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File metadata and controls

980 lines (798 loc) · 44.2 KB

Customizing a Private Deployment

The public Ansible playbooks in the ansible-dims-playbooks repository are designed to be public, which means they must (by definition) not contain real secrets. What is more, if someone wants to deploy their own instance of DIMS subsystems, they will need to maintain their own copies of inventory files, templates, and yes, secret files like Ansible vault, certificates, private keys, etc. These files obviously can't be committed to the public repository master or develop branches.

To facilitate keeping everything above (and more files, like backups of databases) completely separate, the ansible-dims-playbooks roles allow a second parallel repository that shares some of same subdirectories is used. The common directories are files/, roles/, and vars/. By convention, the directory is named private- followed by an identifier of your choice (e.g., private-devtest could be your development test deployment). This location is pointed to by the environment variable DIMS_PRIVATE and the Ansible variable dims_private which is set in the inventory, playbooks, or command line.


Some wrapper scripts will automatically set dims_private from the environment variable DIMS_PRIVATE. There is a helper function in called get_private that returns the directory path based on the DIMS_PRIVATE environment variable or falling back to the ansible-dims-playbooks directory for a pure local development environment.

To facilitate creating the private customization directory repository, the cookiecutter program can be used.


Cookiecutter is a command-line utility used to template project structures. It uses Jinja2 to take generalized templates of file names and file contents and render them to create a new, unique directory tree. A popular Cookiecutter template, used by Cookiecutter in their documentation, is a Python package project template.

Cookiecutter can be used to template more than Python packages and can do so for projects using languages other than Python.

Cookiecutter documentation and examples:

Cookiecutter is being integrated into the DIMS project as a Continuous Integration Utility. It's command line interface, cookiecutter, is installed along with other tools used in the DIMS project in the dimsenv Python virtual environment.

$ which cookiecutter

The source files used by cookiecutter can be found in ansible-dims-playbooks/files/cookiecutter.

The directory ansible-dims-playbooks/files/cookiecutter/dims-new-repo/ provides a template for a new Git source code repository that contains a Sphinx documentation directory suitable for publication on ReadTheDocs.


This template is usable for a source code repository with documentation, but can also be used for a documentation-only repository. If no Sphinx documentation is necessary, simply delete the docs/ directory prior to making the initial commit to Git. Documenting how to use the repository is recommended.

Top Level Files and Directories

The cookiecutter template directory used for creating DIMS project Git repositories contains the following files and directories:

├── dims-new-repo
├── dims-new-repo.yml
├── dims-private
└── README.txt

1 directory, 4 files
  • The directory dims-new-repo is the templated Cookiecutter.
  • The directory dims-private adds additional files by overlaying them into the appropriate places created by the main dims-new-repo templated Cookiecutter. It marks the repo as being non-public with warnings in documentation and a file named DO_NOT_PUBLISH_THIS_REPO in the top level directory to remind against publishing. It also includes hooks to ensure proper modes on SSH private key files.
  • The file dims-new-repo.yml is a template for variables that can be used to over-ride the defaults contained in the Cookiecutter directory.
  • The file README.txt is an example of how to use this Cookiecutter.

Files at this top level are not propagated to the output by cookiecutter, only the contents of the slug directory tree rooted at {{cookiecutter.project_slug}} will be included.

The dims-new-repo Cookiecutter

Going one level deeper into the Cookiecutter template directory dims-new-repo, you will find the following files and directories:

$ tree -a cookiecutter/dims-new-repo/
├── cookiecutter.json
├── {{cookiecutter.project_slug}}
│   ├── .bumpversion.cfg
│   ├── docs
│   │   ├── build
│   │   │   └── .gitignore
│   │   ├── Makefile
│   │   └── source
│   │       ├──
│   │       ├── index.rst
│   │       ├── introduction.rst
│   │       ├── license.rst
│   │       ├── license.txt
│   │       ├── static
│   │       │   └── .gitignore
│   │       ├── templates
│   │       │   └── .gitignore
│   │       ├── d2-logo.ico
│   │       └── d2-logo.png
│   ├── README.rst
│   └── VERSION
└── hooks

7 directories, 16 files
  • The directory {{cookiecutter.project_slug}} is what is called the slug directory, a directory that will be processed as a template to produce a new directory with specific content based on variable expansion. It contains all the other files, pre-configured for use by programs like Sphinx, bumpversion, and Git.


