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Application-type vs. library-type usage

Specification scope and status

This specification describes the current implementation.

Historically, DataLad was implemented with the assumption of application-type usage, i.e., a person using DataLad through any of its APIs. Consequently, (error) messaging was primarily targeting humans, and usage advice focused on interactive use. With the increasing utilization of DataLad as an infrastructural component it was necessary to address use cases of library-type or internal usage more explicitly.

DataLad continues to behave like a stand-alone application by default.

For internal use, Python and command-line APIs provide dedicated mode switches.

Library mode can be enabled by setting the boolean configuration setting datalad.runtime.librarymode before the start of the DataLad process. From the command line, this can be done with the option -c datalad.runtime.librarymode=yes, or any other means for setting configuration. In an already running Python process, library mode can be enabled by calling datalad.enable_libarymode(). This should be done immediately after importing the datalad package for maximum impact.

>>> import datalad
>>> datalad.enable_libarymode()

In a Python session, library mode cannot be enabled reliably by just setting the configuration flag after the datalad package was already imported. The enable_librarymode() function must be used.

Moreover, with datalad.in_librarymode() a query utility is provided that can be used throughout the code base for adjusting behavior according to the usage scenario.

Switching back and forth between modes during the runtime of a process is not supported.

A library mode setting is exported into the environment of the Python process. By default, it will be inherited by all child-processes, such as dataset procedure executions.

Library-mode implications

No Python API docs

Generation of comprehensive doc-strings for all API commands is skipped. This speeds up import datalad.api by about 30%.