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Developing in the Cloud

This section covers deployment and development using a cloud service provider.

Developing on DigitalOcean

This chapter covers development or prototype deployment on the DigitalOcean platform using Hashicorp Terraform.

Control of Digital Ocean droplets using these playbooks is done in the subdirectory deploy/do beneath the root directory of the cloned repository. (This document assumes an environment variable $PBR points to the repository root.)

A helper Makefile and related scripts facilitate most of the steps used for creating and controlling DigitalOcean droplets using DigitalOcean's remote API. This remote API is accessible directly using programs like dopy or curl, or indirectly using terraform.


The Makefile has built-in help text that serves as a reminder of capabilities it supports.

Usage: make [something]

Where 'something' is one of these:

 help - print this help text
 init - initialize terraform state (this is automatic)
 droplets - show list of active droplets using dynamic inventory
 hosts - show list of hosts in group 'do'
 images - lists available DigitalOcean images
 regions - lists available DigitalOcean regions
 provider - generate terraform file for creating nodes in group 'do'

 plan - show the terraform plan for the current state
 graph - generate terraform graph (output is 'graph.png')
 newkeypair - generate a new SSH user keypair
 insertpubkey - insert SSH public key on DigitalOcean
 removepubkey - remove SSH public key on DigitalOcean
 create - applies terraform plan to create droplets for hosts in group 'do'
 bootstrap - create, then run bootstrap.yml and ca-certs.yml playbooks
 installcerts - run 'certbot-installcert.yml' playbook to install SSL certs
 deploy - run 'master.yml' playbook to deploy roles on droplets

 update - update packages
 reboot - reboot the system in +1 minute
 cancel - cancel rebooting (if you REALLY DIDN'T MEAN IT)

 addhostkeys - adds SSH host public keys to selected known_hosts files
 removehostkeys - removes SSH host public keys from selected known_hosts files

 dumpvars - produces Ansible debug output of vars for hosts in group 'do'
 ping - does Ansible ad-hoc ping of hosts in group 'do'
 pre.test - run pre-requisite tests for using terraform with DigitalOcean
 post.test - run 'test.runner --terse' on all droplets

 destroy - destroys droplets for hosts in group 'do'
 spotless - remove terraform log and state files

 * The default if you just type 'make' is the same as 'make help'
 * To control Ansible, set DIMS_ANSIBLE_ARGS to the arguments you want
   to pass along on the command line, for example:
     $ make DIMS_ANSIBLE_ARGS="--tags tests --limit purple" deploy
     $ make DIMS_ANSIBLE_ARGS="--limit purple" post.test

Getting Started

Before being able to remotely create and control DigitalOcean droplets and related resource, you need to have credentials, programs, and specific configuration settings (including passwords) for your deployment.


Some of these steps are performed by a bootstrap role, but you have to have already set up and configured Ansible and set variables for the host being set up in order to use that mechanism. Those steps are covered in Section :ref:`localdevelopment`. This section walks you through doing them manually. Once you are comfortable with managing the Ansible inventory, you can leverage Ansible for bootstrapping systems.

  • Install pre-requisite programs on the system you will be using as the Ansible control host (see :ref:`ansiblefundamentals`).

    • Debian

      $ sudo apt-get install -y bats ansible git make
    • Mac OS X (using homebrew)

      $ brew install bats ansible git make
  • Create a DNS domain to use for your development deployment and configure the domain's Nameservers entries to point to DigitalOcean's NS servers (NS1.DIGITALOCEAN.COM, NS2.DIGITALOCEAN.COM and NS3.DIGITALOCEAN.COM). This is necessary for allowing Terraform to use DigitalOcean's API to create and set DNS A, MX, and TXT records for your droplets. (You will set an environment variable in a moment with this domain name.)

    Now go to your DigitalOcean control panel, select Networking, then Domains. Enter your new domain name in the Add a Domain field and select Add Domain to register the domain with Digital Ocean.

    After a short period of time, you should then be able to see the NS records:

    $ dig ns | grep NS         1799    IN      NS         1799    IN      NS         1799    IN      NS


    There are many domain name registrars you can use. Factors such as requirements for specific TLD names, longevity of use, cost, existing DNS services already available to you, etc., will guide your choice. For short-term development and testing, you can use one of the "free" TLD registrars (e.g., Freenom).