    Note the name of this directory includes paired curly braces ({{ and }}) that tell Jinja to substitute the value of a variable into the template. In the Ansible world, some people call these "mustaches" (tilt you head and squint a little and you'll get it.)

    The thing inside the mustaches in this directory name is a Jinja dictionary variable reference, with cookiecutter being the top level dictionary name and project_slug being the key to an entry in the dictionary. You will see this variable name below in the cookiecutter.json default file and dims-new-repo.yml configuration file.

    The curly brace characters ({}) are also Unix shell metacharacters used for advanced filename globbing, so you may need to escape them using '' or \ on a shell command line "remove the magic." For example, if you cd into the dims-new-repo directory, type ls { and then press TAB for file name completion, you will see the following:

    $ ls \{\{cookiecutter.project_slug\}\}/
  • The file cookiecutter.json is the set of defaults in JSON format. Templated files in the slug directory will be substituted from these variables. If desired, cookiecutter will use these to produce prompts that you can fill in with specifics at run time.
  • The directory hooks is holds scripts that are used for pre- and post-processing of the template output directory. (You may not need to pay any attention to this directory.)

Project Slug Directory

Path: $GIT/ansible-dims-playbooks/files/cookiecutter/dims-new-repo/{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}

Every Cookiecutter includes a directory with a name in the format of {{cookiecutter.project_slug}}. This is how the cookiecutter program knows where to start templating. Everything outside of this directory is ignored in the creation of the new project. The directory hierarchy of this directory will be used to make the directory hierarchy of the new project. The user can populate the {{cookiecutter.project_slug}} directory with any subdirectory structure and any files they will need to instantiate templated versions of their project. Any files in this directory can similarly use variables of the same format as the slug directory. These variables must be defined by either defaults or a configuration file or an undefined variable error will occur.

Look back at the example cookiecutter.json file. For that Cookiecutter, a new repo with the project name DIMS Test Repo would be found in a directory called dims-test-repo (this is the {{cookiecutter.project_name}} to {{cookiecutter.project_slug}} conversion).

Look back at the tree -a output. For that cookiecutter, a new directory would have a docs/ subdirectory, with its own subdirectories and files, a .bumpversion.cfg file, and a VERSION file. Any time this cookiecutter is used, this is the hierarchy and files the new repo directory will have.

├── .bumpversion.cfg
├── docs
│   ├── Makefile
│   └── source
│       ├──
│       ├── index.rst
│       ├── license.rst
│       ├── license.txt
│       ├── d2-logo.ico
│       └── d2-logo.png

4 directories, 8 files
  • .bumpversion.cfg: used to keep track of the version in various locations in the repo.
  • VERSION: file containing current version number
  • docs/:
    • Makefile: used to build HTML and LaTeX documents
    • source/:
      • minimal doc set (index.rst and license.rst)
      • .ico and .png files for branding the documents
      • which configures the document theme, section authors, project information, etc. Lots of variables used in this file, set from cookiecutter.json values.

Template Defaults

Path: $GIT/ansible-dims-playbooks/files/cookiecutter/dims-new-repo/cookiecutter.json

Every cookiecutter has a cookiecutter.json file. This file contains the default variable definitions for a template. When the user runs the cookiecutter command, they can be prompted for this information. If the user provides no information, the defaults already contained in the .json file will be used to create the project.

The cookiecutter.json file in the dims-new-repo Cookiecutter slug directory contains the following:

.. literalinclude:: ../../files/cookiecutter/dims-new-repo/cookiecutter.json
   :language: json

Python commands can be used to manipulate the values of one field to create the value of another field.

For example, you can generate the project slug from the repository name using the following:


"project_name": "DIMS New Repo Boilerplate",
"project_slug": "{{ cookiecutter.project_name.lower().replace(' ', '-') }}",


The resulting slug would look like dims-new-repo-boilerplate.

You can also load Jinja extensions by including an array named _extensions (shown array at the bottom of the JSON defaults file.) The variables release_date and project_copyright_date are produced programmatically using the Jinja2_time.TimeExtension extension. These are filled with the current date/time as defined. You can over-ride them using the dims-new-repo.yml YAML file adding the variables by name.

Custom Configuration File

Path: $GIT/ansible-dims-playbooks/files/cookiecutter/dims-new-repo/dims-new-repo.yml

The file dims-new-repo.yml is a configuration file that can be passed to cookiecutter using the --config-file command line option. It sets the dictionary default_context for cookiecutter at runtime, over-riding the defaults from the cookiecutter.json file.

