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This module was a first crack at trying to get sysmon logs into some format thats easier to work with. There's a huge amount of hard coding here, which was a pain every time there was an upgrade and new data types were introduced.

There's another module called export-sysmondb which dynamically figures out what fields belong to what event types, and loads them into a sqlite database.

To be honest - I'm not sure doing this is useful. still its been a useful exercise for me.


This module provides a way to export Sysmon Logs into a number of CSV file, one for each type

Early days. So far focusing on pulling logs out and getting them into csv and (soon) sqlite.

Really though - the state that this things at, its really just a way to export sysmon logs to CSV


For exporting there is:

  1. Export-SysmonLogs
  • Reads either the live sysmon logs, or an offline saved evtx file
  • Each record is then thrown through the appropriate ConvertFrom-Sysmon file
  • The resulting object is saved to a csv file, each type going to seperate csv files
  • There are a bunch of flags which manipulate get-WinEvent used inside the script to select specific types, date range, etc.
  1. ConvertFrom-Sysmon###### scripts (eg ConvertFrom-SysmonProcessCreate)
  • Seperate scripts, one for each Sysmon type. You can get a list of these events with

    (Get-WinEvent -ListProvider "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon" ).Tasks | sort value | Select Value,Displayname

  • A smarter person than me could just have a single script that used the events from -listprovider to identify the fields in each type. You can check these out with

    (Get-WinEvent -ListProvider "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon" ).Events | sort id | Select id,description |format-table -wrap

  • Each script also has an alias matching the type-id eg ConvertFrom-SysmonType1. These are used to dynamically select each script within Export-SysmonLogs


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