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Workshops Astra Block!

Gitpod ready-to-code License Apache2 Discord

⚠️ Difficulty: Intermediate, we expect you to already know Javascript and TypeScript.

Today we are building THIS

Info: Documentation of the product used today

📋 Table of content


LAB1 - Database Initialization

LAB2 - Astra Block Quick Start

LAB3 - Ethereum Explorer



  • Give you an first understanding about Blockchain and Web3.
  • Present the limitations of blockchains for realtime applications and how off-loading can help.
  • Discover NoSQL dsitributed databases and specially Apache Cassandra™.
  • Show a sample usage of the GraphQL API provided by Stargate on top of Cassandra.
  • Introduce AstraDB and Astra Block.

Frequently asked questions

1️⃣ Can I run this workshop on my computer?

There is nothing preventing you from running the workshop on your own machine, If you do so, you will need the following

  1. git installed on your local system
  2. Javascript installed on your local system
  3. Npm, Typescript installed on your local system

In this readme, we try to provide instructions for local development as well - but keep in mind that the main focus is development on Gitpod, hence We can't guarantee live support about local development in order to keep on track with the schedule. However, we will do our best to give you the info you need to succeed.

2️⃣ What other prerequisites are required?
  • You will need an enough *real estate* on screen, we will ask you to open a few windows and it does not file mobiles (tablets should be OK)
  • You will need a GitHub account eventually a google account for the Google Authentication (optional)
  • You will need an Astra account: don't worry, we'll work through that in the following
  • As Intermediate level we expect you to know what javascript, typescript and Next JS are.

3️⃣ Do I need to pay for anything for this workshop?
No. All tools and services we provide here are FREE. FREE not only during the session but also after.

4️⃣ Will I get a certificate if I attend this workshop?
Attending the session is not enough. You need to complete the homeworks detailed below and you will get a nice badge that you can share on linkedin or anywhere else *(open api badge)*

🏠 Back to Table of Contents

Materials for the Session

It doesn't matter if you join our workshop live or you prefer to work at your own pace, we have you covered. In this repository, you'll find everything you need for this workshop:

1. Database Initialization

1.1 - Create an Astra Account

Note: Datastax Astra is a cloud-native, fully managed database-as-a-service (DBaaS) based on Apache Cassandra. It provides a scalable, performant and highly available database solution without the operational overhead of managing Cassandra clusters. Astra supports both SQL and NoSQL APIs, and includes features like backup and restore, monitoring and alerting, and access control. It enables developers to focus on application development while the database infrastructure is managed by Datastax.

1.2 - Create an Astra Token

  • ✅ 1.2.a Locate Settings (#1) in the menu on the left, then Token Management (#2)

  • ✅ 1.2.bSelect the role Organization Administrator before clicking [Generate Token]

  • ✅ 1.2.c - Copy your token in the clipboard. With this token we will now create what is needed for the training.

2. - Astra Block Quick Start

Astra Block is a blockchain data service that offers real-time indexed blockchain data for building Web3 and decentralized applications (dapps).

With Astra Block, you can stream a sanitized blockchain dataset into an Astra database in real-time. The second a new block is mined, your Astra database will immediately be updated with the new, clean blockchain data.

More Information:

2.1 - Request Access

  • ✅ 2.1.b - Fill the form with your contact information, make sure to use the email you used to register to Astra.

  • ✅ 2.1.c - Wait for the team to enable you. It is a manual operation that can a bit of time.

Upon submission, DataStax will begin reviewing your request. Once your request is approved, a DataStax representative will reach out to you via email to discuss the next steps for creating your Block-enabled database.

2.2 - Create Astra Block DB


At this time, Block-enabled databases can only be manually created by DataStax upon request.

If you have yet to create your first Block-enabled database, you can request one by following the procedure in Request access to Astra Block.

If you’re already a user of Astra Block and would like to create additional Block-enabled databases, please send a request in a reply to your original Astra Block invitation email, or as a message via the Intercom widget in the lower right-hand corner of the Astra Portal.

  • ✅ 2.2.a - Locate button [Clone Bockchain Database] to start your journey.

  • ✅ 2.2.b - Fill DB creation form selecting Ethereum (Complete Dataset)

  • ✅ 2.2.c - It will take a few seconds for the database to be available

  • ✅ 2.2.d - A new Tab will be available Block, make sure to [Enable Block]

2.3 - First Requests with CQL CONSOLE

  • ✅ 2.3.a - Locate tab CQL Console and show the console.

