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Akamai-AuthToken: Akamai Authorization Token for Python

Akamai-AuthToken is Akamai Authorization Token in the HTTP Cookie, Query String and Header for a client. You can configure it in the Property Manager at It's a behavior which is Auth Token 2.0 Verification.

Akamai-AuthToken supports Python 2.6–2.7 & 3.3–3.6, and runs great on PyPy. (This is Akamai unofficial code)


To install Akamai Authorization Token for Python:

$ pip install akamai-authtoken


from akamai.authtoken import AuthToken, AuthTokenError
import requests # just for this example

AT_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'YourEncryptionKey'
DURATION = 500 # seconds
AT_ENCRYPTION_KEY must be hexadecimal digit string with even-length.
Don't expose AT_ENCRYPTION_KEY on the public repository.

URL parameter option

# 1) Cookie
at = AuthToken(key=AT_ENCRYPTION_KEY, window_seconds=DURATION, escape_early=True)
token = at.generateToken(url="/akamai/authtoken")
url = "http://{0}{1}".format(AT_HOSTNAME, "/akamai/authtoken")
response = requests.get(url, cookies={at.token_name: token})
print(response) # Maybe not 403

# 2) Query string
token = at.generateToken(url="/akamai/authtoken")
url = "http://{0}{1}?{2}={3}".format(AT_HOSTNAME, "/akamai/authtoken", at.token_name, token)
response = requests.get(url)
It depends on turning on/off 'Escape token input' in the property manager. (on: escape_early=True / off: escape_early=False)
In [Example 2], it's only okay for 'Ignore query string' option on in the property manager.
If you want to 'Ignore query string' off using query string as your token, Please contact your Akamai representative.

ACL(Access Control List) parameter option

# 1) Header using *
at = AuthToken(key=AT_ENCRYPTION_KEY, window_seconds=DURATION)
token = at.generateToken(acl="/akamai/authtoken/list/*")
url = "http://{0}{1}".format(AT_HOSTNAME, "/akamai/authtoken/list/something")
response = requests.get(url, headers={at.token_name: token})

# 2) Cookie Delimited by '!'
acl = ["/akamai/authtoken", "/akamai/authtoken/list/*"]
token = at.generateToken(acl=AuthToken.ACL_DELIMITER.join(acl))
url = "http://{0}{1}".format(AT_HOSTNAME, "/akamai/authtoken/list/something2")
    # or "/akamai/authtoken"
response = requests.get(url, cookies={at.token_name: token})
It doesn't matter turning on/off 'Escape token input' in the property manager, but you should keep escape_early=False (Default)


AuthToken Class

AuthToken(token_type=None, token_name='__token__', key=None, algorithm='sha256',
        salt=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, window_seconds=None,
        field_delimiter='~', escape_early=False, verbose=False)


Parameter Description
token_type Select a preset. (Not Supported Yet)
token_name Parameter name for the new token. [Default: __token__]
key Secret required to generate the token. It must be hexadecimal digit string with even-length.
algorithm Algorithm to use to generate the token. (sha1, sha256, or md5) [Default:sha256]
salt Additional data validated by the token but NOT included in the token body. (It will be deprecated)
start_time What is the start time? (Use string 'now' for the current time)
end_time When does this token expire? 'end_time' overrides 'window_seconds'
window_seconds How long is this token valid for?
field_delimiter Character used to delimit token body fields. [Default: ~]
escape_early Causes strings to be 'url' encoded before being used.
verbose Print all parameters.

AuthToken's Static Variable

ACL_DELIMITER = '!' # Character used to delimit acl fields.

AuthToken's Method

generateToken(url=None, acl=None, start_time=None, end_time=None,
            window_seconds=None, ip=None, payload=None, session_id=None)

# Returns the authorization token string.

Parameter Description
url Single URL path.
acl Access control list delimited by ! [ie. /*]
start_time Same as Authtoken's parameters, but they overrides Authtoken's.
ip IP Address to restrict this token to. (Troublesome in many cases (roaming, NAT, etc) so not often used)
payload Additional text added to the calculated digest.
session_id The session identifier for single use tokens or other advanced cases.


$ python -k YourEncryptionKey -w 5000 -u /hello/world -x

Use -h or --help option for the detail.


Copyright 2017 Akamai Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.