.. literalinclude:: ../../files/cookiecutter/dims-new-repo.yml
   :language: yaml

To use this file, copy the file dims-new-repo.yml and give it a unique name to differentiate it from other configuration files. This allows you to easily create more than one repository directory at a time, as well as save the settings to easily repeat the process for development and testing of the slug directory when you need to update it. For this example, we will use testrepo.yml for the configuration file.

$ cp dims-new-repo.yml testrepo.yml
$ vi testrepo.yml

Edit the template to customize is at necessary. It should end up looking something like this:

$ cat testrepo.yml

  full_name: "Dave Dittrich"
  email: ""
  project_name: "D2 Ansible Playbooks"
  project_slug: "ansible-dims-playbooks"
  project_short_description: "Ansible Playbooks for D2 System Configuration"
  project_copyright_name: "David Dittrich"


By default, cookiecutter will generate the new directory with the name specified by the cookiecutter.project_slug variable in the current working directory. Provide a relative or absolute path to another directory (e.g., $GIT, so place the new directory in the standard DIMS repo directory) using the -o command line option. In this example, we will let cookiecutter prompt for alternatives to the defaults from the cookiecutter.json file:

$ cd $GIT/dims-ci-utils/cookiecutter
$ cookiecutter -o ~/ dims-new-repo/
full_name [DIMS User]: Dave Dittrich
email []:
project_name [DIMS New Repo Boilerplate]: Test Repo
project_short_description [DIMS New Repo Boilerplate contains docs/ setup, template, .bumpversion.cfg, LICENSE file, and other resources needed for instantiating a new repo.]: This is just a test
release_date [20YY-MM-DD]: 2018-01-01
project_version [1.0.0]:
project_slug [test-repo]:
project_copyright_name [David Dittrich]:
project_copyright_date [2018]:
$ cd ~/test-repo
$ ls
$ tree -a
├── .bumpversion.cfg
├── docs
│   ├── build
│   │   └── .gitignore
│   ├── Makefile
│   └── source
│       ├──
│       ├── images
│       ├── index.rst
│       ├── license.rst
│       ├── license.txt
│       ├── static
│       │   └── .gitignore
│       ├── templates
│       │   └── .gitignore
│       ├── d2-logo.ico
│       └── d2-logo.png

3 directories, 12 files

The highlighted section in the above code block is the prompts for cookiecutter.json configuring. As you can see, I answer the first five prompts, the ones which require user input, and leave the rest blank because they don't require user input.

Following that, you can see the tree structure of the newly created repo called "test-repo". Once this is done, you can finish following repo setup instructions found in :ref:`dimsdevguide:sourcemanagement`.

Alternatively, you can change your current working directory to be the location where you want the templated directory to be created and specify the template source using an absolute path. In this example, we also use a configuration file, also specified with an absolute path:

$ mkdir -p /tmp/new/repo/location
$ cd /tmp/new/repo/location
$ cookiecutter --no-input \
> --config-file /home/dittrich/dims/git/dims-ci-utils/cookiecutter/testrepo.yml \
> /home/dittrich/dims/git/dims-ci-utils/cookiecutter/dims-new-repo
[+] Fix underlining in these files:
$ tree
└── ansible-dims-playbooks
    ├── docs
    │   ├── build
    │   ├── Makefile
    │   └── source
    │       ├──
    │       ├── index.rst
    │       ├── introduction.rst
    │       ├── license.rst
    │       ├── license.txt
    │       ├── _static
    │       ├── _templates
    │       ├── d2-logo.ico
    │       └── d2-logo.png
    ├── README.rst
    └── VERSION

6 directories, 10 files

Note the lines that show up right after the command line (highlighted here):

$ cookiecutter --no-input -f -o /tmp --config-file testrepo.yml dims-new-repo
[+] Fix underlining in these files:

ReStructureText (RST) files must have section underlines that are exactly the same length as the text for the section. Since the templated output length is not known when the template is written, it is impossible to correctly guess 100% of the time how many underline characters are needed. This could be handled with post-processing using awk, perl, etc., or it can just be called out by identifying a fixed string. The latter is what this Cookiecutter uses.

To produce one of these warning messages, simply place a line containing the string FIX_UNDERLINE in the template file, as shown here:

.. literalinclude:: ../../files/cookiecutter/dims-new-repo/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}/docs/source/index.rst
   :language: rst
   :emphasize-lines: 6,7

Edit these files to fix the underline before committing them to Git, as shown here:

DIMS Ansible Playbooks v |release|

The dims-private Cookiecutter

If the repo is supposed to be non-public, use the same configuration file to overlay files from the dims-private Cookiecutter onto the same output directory as the main repo directory. It uses a symbolic link for the cookiecutter.json file to have exactly the same defaults and using the same configuration file ensures the same output directory and templated values are output as appropriate.

