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Developing Ambassador

Ambassador is a complex piece of software with lots of integrations and moving parts. Just being able to build the code and run tests is often not sufficient to work efficiently on a given piece of the code. This document functions as a central registry for how to efficiently hack on any part of ambassador.

How do I get ambassador without building it?

Check out!

How do I get help with any of this stuff?

Ask on our Slack channel in the #ambassador-dev channel.

How do I setup a system for ambassador development?

To build or hack on ambassador, there are a number of prerequisites. In general our tooling tries to detect any missing requirements and provide a friendly error message. If you ever find that this is not the case please file a PR with a fix. Likewise if you ever find anything missing from this list.


  • git
  • make
  • docker (make sure you can run docker commands as your dev user without sudo)
  • bash
  • rsync (with the --info option)
  • golang 1.13
  • python 3.6+
  • kubectl
  • a kubernetes cluster
  • a docker registry


  • export DEV_REGISTRY=<your-dev-docker-registry> (you need to be logged in and have permission to push)
  • export DEV_KUBECONFIG=<your-dev-kubeconfig> (your cluster needs to be able to read from your registry, specifically from the ambassador, kat-server, and kat-client repos)
  • export GCLOUD_CONFIG=<your-config> (only needed if your kubeconfig uses gcloud, which is likely for a GKE cluster)

Please note that ambassador tests and build system will do destructive things to your development cluster. We therefore recommend that you create a separate kubeconfig file dedicated for ambassador development and point DEV_KUBECONFIG to this file instead of using the default ~/.kube/config location.

How do I find out what build targets are available?

Use make help and make targets to see what build targets are available along with documentation for what each target does.

How do I build an ambassador image from source?

  1. git clone && cd ambassador
  2. make images (this will take a while the first time)

The ambassador image will be tagged as ambassador:latest. There will also be a kat-server:latest and a kat-client:latest image. These two images are only used for testing.

How do I push an ambassador image from source?

  1. export DEV_REGISTRY=<your-dev-docker-registry> (you need to be logged in and have permission to push)
  2. make push
  3. The output will contain the image names. You can also display this using make env or make export. The latter form is suitable for passing to bash.

NOTE: This will also push the kat-client and kat-server images.

How do I deploy an ambassador to a cluster from source?

XXX: This does not work yet, but will be fixed in a future commit!!!

  1. export DEV_REGISTRY=<your-dev-docker-registry> (you need to be logged in and have permission to push)
  2. export DEV_KUBECONFIG=<your-dev-kubeconfig>
  3. make deploy

How do I run ambassador tests?

  • export DEV_REGISTRY=<your-dev-docker-registry> (you need to be logged in and have permission to push)
  • export DEV_KUBECONFIG=<your-dev-kubeconfig>
Group Command
All Tests make test
All Golang make gotest
All Python make pytest
Some/One Golang make gotest GOTEST_PKGS=./cmd/edgectl GOTEST_ARGS="-run TestName"
Some/One Python make pytest PYTEST_ARGS="-k TestName"

Please note the python tests use a local cache to speed up test results. If you make a code update that changes the generated envoy configuration, those tests will fail and you will need to update the python test cache.

How do I update the python test cache?

  • First, run make KAT_RUN_MODE=envoy pytest to do a test run without using the local cache.

  • Once that succeeds, use make pytest-gold to update the cache from the passing tests.

How do I debug/develop envoy config generation?

Envoy configuration is generated by the ambassador compiler. Debugging the ambassador compiler by running it in kubernetes is very slow since we need to push both the code and any relevant kubernetes resources into the cluster.


Fortunately we have the mockery tool which lets us run the compiler code directly on kubernetes resources without having to push that code or the relevant kubernetes resources into the cluster. This is the fastest way to hack on and debug the compiler.

The mockery tool runs inside the Docker container used to build Ambassador, using make shell, so it's important to realize that it won't have access to your entire filesystem. There are two easy ways to arrange to get data in and out of the container:

  1. If you make sync, everything in the Ambassador source tree gets rsync'd into the container's /buildroot/ambassador. The first time you start the shell, this can take a bit, but after that it's pretty fast. You'll probably need to use docker cp to get data out of the container, though.

  2. You may be able to use Docker volume mounts by exporting BUILDER_MOUNTS with the appropriate -v switches before running make shell -- e.g.

    export BUILDER_MOUNTS=$(pwd)/xfer:/xfer
    make shell

    will cause the dev shell to mount xfer in your current directory as /xfer. This is known to work well on MacOS (though volume mounts are slow on Mac, so moving gigabytes of data around this way isn't ideal).

