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File metadata and controls

141 lines (103 loc) · 4.75 KB


A collection of the things used during the Astra and StarTree demonstration

This is a WIP at the moment. It doesn't work... yet.


Confirm you are logged in to Astra CLI

Follow this guide to create an Astra account, a token, and config the cli.

# Should output your astra org uuid
astra org id

Provide the needed auth tokens

Follow this guide to create a Pinot token from your StarTree account.


Set the cloud, region, or object naming

Make sure the cloud providers and cloud regions match between DB and Steaming. It is a requirement of Astra CDC.

ORG_ID=$(astra org id)

Create the database to hold raw click data and retrieve the id

astra db create \
  --keyspace ${KEYSPACE_NAME} \
  --cloud ${CLOUD_PROVIDER_DB} \
  --region ${CLOUD_REGION_DB} \
  --wait \

DB_ID=$(astra db get ${DB_NAME} --key id)

Do not continue until the DB has a status of "ACTIVE"

astra db get ${DB_NAME}

Create the raw clicks table

astra db cqlsh ${DB_NAME} \
  --execute "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${KEYSPACE_NAME}.${TABLE_NAME}(click_epoch bigint PRIMARY KEY, UTC_offset int, request_url text, user_agent text, visitor_id text, coords text);"

Create the streaming tenant for CDC

astra streaming create \
WEB_SERVICE_URL=$(astra streaming get ${TENANT} -o json | jq -r '.data.cellValues[] | select(.Attribute == "WebServiceUrl") | .Value')
CLUSTER_NAME=$(astra streaming get ${TENANT} -o json | jq -r '.data.cellValues[] | select(.Attribute == "Cluster Name") | .Value')
PULSAR_TOKEN=$(astra streaming pulsar-token ${TENANT})

Enable CDC on the table to create a corresponding topic in the new tenant

curl -S --fail -X POST ${WEB_SERVICE_URL}/admin/v3/astra/tenants/${TENANT}/cdc \
  --header "Authorization: ${PULSAR_TOKEN}" \
  --header "X-DataStax-Pulsar-Cluster: ${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
  --data '{
  "databaseId": "'${DB_ID}'",
  "databaseName": "'${DB_NAME}'",
  "keyspace": "'${KEYSPACE_NAME}'",
  "orgId": "'${ORG_ID}'",
  "tableName": "'${TABLE_NAME}'",
  "topicPartitions": 3

# Add a row of data to create the topic schema
astra db cqlsh ${DB_NAME} --execute "INSERT INTO ${KEYSPACE_NAME}.${TABLE_NAME}(click_epoch, UTC_offset, request_url, user_agent, visitor_id, coords) values(1665769440000, -4, '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.106 Safari/537.36 OPR/38.0.2220.41','1234asd','{\"coords\":{\"latitude\":37.40730296266554,\"heading\":null,\"accuracy\":40,\"altitudeAccuracy\":null,\"altitude\":null,\"longitude\":-122.08019055687454,\"speed\":null},\"timestamp\":1339712284200}');"

# Retrieve the auto-created topic
PULSAR_TOPIC=$(astra streaming pulsar-shell --execute-command "admin topics list ${TENANT}/astracdc" ${TENANT} | grep data-.*-0 | awk '{gsub("-partition-0","");print}')

Create the Pinot table schema

curl -S --fail -X POST "" \
  -H "accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Basic ${PINOT_TOKEN}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@pinot/full-click-schema.json"

Create a real time Pinot table with Pulsar ingestion

awk '{gsub("PULSAR_TOKEN","'${PULSAR_TOKEN}'");gsub("PULSAR_TOPIC","'${PULSAR_TOPIC}'");print}' pinot/full-click-table.json > formatted-table.json

curl -S --fail -X POST "" \
  -H "accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Basic ${PINOT_TOKEN}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "@formatted-table.json"

See the new data loaded in Pinot

Adding additional data

Assuming you did not change the values of KEYSPACE_NAME and TABLE_NAME, you can see the whole example in action by running the following command.

astra db cqlsh ${DB_NAME} --file ./astra/test-data.cql

Remember - upserts are enabled on the Pinot table using the visitor_id column. So when you select rows it only show the latest value for each distinct id. To see all the rows in the table use: select * from fullClick limit 10 option(skipUpsert=true).