$ cookiecutter --no-input -f -o /tmp --config-file testrepo.yml dims-private
[+] Fix underlining in these files:

The dims-private Cookiecutter also adds a directory hooks/ and a Makefile that installs post-checkout and post-merge hooks that Git will run after checking out and merging branches to fix file permissions on SSH private keys. Git has a limitation in its ability to track all Unix mode bits. It only tracks whether the execute bit is set or not. This causes the wrong mode bits for SSH keys that will prevent them from being used. These hooks fix this in a very simplistic way (though it does work.)

The very first time after the repository is cloned, the hooks will not be installed as they reside in the .git directory. Install them by typing make at the top level of the repository:

$ make
[+] Installing .git/hooks/post-checkout
[+] Installing .git/hooks/post-merge

The hooks will be triggered when needed and you will see an added line in the Git output:

$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
[+] Verifying private key permissions and correcting if necessary

Populating the Private Configuration Repository

Start creating your local customization repository using the cookiecutter template discussed in the previous section. We will call this private deployment devtest, thus creating a repository in a the directory named $GIT/private-devtest. Here is the configuration file we will use:

$ cd $GIT
$ cat private-devtest.yml

  full_name: "Dave Dittrich"
  email: ""
  project_name: "Deployment \"devtest\" private configuration"
  project_slug: "private-devtest"
  project_short_description: "Ansible playbooks private content for \"devtest\" deployment"
  project_copyright_name: "David Dittrich"

First, generate the new repository from the dims-new-repo template, followed by adding in the files from the dims-private template.

$ cookiecutter --no-input -f -o . --config-file private-devtest.yml $GIT/dims-ci-utils/cookiecutter/dims-new-repo
[+] Fix underlining in these files:
$ cookiecutter --no-input -f -o . --config-file private-devtest.yml $GIT/dims-ci-utils/cookiecutter/dims-private


Be sure to edit the two documents that are mentioned above right now to fix the headings, and possibly to change the documentation in the README.rst file to reference the actual location of the private GIT repository.

You now have a directory ready to be turned into a Git repository with all of the requisite files for bumpversion version number tracking, Sphinx documentation, and hooks for ensuring proper permissions on SSH private key files.

    $ tree -a private-devtest
    ├── .bumpversion.cfg
    ├── docs
    │   ├── .gitignore
    │   ├── Makefile
    │   └── source
    │       ├──
    │       ├── index.rst
    │       ├── introduction.rst
    │       ├── license.rst
    │       ├── license.txt
    │       ├── _static
    │       │   └── .gitignore
    │       ├── _templates
    │       │   └── .gitignore
    │       ├── d2-logo.ico
    │       └── d2-logo.png
    ├── hooks
    │   ├── post-checkout
    │   └── post-merge
    ├── Makefile
    ├── README.rst
    └── VERSION

    5 directories, 18 files


Next, begin by creating the Ansible inventory/ directory that will describe your deployment. Copy the group_vars, host_vars, and inventory directory trees to the new custom directory.

$ cp -vrp $PBR/{group_vars,host_vars,inventory} -t private-devtest
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/consul.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/consul.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/rsyslog.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/rsyslog.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/prisem_rpc.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/prisem_rpc.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/trident.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/trident.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/postgresql.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/postgresql.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/nginx.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/nginx.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/.dims.yml.swp’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/.dims.yml.swp’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/networks.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/networks.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/docker.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/docker.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/dnsmasq.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/dnsmasq.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/dims.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/dims.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/swarm.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/swarm.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/squid-deb-proxy.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/squid-deb-proxy.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/vagrant.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/vagrant.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/all/go.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/all/go.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/vault.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/vault.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/group_vars/README.txt’ -> ‘private-devtest/group_vars/README.txt’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/purple.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/purple.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/.gitignore’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/.gitignore’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/node02.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/node02.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/yellow.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/yellow.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/green.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/green.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/red.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/red.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/orange.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/orange.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/vmhost.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/vmhost.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/node03.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/node03.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/node01.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/node01.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/blue14.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/blue14.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/blue16.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/blue16.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/host_vars/hub.devops.local.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/host_vars/hub.devops.local.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/dns_zones’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/dns_zones’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/trident’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/trident’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/trident/nodes.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/trident/nodes.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/vagrants’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/vagrants’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/ci-server’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/ci-server’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/ci-server/nodes.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/ci-server/nodes.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/swarm’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/swarm’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/swarm/nodes.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/swarm/nodes.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/private’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/private’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/private/nodes.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/private/nodes.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/host_vars’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/host_vars’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/group_vars’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/group_vars’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/all.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/all.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/nameserver’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/nameserver’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/nameserver/nodes.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/nameserver/nodes.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/ansible-server’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/ansible-server’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/ansible-server/nodes.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/ansible-server/nodes.yml’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/coreos’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/coreos’
‘/home/dittrich/dims/git/ansible-dims-playbooks/inventory/coreos/nodes.yml’ -> ‘private-devtest/inventory/coreos/nodes.yml’

