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Frequently Asked Questions

Dave Davenport edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 8 revisions

bla=$(rofi -dmenu -input /dev/null -prompt "Enter Text > ")

* **rofi** gives the following message: `Mode keys not enabled. Please add it to the list of enabled modi: combi,drun`

   **rofi** allows you to, at run time, switch between multiple modi (default keybinding Ctrl-Tab). With `-show` you indicate the mode you want to select when opening. If the mode is not in the list, **rofi** will complain, but still show it. To solve this warning, add your view to the `-modi` list.

* Setup keybinding for **rofi** in unity.

Go to Control panel, keyboard then shortcuts. Then on the left select custom shortcuts. Click the `+` button and enter name + command you want to run (f.e. `rofi -show run`). Click apply. Now by double clicking disable and hitting the desired key combo you can assign a keybinding.
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