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Grouped pmdarima

The Grouped pmdarima API is a multi-series orchestration framework for building multiple individual models of related, but isolated series data. For example, a project that required the forecasting of inventory demand at regional warehouses around the world would historically require individual orchestration of data acquisition, hyperparameter definitions, model training, metric validation, serialization, and registration of tens of thousands of individual models based on the permutations of SKU and warehouse location.

This API consolidates the many thousands of models that would otherwise need to be implemented, trained individually, and managed throughout their frequent retraining and forecasting lifecycles to a single high-level API that simplifies these common use cases that rely on the pmdarima forecasting library.

Table of Contents

Grouped pmdarima API

The following sections provide a basic overview of using the :pyGroupedPmdarima <diviner.GroupedPmdarima> API, from fitting of the grouped models, predicting forecasted data, saving, loading, and customization of the underlying pmdarima instances.

To see working end-to-end examples, you can go to tutorials-and-examples. The examples will allow you to explore the data structures required for training, how to extract forecasts for each group, and demonstrations of the saving and loading of trained models.

Base Estimators and API interface

The usage of the :pyGroupedPmdarima <diviner.GroupedPmdarima> API is slightly different from the other grouped forecasting library wrappers within Diviner. This is due to the ability of pmdarima to support multiple modes of configuration.

These modes that are available to construct a model are:

The :pyGroupedPmdarima <diviner.GroupedPmdarima> implementation requires the submission of one of these 3 model templates to set the base configured model architecture for each group.

For example:

from pmdarima.arima.arima import ARIMA
from diviner import GroupedPmdarima

# Define the base ARIMA with a preset ordering parameter
base_arima_model = ARIMA(order=(1, 0, 2))

# Define the model template in the GroupedPmdarima constructor
grouped_arima = GroupedPmdarima(model_template=base_arima_model)

The above example is intended only to showcase the interface between a base estimator (base_arima_model) and the instance constructor for GroupedPmdarima. For a more in-depth and realistic example of utilizing an ARIMA model manually, see the additional statistical validation steps that would be required for this in the tutorials-and-examples section of the docs.

Model fitting

In order to fit a :pyGroupedPmdarima <diviner.GroupedPmdarima> model instance, the :pyfit <> method is used. Calling this method will process the input DataFrame to create a grouped execution collection, fit a pmdarima model type on each individual series, and persist the trained state of each group's model to the object instance.

The arguments for the :pyfit <> method are:


A 'normalized' DataFrame that contains an endogenous regressor column (the 'y' column), a date (or datetime) column (that defines the ordering, periodicity, and frequency of each series (if this column is a string, the frequency will be inferred)), and grouping column(s) that define the discrete series to be modeled. For further information on the structure of this DataFrame, see the quickstart guide <quickstart>


The names of the columns within df that, when combined (in order supplied) define distinct series. See the quickstart guide <quickstart> for further information.


Name of the endogenous regressor term within the DataFrame argument df. This column contains the values of the series that are used during training.


Name of the column within the df argument DataFrame that defines the datetime ordering of the series data.


[Optional] A collection of column names within the submitted data that contain exogenous regressor elements to use as part of model fitting and predicting. The data within each column will be assembled into a 2D array for use in the regression.


pmdarima currently has exogeneous regressor support marked as a future deprecated feature. Usage of this functionality is not recommended except for existing legacy implementations.


[Optional] A dictionary of {<group_key>: <d value>} for the differencing term for each group. This is intended to function alongside the output from the :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.calculate_ndiffs method, serving to reduce the search space for AutoARIMA by supplying fixed d values to each group's model.


[Optional] A dictionary of {<group_key>: <D value>} for the seasonal differencing term for each group. This is intended to function alongside the output from the :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.calculate_nsdiffs method, serving to reduce the search space for AutoARIMA by supplying fixed D values to each group's model.


These values will only be used if the models being fit are seasonal models. The value m must be set on the underlying ARIMA or AutoARIMA model for seasonality order components to be used.


[Optional] Whether to silence stdout reporting of the underlying pmdarima fit process. Default: False.