Once you've sorted out how to move data around:

  1. Put together a set of Ambassador configuration CRDs in a file that's somewhere that you'll be able to get them into the builder container. The easy way to do this is to use the files you'd feed to kubectl apply; they should be actual Kubernetes objects with metadata and spec sections, etc. (If you want to use annotations, that's OK too, just put the whole Service object in there.)

  2. Run make compile shell to build everything and start the dev shell.

  3. From inside the build shell, run

    mockery $path_to_your_file

    If you're using a non-default ambassador_id you need to provide it in the environment:

    AMBASSADOR_ID=whatever mockery $path_to_your_file

    Finally, if you're trying to mimic KAT, copy the /tmp/k8s-AmbassadorTest.yaml file from a KAT run to use as input, then

    mockery --kat $kat_test_name $path_to_k8s_AmbassadorTest.yaml

    where $kat_test_name is the class name of a KAT test class, like LuaTest or TLSContextTest.

  4. Once it's done, /tmp/ambassador/snapshots will have all the output from the compiler phase of Ambassador.

The point of mockery is that it mimics the configuration cycle of real Ambassador, without relying at all on a Kubernetes cluster. This means that you can easily and quickly take a Kubernetes input and look at the generated Envoy configuration without any other infrastructure.

ambassador dump

The ambassador dump tool is also useful for debugging and hacking on the compiler. After running make shell, you'll also be able to use the ambassador CLI, which can export the most import data structures that Ambassador works with as JSON. It works from an input which can be either a single file or a directory full of files in the following formats:

  • raw Ambassador resources like you'll find in the demo/config directory; or
  • an annotated Kubernetes resources like you'll find in /tmp/k8s-AmbassadorTest.yaml after running make test; or
  • a watt snapshot like you'll find in the $AMBASSADOR_CONFIG_BASE_DIR/snapshots/snapshot.yaml (which is a JSON file, I know, it's misnamed).

Given an input source, running

ambassador dump --ir --v2 [$input_flags] $input > test.json

will dump the Ambassador IR and v2 Envoy configuration into test.json. Here $input_flags will be

  • nothing for raw Ambassador resources;
  • --k8s for Kubernetes resources; or
  • --watt for a watt snapshot.

You can get more information with

ambassador dump --help

How do I type check my python code?

XXX: the make mypy target does not exist yet, a future commit will fix this!

Ambassador uses Python 3 type hinting and the mypy static type checker to help find bugs before runtime. If you haven't worked with hinting before, a good place to start is the mypy cheat sheet.

New code must be hinted, and the build process will verify that the type check passes when you make test. Fair warning: this means that PRs will not pass CI if the type checker fails.

We strongly recommend using an editor that can do realtime type checking (at Datawire we tend to use PyCharm and VSCode a lot, but many many editors can do this now) and also running the type checker by hand before submitting anything:

  • make mypy will start check all the Ambassador code

Since make mypy uses the daemon for caching, it should be very fast after the first run. Ambassador code should produce no warnings and no errors.

If you're concerned that the cache is somehow wrong (or if you just want the daemon to not be there any more), make mypy-clean will stop the daemon and clear the cache.

How do I make documentation-only changes?

If you want to make a change that only affects documentation, and is not tied to a future feature, you'll need to make your change directly in the datawire/ambassador-docs repository. Clone that repository and check out its

(It is technically possible to make these changes from the ambassador repo. Please don't, unless you're fixing docs for an upcoming feature that hasn't yet shipped.)

How do I get the source code for a release?

The current shipping release of Ambassador lives on the master branch. It is tagged with its version (e.g. v0.78.0).

Changes on master after the last tag have not been released yet, but will be included in the next release of Ambassador.

How do I make a contribution?

  1. All development must be on branches cut from master.

    • We recommend that your branches start with your username.
      • At Datawire we typically use git-flow-style naming, e.g. flynn/dev/telepathic-ui
    • Please do not use a branch name starting with release.
  2. If your development takes any significant time, merge master back into your branch regularly.

    • Think "every morning" and "right before submitting a pull request."
    • If you're using a branch name that starts with your username, git rebase is also OK and no one from Datawire will scream at you for force-pushing.
    • Please do not rebase any branch that does not start with your username.
  3. Code changes must include relevant documentation updates.

    • Make changes in the docs directory as necessary, and commit them to your branch so that they can be incorporated when the feature is merged into master.
  4. Code changes must include passing tests.

    • See python/tests/ for more here.
    • Your tests must actually test the change you're making.
    • Your tests must pass in order for your change to be accepted.
  5. When you have things working and tested, submit a pull request back to master.

    • Make sure your branch is up-to-date with master right before submitting the PR!
    • The PR will trigger CI to perform a build and run tests.
    • CI tests must be passing for the PR to be merged.
  6. When all is well, maintainers will merge the PR into master, accepting your change for the next Ambassador release. Thanks!