two options are supported:

  • copy - files are added or overwritten without deleting any files present at the replica. This is the default and the "safer" option.
  • sync - files at the replica are removed if they are no longer present at the master. If the master both adds and removes files, this option ensures that the master and replica contain the same set of files.

S3 Resources

The S3 resource type provides a resource interface for an Amazon AWS S3 bucket. Unlike the Git, rclone, and local files resource types, S3 resources do not store files locally. Instead, files are accessed via the ResourceFileSystem interface defined in dataworkspaces.api. The S3 bucket versioning capability is leveraged to support accessing older versions of files associated with a snapshot.


The S3 dependencies are not included with DWS by default. To install with the required dependencies, specify the "s3" extra as follows:

pip install dataworkspaces[s3]

Adding an S3 Resource

To add an S3 resource to your workspace, first ensure that versioning is enabled for your bucket on AWS. Next, configure the AWS credentials on your local machine using Amazon's aws command line tool. Then, run the dws add command as follows, where BUCKET_NAME is the name of your bucket, and ROLE is one of source-data, code, or intermediate-data:

dws add s3 --role ROLE BUCKET_NAME

Accessing Files

After adding an S3 resource, you can get a ResourceFileSystem instance via a call to get_filesystem_for_resource(). Here is an example:

import csv
from dataworkspaces.api import get_filesystem_for_resource

fs = get_filesystem_for_resource('my-s3-resource')

# get a list of the top level files and directories
files ='')

# open a csv file for reading
with'myfile.csv' 'r') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)


When you take a snapshot of an S3 resource, a file is created in the bucket with the key .snapshots/HASH.json.gz, where HASH is the hash code of the snapshot. This file contains a mapping between each file currently active in the bucket and its version id. The file is also cached locally in the workspace, but not checked into the workspace's Git repository.

A file containing the hash code associated with the snapshot is also created at .dataworkspaces/scratch/RESOURCE_NAME/current_snapshot.txt. When this file is present, the filesystem interface described in the previous section will return the set of files and versions as of the snapshot rather than the latest in the bucket. When a prior snapshot is restored, the hash associated with that snapshot is written to the current_snapshot.txt file, causing that snapshot to be used for determining files and file versions.

When a snapshot is active for the S3 resource, the resource becomes read-only. If you manually remove the current_snapshot.txt file, the latest versions of each file become visible through the API.

Feedback Requested

This is the first major release with the S3 resource functionality. We would appreciate your feedback on how you want to use S3 resources in your data science projeccts. Thanks!

  1. Unfortunately, git-fat is written in Python 2, so you will need to have Python 2 available on your system to use it.