[Optional] fit_kwargs for pmdarima ARIMA, AutoARIMA, or Pipeline stages overrides. For more information, see the pmdarima docs


from pmdarima.arima.arima import ARIMA
from diviner import GroupedPmdarima

base_arima_model = ARIMA(order=(1, 0, 2))

grouped_arima = GroupedPmdarima(model_template=base_arima_model)

grouped_arima_model =, ["country", "region"], "sales", "date")


The :pypredict <diviner.GroupedPmdarima.predict> method generates forecast data for each grouped series within the meta :pydiviner.GroupedPmdarima model.


from pmdarima.arima.arima import ARIMA
from diviner import GroupedPmdarima

base_arima_model = ARIMA(order=(1, 0, 2))

grouped_arima = GroupedPmdarima(model_template=base_arima_model)

grouped_arima_model =, ["country", "region"], "sales", "date")

forecasts = grouped_arima_model.predict(n_periods=30)

The arguments for the :pypredict <diviner.GroupedPmdarima.predict> method are:


The number of future periods to generate from the end of each group's series. The first value of the prediction forecast series will begin at one periodicity value after the end of the training series. For example, if the training series was of daily data from 2019-10-01 to 2021-10-02, the start of the prediction series output would be 2021-10-03 and continue for n_periods days from that point.


[Optional] The name to use for the generated column containing forecasted data. Default: "yhat"


[Optional] Confidence interval significance value for error estimates. Default: 0.05.


alpha is only used if the boolean flag return_conf_int is set to True.


[Optional] Boolean flag for whether or not to calculate confidence intervals for the predicted forecasts. If True, the columns "yhat_upper" and "yhat_lower" will be added to the output DataFrame for the upper and lower confidence intervals for the predictions.


[Optional] Used exclusively for Pipeline based models that include an endogeneous transformer such as BoxCoxEndogTransformer or LogEndogTransformer. Default: True (although it only applies if the model_template type passed in is a Pipeline that contains a transformer). An inversion of the endogeneous regression term can be helpful for distributions that are highly non-normal. For further reading on what the purpose of these functions are, why they are used, and how they might be applicable to a given time series, see data transformation.


[Optional] If the original model was trained with an exogeneous regressor elements, the prediction will require these 2D arrays at prediction time. This argument is used to hold the 2D array of future exogeneous regressor values to be used in generating the prediction for the regressor.


[Optional] Extra kwarg arguments for any of the transform stages of a Pipeline or for additional predict kwargs to the model instance. Pipeline kwargs are specified in the manner of sklearn Pipeline format (i.e., <stage_name>__<arg name>=<value>. e.g., to change the values of a fourier transformer at prediction time, the override would be: {'fourier__n_periods': 45})

Predict Groups

The :pypredict_groups <diviner.GroupedPmdarima.predict_groups> method generates forecast data for a subset of groups that a :pydiviner.GroupedPmdarima model was trained upon.


from pmdarima.arima.arima import ARIMA
from diviner import GroupedPmdarima

base_model = ARIMA(order=(2, 1, 2))

grouped_arima = GroupedPmdarima(model_template=base_model)

model =, ["country", "region"], "sales", "date")

subset_forecasts = model.predict_groups(groups=[("US", "NY"), ("FR", "Paris"), ("UA", "Kyiv")], n_periods=90)

The arguments for the :pypredict_groups <diviner.GroupedPmdarima.predict_groups> method are:


A collection of one or more groups for which to generate a forecast. The collection of groups must be submitted as a List[Tuple[str]] to identify the order-specific group values to retrieve the correct model. For instance, if the model was trained with the specified group_key_columns of ["country", "city"], a valid groups entry would be: [("US", "LosAngeles"), ("CA", "Toronto")]. Changing the order within the tuples will not resolve (e.g. [("NewYork", "US")] would not find the appropriate model).


Groups that are submitted for prediction that are not present in the trained model will, by default, cause an Exception to be raised. This behavior can be changed to a warning or ignore status with the argument on_error.


The number of future periods to generate from the end of each group's series. The first value of the prediction forecast series will begin at one periodicity value after the end of the training series. For example, if the training series was of daily data from 2019-10-01 to 2021-10-02, the start of the prediction series output would be 2021-10-03 and continue for n_periods days from that point.


[Optional] The name to use for the generated column containing forecasted data. Default: "yhat"


[Optional] Confidence interval significance value for error estimates. Default: 0.05.


alpha is only used if the boolean flag return_conf_int is set to True.


[Optional] Boolean flag for whether or not to calculate confidence intervals for the predicted forecasts. If True, the columns "yhat_upper" and "yhat_lower" will be added to the output DataFrame for the upper and lower confidence intervals for the predictions.


[Optional] Used exclusively for Pipeline based models that include an endogeneous transformer such as BoxCoxEndogTransformer or LogEndogTransformer. Default: True (although it only applies if the model_template type passed in is a Pipeline that contains a transformer). An inversion of the endogeneous regression term can be helpful for distributions that are highly non-normal. For further reading on what the purpose of these functions are, why they are used, and how they might be applicable to a given time series, see this link.