  • ✅ 2.3.b - Pick the ethereum keyspace with CQLSH
use ethereum;
  • ✅ 2.3.c - Describe tables with CQLSH
describe table tokens;
  • ✅ 2.3.d - Access Table data
select address,decimals,name,symbol,block_timestamp 
from tokens 


 address                                    | decimals | name            | symbol | block_timestamp
 0xc14ca0805194dc4a1319dcad80352d8033763b92 |       18 |             WJL |    WJL | 2018-12-25 08:24:03.000000+0000
 0x69a2bf7c7fe7cd4ce69b8d645980261582e26e16 |        0 |  Artem Anisimov |     AA | 2019-12-30 14:19:51.000000+0000
 0xca3537f73cce6dc0aa1611d79f4b0fdc2dfe31d2 |     null |                 |   null | 2017-02-06 18:28:26.000000+0000
 0x17c5134461f501b4c00ac8082d2d5a3ff0ba2d3e |       18 |          YUANZE | YUANZE | 2021-06-11 12:24:53.000000+0000
 0x62397c4e8f064a94806abcfc85fb96daf2d43e2c |        0 |                 |        | 2021-07-09 08:47:43.000000+0000
 0x69510449d500fcaf8eb79a2f1448019f3854344a |        5 |        SD Chain |     SD | 2020-04-10 12:19:23.000000+0000
 0xcbbd061680091d4d84db4db7a8060708d50f5e65 |       18 |          CoinUs |   BNUS | 2019-03-07 10:13:06.000000+0000
 0x5da482344df827dccecd7c8aee675c463b12a915 |       18 |    FortFC Token |   FFCT | 2018-09-17 12:42:52.000000+0000
 0x2c1bae1aec1bcc328da0cabea8c6a73c076f0af9 |       10 | NothingButBased |  BASED | 2022-10-12 17:33:47.000000+0000
 0x99bada568a90e203374ee8ca2d938c1a319d4130 |       18 |             XXH |    XXH | 2018-11-17 06:34:56.000000+0000

2.4 - Open Astra GraphQL


The application will use the GraphQL Api to interact with the database, let us have a look at this API.

  • ✅ 2.4.a - Locate Playground, in the Connect Tab by scrolling down and clicking graphQL

  • ✅ 2.4.b - There click on the GraphQL Playground link.

  • ✅ 2.4.c - List Keyspaces in db workshop

In the left part of the screen enter the following request and validate with the Big triangle button in the middle (play)

query getAllKeyspaces{ 
  keyspaces {


2.5 - Open Free GraphQL

  • ✅ 2.5.a - Open the free GraphQL playground available at

  • ✅ 2.5.b - Change the URL to point to the database update for your
  • ✅ 2.5.c - Click on HTTP HEADER and populate
  "x-cassandra-token": "AstraCS:NTUZWFSHzJFPbNSfHEsiWgoN:8117739d5965d24f0bf23951857a97338d3b049b0761d5bce5cbe6e2e36b2944"

This token will be valid only today. It serves the purpose and making you testing with real data but after that you will have to create your won token, your own database.

2.6 - GraphQL queries

  • ✅ 2.6.a - Display documentation by click on the DOCS panel totally on the right of the playground.

  • ✅ 2.6.b - Display the table list of the keyspace ethereum
query getEthereumKeyspaceTables {
  keyspace(name:"ethereum") {
    tables {
      columns {
        type {
          info {
  • ✅ 2.6.b - Open a new TAB and call it DATA and provide a new URL

  • ✅ 2.6.c - Upload the header if needed with
  "x-cassandra-token": "AstraCS:NTUZWFSHzJFPbNSfHEsiWgoN:8117739d5965d24f0bf23951857a97338d3b049b0761d5bce5cbe6e2e36b2944"
  • ✅ 2.6.d - List content of table tokens,
query getTokenByAddress {
  tokens(value:{address:"0xc14ca0805194dc4a1319dcad80352d8033763b92"}) {
    values {


  "data": {
    "tokens": {
      "values": [
          "address": "0xc14ca0805194dc4a1319dcad80352d8033763b92",
          "block_number": "6949212",
          "block_timestamp": "2018-12-25T08:24:03.000Z",
          "decimals": 18,
          "symbol": "WJL"

LAB3 - Ethereum Explorer

3.1 - Setup the app

  • ✅ 3.1.a ↗️ Right Click and select open as a new Tab...

Open in Gitpod

  • ✅ 3.1.b Install dependencies. Wait for the environment to start and install dependencies with
yean install

3.2 - Start the app

  • ✅ 3.2.a Start the app with
yarn start 

note: if you want to run the app in production mode) or yarn dev for hot reloading

gp url 3000

3.3 - Deploy to Vercel


Deploy the app to Vercel using the button below:

Deploy with Vercel