  • Ensure that your ~/.bash_aliases (or ~/.bashrc, depending on how your operating system's Bash installation handles its resource files) has environment variables set up with the following variables.

    export PBR="${HOME}/path_to_where_you_put/ansible-dims-playbooks"
    export DIMS_DOMAIN=""
    export DIMS_SITE_ID="$(echo ${DIMS_DOMAIN} | sed 's/\./_/g')"
    # For dopy
    export DO_API_VERSION="2"
    export DO_API_TOKEN="$(psec secrets get do_api_token)"
    # For terraform
    export DO_PAT=${DO_API_TOKEN}
    export TF_VAR_do_api_token="${DO_PAT}"
    export TF_VAR_region="sfo2"  # See output of "make regions" for available regions
    export TF_VAR_environment="do"
    export TF_VAR_domain="${DIMS_DOMAIN}"
    export TF_VAR_datacenter="${TF_VAR_domain}"
    export TF_VAR_private_key="${HOME}/.ssh/${DIMS_SITE_ID}"
    export TF_VAR_public_key="${TF_VAR_private_key}.pub"


    Just editing this file does not change any currently set environment variables in active shells, so Bash must be forced to re-process this file. Either run exec bash in any active shell window to restart the Bash process, or log out and log back in. You may need to do this several times as you are configuring everything the first time.

  • Make sure operating system software pre-requisites are present.

    $ make prerequisites
  • Test the terraform installation and other tools by initializing the directory form within the deploy/do directory:

    $ cd $PBR/deploy/do
    $ make init

    This step does a few things, including initializing terraform and ensuring that a directory for storing secrets (with an empty token file) is created with the proper permissions. This "secrets" directory will later hold other secrets, such as passwords, TLS certificates and keys, backups of sensitive database components, etc.

    $ tree -aifp ~ | grep ~/.secrets
    [drwx------]  /Users/dittrich/.secrets
    [drwx------]  /Users/dittrich/.secrets/digital-ocean
    [-rw-------]  /Users/dittrich/.secrets/digital-ocean/token
  • The file that will hold the token is the last one listed in the tree output. To get the token to put in that file, go to your DigitalOcean control panel, select API, then select Generate New Token (see Figure :ref:`generate_token`). Copy the token and place it in the file ~/.secrets/digital-ocean/token.

Digital Ocean Personal Access Token Generation

Digital Ocean Personal Access Token Generation

After loading the token, you should be able to get a list of available regions with make regions:


You can get a list of available images (just the first 10 shown here) using make images:

{"slug":"cassandra","distribution":"Ubuntu","name":"Cassandra on 14.04"}
{"slug":"centos-6-5-x32","distribution":"CentOS","name":"6.7 x32"}
{"slug":"centos-6-5-x64","distribution":"CentOS","name":"6.7 x64"}
{"slug":"centos-6-x32","distribution":"CentOS","name":"6.9 x32"}
{"slug":"centos-6-x64","distribution":"CentOS","name":"6.9 x64"}
{"slug":"centos-7-x64","distribution":"CentOS","name":"7.4 x64"}
{"slug":"coreos-alpha","distribution":"CoreOS","name":"1618.0.0 (alpha)"}
{"slug":"coreos-beta","distribution":"CoreOS","name":"1590.2.0 (beta)"}
{"slug":"coreos-stable","distribution":"CoreOS","name":"1576.4.0 (stable)"}
{"slug":"debian-7-x32","distribution":"Debian","name":"7.11 x32"}
  • Create an SSH key pair to use for secure remote access to your droplets. Run make newkeypair and answer the questions as appropriate. (Normally this is just pressing Return multiple times to accept defaults.) This will generate an SSH key pair in your account specifically for use with DigitalOcean.


    You can regenerate this key at any time you wish, provided that you do not have any active DigitalOcean droplets. Full live re-keying is not yet working, so destroying the SSH key that you are using to access your droplets will break if you switch private keys.

    You can test the DigitalOcean API key by inserting the SSH key into your DigitalOcean account using make insertkey and then checking the SSH Keys section on the Settings > Security page (see Figure :ref:`ssh_key_insertion`).

Digital Ocean SSH Key

Digital Ocean SSH Key

Finally, you must set up a set of secrets (passwords, primarily) for the services that will be installed when you do make deploy after bootstrapping the droplets for Ansible control. These secrets are kept in a file ~/.secrets/digital-ocean/secrets.yml that should contain at least the following variables:


ca_rootca_password: 'sposTeAsTo'
jenkins_admin_password: 'WeAsToXYLN'
rabbitmq_default_user_pass: 'xsTIoglYWe'
rabbitmq_admin_user_pass: 'oXYLNwspos'
trident_sysadmin_pass: 'glYWeAsTlo'
trident_db_pass: 'lZ4gDxsTlo'
vncserver_password: 'lYWeALNwsp'


DO NOT just cut and paste those passwords! They are just examples that should be replaced with similarly strong passwords. You can chose 5 random characters, separate them by one or two punctuation characters, followed by some string that reminds you of the service (e.g., "trident" for Trident) with some other punction or capitalization thrown in to strengthen the resulting password. This is relatively easy to remember, is not the same for all services, is lenghty enough to be difficult to brute-force, and is not something that is likely to be found in a dictionary of compromised passwords. (You may wish to use a program like bashpass to generate random strong passwords like helpful+legmen~midnight.)

A bats test file exists to validate all of the required elements necessary to create and control DigitalOcean droplets. When all pre-requisites are satisfied, all tests will succeed. If any fail, resolve the issue and try again.