[Optional] If the original model was trained with an exogeneous regressor elements, the prediction will require these 2D arrays at prediction time. This argument is used to hold the 2D array of future exogeneous regressor values to be used in generating the prediction for the regressor.


[Optional] [Default -> "raise"] Dictates the behavior for handling group keys that have been submitted in the groups argument that do not match with a group identified and registered during training (fit). The modes are:

  • "raise"

    A DivinerException is raised if any supplied groups do not match to the fitted groups.

  • "warn"

    A warning is emitted (printed) and logged for any groups that do not match to those that the model was fit with.

  • "ignore"

    Invalid groups will silently fail prediction.


A DivinerException will still be raised even in "ignore" mode if there are no valid fit groups to match the provided groups provided to this method.


[Optional] Extra kwarg arguments for any of the transform stages of a Pipeline or for additional predict kwargs to the model instance. Pipeline kwargs are specified in the manner of sklearn Pipeline format (i.e., <stage_name>__<arg name>=<value>. e.g., to change the values of a fourier transformer at prediction time, the override would be: {'fourier__n_periods': 45})


Saves a :pyGroupedPmdarima <diviner.GroupedPmdarima> instance that has been :pyfit <>. The serialization of the model instance uses a base64 encoding of the pickle serialization of each model instance within the grouped structure.


from pmdarima.arima.arima import ARIMA
from diviner import GroupedPmdarima

base_arima_model = ARIMA(order=(1, 0, 2))

grouped_arima = GroupedPmdarima(model_template=base_arima_model)

grouped_arima_model =, ["country", "region"], "sales", "date")

save_location = "/path/to/saved/model"


Loads a :pyGroupedPmdarima <diviner.GroupedPmdarima> serialized model from a storage location.


from diviner import GroupedPmdarima

load_location = "/path/to/saved/model"

loaded_model = GroupedPmdarima.load(load_location)


The :pyload <diviner.GroupedPmdarima.load> method is a class method. As such, the initialization argument model_template does not need to be provided. It will be set on the loaded object based on the template that was provided during initial training before serialization.


Parameter Extraction

To extract the parameters that are either explicitly (or, in the case of AutoARIMA, selectively) set during the fitting of each individual model contained within the grouped collection, the method :pyget_model_params <diviner.GroupedPmdarima.get_model_params> is used to extract the per-group parameters for each model into an output Pandas DataFrame.


The parameters can only be extracted from a GroupedPmdarima model that has been fit.


from import AutoARIMA
from diviner import GroupedPmdarima

base_arima_model = AutoARIMA(max_order=7, d=1, m=7, max_iter=1000)

grouped_arima = GroupedPmdarima(model_template=base_arima_model)

grouped_arima_model =, ["country", "region"], "sales", "date")

fit_parameters = grouped_arima_model.get_model_params()

Metrics Extraction

This functionality allows for the retrieval of fitting metrics that are attached to the underlying SARIMA model. These are not the typical loss metrics that can be calculated through cross validation backtesting.

The metrics that are returned from fitting are:

  • hqic (Hannan-Quinn information criterion)
  • aicc (Corrected Akaike information criterion; aic for small sample sizes)
  • oob (out of bag error)
  • bic (Bayesian information criterion)
  • aic (Akaike information criterion)


Out of bag error metric (oob) is only calculated if the underlying ARIMA model has a value set for the argument out_of_sample_size. See out-of-bag-error for more information.


from import AutoARIMA
from diviner import GroupedPmdarima

base_arima_model = AutoARIMA(max_order=7, d=1, m=7, max_iter=1000)

grouped_arima = GroupedPmdarima(model_template=base_arima_model)

grouped_arima_model =, ["country", "region"], "sales", "date")

fit_metrics = grouped_arima_model.get_metrics()

Cross Validation Backtesting

Cross validation utilizing backtesting is the primary means of evaluating whether a given model will perform robustly in generating forecasts based on time period horizon events throughout the historical series.

In order to use the cross validation functionality in the method :pydiviner.GroupedPmdarima.cross_validate, one of two windowing split objects must be passed into the method signature:

Arguments to the :pydiviner.GroupedPmdarima.cross_validate method:


The original source DataFrame that was used during that contains the endogenous series data. This DataFrame must contain the columns that define the constructed groups (i.e., missing group data will not be scored and groups that are not present in the model object will raise an Exception).