The names of hosts in the inventory need to be changed to match the new deployment name. This is necessary for mapping inventory host names to host_vars files, as well as to generate the proper split-DNS name to IP address mappings (among other things). In the inventory, this process can be automated a little bit.

Start by verifying that the word local only occurs in the inventory in places where it can be cleanly edited using a simple inline string editing (sed style) regular expression.

$ grep -r local inventory
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:      'local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:          - 'red.devops.local'
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:          - 'vmhost.devops.local'
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        mxserver: 'vmhost.devops.local'
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:    local:
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'vmhost.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'red.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'orange.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'blue14.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'blue16.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'yellow.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'purple.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'hub.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'node01.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'node02.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'node03.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'node01.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'node02.devops.local':
inventory/dns_zones/nodes.yml:        'node03.devops.local':
inventory/trident/nodes.yml:    'yellow.devops.local':
inventory/trident/nodes.yml:    'purple.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:      'local': 'eth1'
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:    'red.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:    'node01.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:    'node02.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:    'node03.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:    'yellow.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:    'purple.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:    'blue14.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:    'orange.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'red.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'node01.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'node02.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'node03.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'yellow.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'orange.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'purple.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'blue14.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'red.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'yellow.devops.local':
inventory/vagrants/nodes.yml:        'orange.devops.local':
inventory/ci-server/nodes.yml:#     jenkins_hostname: jenkins.devops.local
inventory/ci-server/nodes.yml:    jenkins_hostname: localhost
inventory/ci-server/nodes.yml:    'orange.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:    'red.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:    'yellow.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:    'purple.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:    'node01.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:    'node02.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:    'node03.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:        'node01.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:        'node02.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:        'node03.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:        'red.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:        'yellow.devops.local':
inventory/swarm/nodes.yml:        'purple.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'vmhost.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'red.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'orange.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'blue14.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'blue16.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'yellow.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'purple.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'hub.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'node01.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'node02.devops.local':
inventory/private/nodes.yml:    'node03.devops.local':
inventory/all.yml:    deployment: 'local'
inventory/all.yml:    dims_domain: 'devops.local'
inventory/all.yml:    'vmhost.devops.local':
inventory/all.yml:    'orange.devops.local':
inventory/all.yml:    'red.devops.local':
inventory/all.yml:    'node01.devops.local':
inventory/all.yml:    'node02.devops.local':
inventory/all.yml:    'node03.devops.local':
inventory/all.yml:    'yellow.devops.local':
inventory/all.yml:    'purple.devops.local':
inventory/all.yml:    'blue14.devops.local':
inventory/nameserver/nodes.yml:    'red.devops.local':
inventory/nameserver/nodes.yml:    'vmhost.devops.local':
inventory/ansible-server/nodes.yml:    'vmhost.devops.local':
inventory/ansible-server/nodes.yml:    'orange.devops.local':
inventory/coreos/nodes.yml:    iptables_rules: rules.v4.coreos-local.j2
inventory/coreos/nodes.yml:    dims_environment: environment.coreos-local.j2
inventory/coreos/nodes.yml:    # This is not specific to "local" deployment, but is specific to coreos
inventory/coreos/nodes.yml:    'node01.devops.local':
inventory/coreos/nodes.yml:    'node02.devops.local':
inventory/coreos/nodes.yml:    'node03.devops.local':

Doing this on a BASH command line in Linux would highlight the word local, making it easier to see, but there is no need to do anything other than simply substitute local with devtest.