$ make pre.test
bats do.bats
 ✓ [S][EV] terraform is found in $PATH
 ✓ [S][EV] Directory for secrets (~/.secrets/) exists
 ✓ [S][EV] Directory for secrets (~/.secrets/) is mode 700
 ✓ [S][EV] Directory for DigitalOcean secrets (~/.secrets/digital-ocean/) exists
 ✓ [S][EV] DigitalOcean token file (~/.secrets/digital-ocean/token) is not empty
 ✓ [S][EV] Secrets for DigitalOcean (~/.secrets/digital-ocean/secrets.yml) exist
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable DIMS_DOMAIN is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable DIMS_SITE_ID is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable DO_API_VERSION (dopy) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable DO_API_TOKEN (dopy) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable DO_PAT (terraform) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable TF_VAR_do_api_token (terraform) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable TF_VAR_region (terraform) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable TF_VAR_environment (terraform) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable TF_VAR_domain (terraform) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable TF_VAR_datacenter (terraform) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable TF_VAR_private_key (terraform) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] Variable TF_VAR_public_key (terraform) is defined in environment
 ✓ [S][EV] DO_API_TOKEN authentication succeeds
 ✓ [S][EV] File pointed to by TF_VAR_public_key exists and is readable
 ✓ [S][EV] File pointed to by TF_VAR_private_key exists and is readable
 ✓ [S][EV] Git is set
 ✓ [S][EV] Git is set

23 tests, 0 failures

The fundamentals are now in place for provisioning and deploying the resources for a D2 instance on DigitalOcean.

Bootstrapping DigitalOcean Droplets

Once remote access to DigitalOcean via the remote API is set up, you can create droplets. The target insertpubkey helps upload the SSH public key (though this is also done automatically by terraform apply). Test that this works (and get familiar with how DigitalOcean handles SSH keys) running make insertpubkey and then checking using the DigitalOcean dashboard to verify the key was inserted. You can find the SSH Keys section on the Settings > Security page (see Figure :ref:`ssh_key_insertion`).

Creating DigitalOcean Resources

Running make create will update the file from a Jinja template, then apply the plan. This is useful whenever you make changes to variables that affect things like droplet attributes (e.g., disk size, RAM, number of CPUs, etc.) and DNS records.


Some changes to droplet configuration settings will entice terraformm apply to destroy the resource and recreate it. This is not much of an issue for things like DNS entries, but if it causes a droplet to be destroyed you may -- if you are not paying attention and say No when terraform asks for confirmation -- destroy files you have created in the droplet being recreated.

Bootstrapping DigitalOcean Droplets

Running make bootstrap will apply the bootstrap role to the droplets, preparing them for full Ansible control. This is typically only necessary when the droplets are first created. After that, the specific host playbooks from the deploy/do/playbooks/ directory are used to ensure the defined roles are applied to the droplets.


You can limit the hosts being affected when running Ansible via the Makefile rules by defining the variable DIMS_ANSIBLE_ARGS on the command line to pass along any Ansible command line arguments to ansible or ansible-playbook. For example,

$ make DIMS_ANSIBLE_ARGS="--limit red" bootstrap
$ make DIMS_ANSIBLE_ARGS="--limit green,purple" ping
$ make DIMS_ANSIBLE_ARGS="--tags base -vv" deploy

Backing Up Certificates and Trident Portal Data

There are two Makefile helper targets that will create backups of either Letsencrypt certificate related files or Trident database files.

Using make backup.letsencrypt creates a backup of the /etc/letsencrypt directory tree, preserving the certbot account information used to generate the host's certificate, the most recently generated certificate, renewal information, etc. This backup can be restored the next time the droplet is destroyed and created again, allowing the host to immediately be used for SSL/TLS secured connections.

.. todo::

   Finish documenting this...

Using make backup.postgres creates a backup of the Trident postgresql database, preserving any manually-created portal content required for demonstration, testing, or debugging.

.. todo::

   Finish documenting this...

For more information on how these backups work, see Section :ref:`backups`.

Destroying DigitalOcean Resources

Doing make destroy will destroy all of the DigitalOcean resources you have created and remove the SSH host keys from the local known_hosts files.

To destroy specific resources, use terraform destroy and specify the resource using the -target= option. For example, here is how to destroy the droplet purple:

$ terraform destroy -target=digitalocean_droplet.purple
digitalocean_droplet.purple: Refreshing state... (ID: 79647375)

An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  - destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  - digitalocean_droplet.purple

  - digitalocean_record.purple

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 2 to destroy.

Do you really want to destroy?
  Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
  There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

  Enter a value: yes

digitalocean_record.purple: Destroying... (ID: 33572623)
digitalocean_record.purple: Destruction complete after 1s
digitalocean_droplet.purple: Destroying... (ID: 79647375)
digitalocean_droplet.purple: Still destroying... (ID: 79647375, 10s elapsed)
digitalocean_droplet.purple: Destruction complete after 13s

Destroy complete! Resources: 2 destroyed.