A collection of metric names to be used for evaluation. Submitted metrics must be one or more of:

Default: {"smape", "mean_absolute_error", "mean_squared_error"}


The cross validation object (either RollingForecastCV or SlidingWindowForecastCV). See the example below for how to submit this object to the :pydiviner.GroupedPmdarima.cross_validate method.


The default value to assign to a window evaluation if an error occurs during loss calculation.

Default: np.nan

In order to throw an Exception, a str value of "raise" can be provided. Otherwise, supply a float.


Level of verbosity to print during training and cross validation. The lower the integer value, the fewer lines of debugging text is printed to stdout.

Default: 0 (no printing)


from import AutoARIMA
from pmdarima.model_selection import SlidingWindowForecastCV
from diviner import GroupedPmdarima

base_arima_model = AutoARIMA(max_order=7, d=1, m=7, max_iter=1000)

grouped_arima = GroupedPmdarima(model_template=base_arima_model)

grouped_arima_model =, ["country", "region"], "sales", "date")

cv_window = SlidingWindowForecastCV(h=28, step=180, window_size=365)

grouped_arima_cv = grouped_arima_model.cross_validate(df=df,
                                                      metrics=["mean_squared_error", "smape"],

Class Signature of GroupedPmdarima


Grouped pmdarima Analysis tools


The PmdarimaAnalyzer module is in experimental mode. The methods and signatures are subject to change in the future with no deprecation warnings.

As a companion to Diviner's :pydiviner.GroupedPmdarima class, an analysis toolkit class is provided. Contained within this class, :pyPmdarimaAnalyzer <diviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer>, are the following utility methods:

See below for a brief description of each of these utility methods that are available for group processing through the PmdarimaAnalyzer API.

Object instantiation:

from diviner import PmdarimaAnalyzer

analyzer = PmdarimaAnalyzer(
    group_key_columns=["country", "region"],

The :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.decompose_groups method will decompose each series into its component parts:

  • trend
  • seasonal
  • random (also known as 'residuals')

The output of this method is a union of each group's decomposed trends in a single DataFrame that retains the group key information in columns along with the extracted components from the series data.

This method is mainly used for validation of a new project.


decomposed_trends = analyzer.decompose_groups(m=7, type="additive")

Arguments to the :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.decompose_groups method:


The frequency value of the endogenous series data. The integer supplied is a measure of the repeatable pattern of the estimated seasonality effect. For instance, 7 would be appropriate for daily measured data, 24 would be a good starting point for hourly data, and 52 would be a good initial validation value for weekly data.

type ('type_')

The type of decomposition to perform. One of: "additive" or "multiplicative". A good rule of thumb for determining which of these to choose is to determine whether the seasonality effects either stay constant as a function of the trend (which would be "additive") or, if the seasonality effect is a function of the baseline trend value, "multiplicative" would be more appropriate. For further explanation, see here.

filter ('filter_')

[Optional] Reverse-sorted Array for performing convolution on the coefficients of either the MA terms or the AR terms.

Default: None

Calculate Differencing Term

Isolating the differencing term 'd' can provide significant performance improvements if AutoARIMA is used as the underlying estimator for each series. This method provides a means of estimating these per-group differencing terms.

The output is returned as a dictionary of {<group_key>: d}


This utility method is intended to be used as an input to the method when using AutoARIMA as a base group estimator. It will set per-group values of d so that the AutoARIMA optimizer does not need to search for values of the differencing term, saving a great deal of computation time.


diffs = analyzer.calculate_ndiffs(alpha=0.1, test="kpss", max_d=5)

Arguments to the :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.calculate_ndiffs method:


The significance value used in determining if a pvalue for a test of an estimated d term is significant or not. Default: 0.05


The stationarity unit test used to determine significance for a tested d term.

Allowable values:

Default: "kpss"


The maximum allowable differencing term to test. Default: 2

Calculate Seasonal Differencing Term

Isolating the seasonal differencing term D can provide a significant performance improvement to seasonal models which are activated by setting the m term in the base group estimator. The functionality of this :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.calculate_nsdiffs method is similar to that of calculate_ndiffs, except for the seasonal differencing term.


seasonal_diffs = analyzer.calculate_nsdiffs(m=7, test="ocsb", max_D=5)

Arguments to the calculate_nsdiffs method:


The frequency of seasonal periods within the endogenous series. The integer supplied is a measure of the repeatable pattern of the estimated seasonality effect. For instance, 7 would be appropriate for daily measured data, 24 would be a good starting point for hourly data, and 52 would be a good initial validation value for weekly data.


