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Version: 0.2.0 Type: application AppVersion: 0.10.0

Apache Zeppelin with Apache Spark



Spark deploy architectures

Spark have 3 components:

  • driver = the java zeppelin interpreter application
  • master (aka cluster manager)
  • worker = where the code is executed

spark cluster components

More details at

All components can run in the same java process / container or can run separately.

There are severals ways to run Spark:

** run driver within zeppelin container ** (stable)

Aka local mode, the easiest way to run Spark, no network-policy between zeppelin and spark interpreter.

zeppelin spark embedded

** run executor within zeppelin container ** (stable)

If driver is running within zeppelin container, use local executor (aka master = local[X]) in order to run everything in the same java process. Here , executor = driver (= zeppelin interpreter java application), be sure to give enough memory for zeppelin + spark.

zeppelin spark embedded

** run driver in a separate container ** (beta)

K8S zeppelin mode is broken (apache/zeppelin#4192). As a workaround, we can deploy the zep'spark interpreter with the Helm chart charts/zeppelin-int.

zeppelin spark separately

** run executors within an external Spark cluster ** (beta)

With spark-master and spark-worker Helm chart, you can deploy a Spark cluster. Setting master = spark://my-spark-master:7077 will run executor(s) in this cluster.

zeppelin spark separately

** run executors using K8S master ** (not tested)

Spark provide natif K8S support


Name Email Url
Thomas Decaux


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "apache/zeppelin"
image.tag string "0.9.0"
imagePullSecrets list [] To use private images
ingress.annotations object {} Annotations to use cert-manager and sticky sessions
ingress.enabled bool false Enable Zeppelin server ingress
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "ImplementationSpecific"
ingress.tls list []
logging.level string "INFO"
logging.syslog object {}
nameOverride string ""
networkPolicy.enabled bool false enable network policy
networkPolicy.extraEgressRules list [] add extra NP egress rules
networkPolicy.extraIngressRules list [] add extra NP ingress rules
nodeSelector object {}
notebookStorage.repositorySecret string "git-data-lake" if type is git , use this secret to get the repository URL (usually the URL contains an access token)
notebookStorage.type string "git" Kind of storage for notebook
podAnnotations object {}
podLabels object {}
podSecurityContext object {} see
replicaCount int 1 Pod replica count
resources object {} Resources, dont be greedy for memory, this is java :-)
securityContext object {} see
service.port int 8080 HTTP server port
service.rpcPort int 38853 RPC port, to register interpreter
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations object {}
serviceAccount.create bool false string "default"
serviceAccount.rbac.create bool false
spark.config object {} Spark configuration
spark.dependencies object {} download dependencies via an init container to use proxy only for this
spark.driver.ingress object {"enabled":false} if mode is local, create an ingress to access to Spark UI
spark.driver.mode string "local" driver mode, local will run Zeppelin Spark interpreter in the same container, external will connect to an interpreter running in another pod
spark.driver.uiPort int 4040 if mode is local, Spark UI port, usually 4040
spark.executor.cores string "*" how many cores (* to use all CPUs) -- in local mode, this is equivalent to master = local[cores]
spark.executor.count int 2 if mode is not local, how many executors to deploy
spark.executor.deployMode string "client" if mode is not local, deploy mode (client / cluster)
spark.executor.masterURL string "" if mode is not local, full master URL
spark.executor.mode string "local" local will run executor in the same driver java process / cluster / k8s
spark.homeArtifacts.copyDirectory string "/opt/bitnami/spark"
spark.homeArtifacts.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
spark.homeArtifacts.image.registry string ""
spark.homeArtifacts.image.repository string "bitnami/spark"
spark.homeArtifacts.image.tag string "2.4.5"
tolerations list []
zeppelin.config."zeppelin.interpreter.output.limit" int 102400 Output message from interpreter exceeding the limit will be truncated
zeppelin.config."zeppelin.notebook.dir" string "notebook" notebooks storage dir
zeppelin.config."zeppelin.notebook.homescreen" string "" id of notebook to be displayed in homescreen. ex) 2A94M5J1Z Empty value displays default home screen
zeppelin.config."zeppelin.notebook.homescreen.hide" bool false hide homescreen notebook from list when this value set to true
zeppelin.config."zeppelin.server.addr" string "" IP to listen to (usually
zeppelin.config."zeppelin.server.context.path" string "/" Context Path of the Web Application (usually /)
zeppelin.interpreter.enabled bool true
zeppelin.interpreter.thriftPort int 10000
zeppelin.server.jvmMemOptions string "-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap -XX:MaxRAMFraction=1 -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m" Zeppelin Java process memory options