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138 lines (119 loc) · 6.95 KB

dataobservatory dataobservatory on Github R package iotables R package retroharmonize R package regions R package dataset R package spotifyr R package statcodelists Contributor Covenant

New Contributors

Welcome to our R, hugo, and open data ecosystem. We are very happy to guide you to the experience of open source development and open knowledge management regardless of your experience level with R or Github. We kindly ask you to take the Contributor Covenant Pledge before starting our collaboration.

“We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.”

Please read the entire covenant here.

  • Name, affiliation, education details, one-line and short biography. Please, send back this bio_template.txt text file with your details or, if you know markdown, use this version. The files are identical, but your word processor may not know how to open an .md file.
  • Your ORCiD to resolve ambiguity with similarly named people. You may use different library or publication service IDs, such as Google Scholar, Publeon, etc, you may provide them, too, but we do need an ORCiD ID, because most of the EU open science infrastructure and the R ecosystem uses this one. If you do not have it, please create one—it only takes a few minutes. Please add it to the bio_template.txt.
  • Your LinkedIn ID, add it to the bio_template.txt.
  • Your Github account name. If you do not have one, please create one. As a data curator, you may not need it, but if you contribute in our R&D or publication efforts, you will need it.
  • Your Keybase account name. If you do not have one, please create one, if you want to be able to chat with us, or exchange calls, data with us in a discrete, free, open-source and secure environment. Keybase is an open-source substitute for Slack. It is owned by Zoom and it can start Zoom or Google Meet calls.
  • Twitter account name, provided that you use Twitter for professional uses.
  • Facebook acccount name, provided that you use Facebook for professional uses.
  • Any other social media that you use strictly professionally.
  • You should follow our file naming conventions, and avoid the use of special characters in any file names at all times: , $, :,;,,,., ", ' tick or backtick.
  • Please send us one professional portrait of at least 400x400 pixels.

Data curators

Data curators do not need to be knowledgeable about data science or programming. They should have a strong domain-specific knowledge and interest in empirical data collection and data quality in their professional or research areas.

As a data curator, we will rely on your expertise to publish or release new data. Therefore, we need a filled in curator biography template with the following information about you.

You should get familiar with the following concepts. We will describe them in blogposts.

  • FAIR Principles: improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets.
  • DataCite: A persistent, standardized approach to access, identification, sharing, and re-use of datasets—this is our favored way of describing data for future use according to the FAIR principles. Many EU open science repositories will ask your publications with this documentation.
  • Biblatex is a standard text file used by citation engines, bibliography management tool, and in scientific publication templates. (See for example the Overleaf Biblatex tutorial.
  • Dublin Core is an older international standard than DataCite, but the two standards greatly overlap. Dublin Core was originally developed by libraries. You often may need to fill out Dublin Core properties for publication.
  • You should follow our file naming conventions, and avoid the use of special characters in any file names at all times: , $, :,;,,,., ", ' tick or backtick.

If you want to contribute, co-author in our publication activities

For co-authorship, you should be familar with tools that help the assynchronous co-writing of papers. We use Github for mainly this purpose.

Additionally we need this from you:

  • Your Github account name. Still not a must, but eventually it is in your interest to be able to work with Git.
  • Gaining familiarity with the TeX format for scientific publishing, exporting your citations to Biblatex format.
  • Share citations with us with Zotero, and open-source bibliography management tool that integrates well with browsers. Share your Zotero account name with us.
  • You should follow our file naming conventions, and avoid the use of special characters in any file names at all times: , $, :,;,,,., ", ' tick or backtick.

We will softly onboard you if you are not familiar with Gitbhub, you can start collaborating us in Google Docs.