The seasonality unit test used to determine an optimal seasonal differencing D term.

Allowable tests:

Default: "ocsb"


The maximum allowable seasonal differencing term to test.

Default: 2

Calculate Constancy

The constancy check is a data set utility validation tool that operates on each grouped series, determining whether or not it can be modeled.

The output of this validation check method :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.calculate_is_constant is a dictionary of {<group_key>: <Boolean constancy check>}. Any group with a True result is ineligible for modeling as this indicates that the group has only a single constant value for each datetime period.


constancy_checks = analyzer.calculate_is_constant()

Calculate Auto Correlation Function

The :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.calculate_acf method is used for calculating the auto-correlation function for each series group. The auto-correlation function values can be used (in conjunction with the result of partial auto-correlation function results) to select restrictive search values for the ordering terms for AutoARIMA or to manually set the ordering terms ((p, d, q)) for ARIMA.


The general rule to determine whether to use an AR, MA, or ARMA configuration for ARIMA or AutoARIMA is as follows:

  • ACF gradually trend to significance, PACF significance achieved after 1 lag -> AR model
  • ACF significance after 1 lag, PACF gradually trend to significance -> MA model
  • ACF gradually trend to significance, PACF gradually trend to significance -> ARMA model

These results can help to set the order terms of an ARIMA model (p and q) or, for AutoARIMA, set restrictions on maximum search space terms to assist in faster optimization of the model.

Arguments to the calculate_acf method:


auto-covariance denominator flag with values of:

  • True -> denominator = n - k
  • False -> denominator = n

The number of auto-correlation lags to calculate and return.

Default: 40


Boolean flag to calculate and return the Q statistic from the Ljung-Box test.

Default: False


Whether to perform a fast fourier transformation of the series to calculate the auto-correlation function. For large time series, it is highly recommended to set this to True. Allowable values: True, False, or None.

Default: None


If specified as a float, calculates and returns confidence intervals at this certainty level for the auto-correlation function values. For example, if alpha=0.1, 90% confidence intervals are calculated and returned wherein the standard deviation is computed according to Bartlett's formula.

Default: None


Handling of NaN values in series data. Available options are:

  • None - no validation checks are performed.
  • 'raise' - an Exception is raised if a missing value is detected.
  • 'conservative' - NaN values are removed from the mean and cross-product calculations but are not removed from the series data.
  • 'drop' - NaN values are removed from the series data.

Default: None


Deprecation handler for the underlying statsmodels arguments that have become the unbiased argument. This is a duplicated value for the denominator mode of calculation for the autocovariance of the series.

Default: False

Calculate Partial Auto Correlation Function

The :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.calculate_pacf method is used for determining the partial auto-correlation function for each series group. When combined with pmdarima_acf results, ordering values can be estimated (or controlled in search space scope for AutoARIMA). See the notes in pmdarima_acf for how to use the results from these two methods.

Arguments to the calculate_pacf method:


The number of partial auto-correlation lags to calculate and return.

Default: 40


The method employed for calculating the partial auto-correlation function. Methods and their explanations are listed in the pmdarima docs.

Default: 'ywadjusted'


If specified as a float, calculates and returns confidence intervals at this certainty level for the auto-correlation function values. For example, if alpha=0.1, 90% confidence intervals are calculated and returned wherein the standard deviation is computed according to Bartlett's formula.

Default: None

Generate Diff

The utility method :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.generate_diff will generate lag differences for each group. While not applicable to most timeseries modeling problems, it can prove to be useful in certain situations or as a diagnostic tool to investigate why a particular series is not fitting properly.

Arguments for this method:


The magnitude of the lag used in calculating the differencing. Default: 1


The order of the differencing to be performed. Default: 1

For an illustrative example, see the diff example.

Generate Diff Inversion

The utility method :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.generate_diff_inversion will invert a previously differenced grouped series.

Arguments for this method:


The differenced data from the usage of :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.generate_diff.


The magnitude of the lag that was used in the differencing function in order to revert the diff.

Default: 1


The order of the differencing that was performed using :pydiviner.PmdarimaAnalyzer.generate_diff so that the series data can be reverted.

Default: 1


If True and 'series_start' exists in group_diff_data dict, will restore the original series range for each group based on the series start value calculated through the generate_diff() method. If the group_diff_data does not contain the starting values, the data will not be re-centered.

Default: False

Class Signature of PmdarimaAnalyzer