The kind of bulk editing that will be shown next is powerful, which means it is also risky. Accidental damage from typos on the command line can be very difficult to recover from. For example, if you were to blindly change the word local to devtest in the following files, you would break many things:

. . .
../roles/postgresql/templates/postgresql/postgresql.conf.j2:listen_addresses = 'localhost'              # what IP address(es) to listen on;
../roles/postgresql/templates/postgresql/postgresql.conf.j2:log_timezone = 'localtime'
../roles/postgresql/templates/postgresql/postgresql.conf.j2:timezone = 'localtime'
. . .
../roles/postgresql/templates/postgresql/pg_hba.conf.j2:local   all             all                                     trust
../roles/postgresql/templates/postgresql/pg_hba.conf.j2:local   replication     postgres                                trust
  . . .
../roles/nginx/templates/nginx/nginx.conf.j2:   access_log syslog:server=localhost,facility={{ syslog_facility }},tag=nginx,severity={{ syslog_severity }};
../roles/nginx/templates/nginx/nginx.conf.j2:   error_log syslog:server=localhost,facility={{ syslog_facility }},tag=nginx,severity={{ syslog_severity }};
. . .
../roles/base/files/    local line h k v host=${} config=${HUB_CONFIG:-~/.config/hub}
../roles/base/files/    local f format=$1
../roles/base/files/    local i remote repo branch dir=$(__gitdir)
../roles/base/files/    local i remote=${1:-origin} dir=$(__gitdir)
. . .
../roles/base/files/      local upstream=git legacy="" verbose="" name=""
../roles/base/files/      local output="$(git config -z --get-regexp '^(svn-remote\..*\.url|bash\.showupstream)$' 2>/dev/null | tr '\0\n' '\n ')"
../roles/base/files/              local -a svn_upstream
../roles/base/files/                      local n_stop="${#svn_remote[@]}"
../roles/base/files/              local commits
. . .
../roles/base/files/    local retval=$1 && shift
../roles/base/files/    local script=$1
../roles/base/files/    local n=${#on_exit_items[*]}
../roles/base/files/    local _deployment=${1:-${DEPLOYMENT}}
. . .

If you are not comfortable and confident that you know what you are doing, practice first by making a copy of the directory tree to the /tmp directory and trying the edits there. Using diff -r against both the original directory and the temporary directory will show you the effects and allow you to validate they reflect what you desire before applying to the actual files.

Use the -l option of grep to get just the file names, save them to a file, and use that file in an inline command substitution in a for loop to edit the files inline using perl.

$ grep -lr local inventory > /tmp/files
$ for F in $(cat /tmp/files); do perl -pi -e 's/local/devtest/' $F; done

Next, rename all of the host_vars files to have names that match the deployment name devtest and the changes made to the inventory files, and carefully change the internal contents like the last step so they match as well.

$ cd private-devtest/host_vars/
$ ls
blue14.devops.local.yml  green.devops.local.yml  node01.devops.local.yml
node03.devops.local.yml  purple.devops.local.yml vmhost.devops.local.yml
blue16.devops.local.yml  hub.devops.local.yml    node02.devops.local.yml
orange.devops.local.yml  red.devops.local.yml    yellow.devops.local.yml
$ for F in *.yml; do mv $F $(echo $F | sed 's/local/devtest/'); done
$ ls
blue14.devops.devtest.yml  green.devops.devtest.yml  node01.devops.devtest.yml
node03.devops.devtest.yml  purple.devops.devtest.yml vmhost.devops.devtest.yml
blue16.devops.devtest.yml  hub.devops.devtest.yml    node02.devops.devtest.yml
orange.devops.devtest.yml  red.devops.devtest.yml    yellow.devops.devtest.yml
$ grep local *
blue14.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/blue14.devops.local.yml
blue16.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/blue16.devops.local.yml
green.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/green.devops.local.yml
hub.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/hub.devops.local.yml
node01.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/node01.devops.local.yml
node02.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/node02.devops.local.yml
node03.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/node03.devops.local.yml
orange.devops.devtest.yml:# file: host_vars/orange.devops.local
orange.devops.devtest.yml:jenkins_url_external: 'http://orange.devops.local:8080'
purple.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/purple.devops.local.yml
red.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/red.devops.local.yml
vmhost.devops.devtest.yml:  'local': 'vboxnet3'
yellow.devops.devtest.yml:# File: host_vars/yellow.devops.local.yml
$ grep -l local *.yml > /tmp/files
$ for F in $(cat /tmp/files); do perl -pi -e 's/local/devtest/' $F; done
$ cd -