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  • Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.

The library has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04/20.04 and Windows 10, but should be compatible with other operating systems.


The library depends on NumPy, Apache Arrow, and pybind11.

Building PyBNesian requires linking to Apache Arrow. Therefore, even though the library is compatible with pyarrow>=3.0 each compiled binary is compatible with a specific pyarrow version. The pip repository provides compiled binaries for all the major operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X) targeting the last pyarrow version.

If you need a different version of pyarrow you will have to build PyBNesian from source. For example, if you need to use a pyarrow==3.0 with PyBNesian, first install the required version of pyarrow:

pip install pyarrow==3.0.0

Then, proceed with the Building steps.


PyBNesian can be installed with pip:

pip install pybnesian

Build from Source


  • Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 or 3.9.
  • C++17 compatible compiler.
  • OpenCL 1.2 headers/library available.

If needed you can select a C++ compiler by setting the environment variable CC. For example, in Ubuntu, we can use Clang 11 with the following command before installing PyBNesian:

export CC=clang-11


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd PyBNesian
git checkout v0.1.0 # You can checkout a specific version if you want
python install


The library contains tests that can be executed using pytest. They also require scipy and pandas installed. Install them using pip:

pip install pytest scipy pandas

Run the tests with:


Usage Example


>>> from pybnesian.models import GaussianNetwork >>> from pybnesian.factors.continuous import LinearGaussianCPD >>> # Create a GaussianNetwork with 4 nodes and no arcs. >>> gbn = GaussianNetwork(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) >>> # Create a GaussianNetwork with 4 nodes and 3 arcs. >>> gbn = GaussianNetwork(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [('a', 'c'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd')])

>>> # Return the nodes of the network. >>> print("Nodes: " + str(gbn.nodes())) Nodes: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> # Return the arcs of the network. >>> print("Arcs: " + str(gbn.nodes())) Arcs: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> # Return the parents of c. >>> print("Parents of c: " + str(gbn.parents('c'))) Parents of c: ['b', 'a'] >>> # Return the children of c. >>> print("Children of c: " + str(gbn.children('c'))) Children of c: ['d']

>>> # You can access to the graph of the network. >>> graph = gbn.graph() >>> # Return the roots of the graph. >>> print("Roots: " + str(sorted(graph.roots()))) Roots: ['a', 'b'] >>> # Return the leaves of the graph. >>> print("Leaves: " + str(sorted(graph.leaves()))) Leaves: ['d'] >>> # Return the topological sort. >>> print("Topological sort: " + str(graph.topological_sort())) Topological sort: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

>>> # Add an arc. >>> gbn.add_arc('a', 'b') >>> # Flip (reverse) an arc. >>> gbn.flip_arc('a', 'b') >>> # Remove an arc. >>> gbn.remove_arc('b', 'a')

>>> # We can also add nodes. >>> gbn.add_node('e') 4 >>> # We can get the number of nodes >>> assert gbn.num_nodes() == 5 >>> # ... and the number of arcs >>> assert gbn.num_arcs() == 3 >>> # Remove a node. >>> gbn.remove_node('b')

>>> # Each node has an unique index to identify it >>> print("Indices: " + str(gbn.indices())) Indices: {'e': 4, 'c': 2, 'd': 3, 'a': 0} >>> idx_a = gbn.index('a')

>>> # And we can get the node name from the index >>> print("Node 2: " + str( Node 2: c

>>> # The model is not fitted right now. >>> assert gbn.fitted() == False

>>> # Create a LinearGaussianCPD (variable, parents, betas, variance) >>> d_cpd = LinearGaussianCPD("d", ["c"], [3, 1.2], 0.5)

>>> # Add the CPD to the GaussianNetwork >>> gbn.add_cpds([d_cpd])

>>> # The CPD is still not fitted because there are 3 nodes without CPD. >>> assert gbn.fitted() == False

>>> # Let's generate some random data to fit the model. >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> import pandas as pd >>> DATA_SIZE = 100 >>> a_array = np.random.normal(3, np.sqrt(0.5), size=DATA_SIZE) >>> c_array = -4.2 - 1.2*a_array + np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(0.75), size=DATA_SIZE) >>> d_array = 3 + 1.2 * c_array + np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(0.5), size=DATA_SIZE) >>> e_array = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=DATA_SIZE) >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': a_array, ... 'c': c_array, ... 'd': d_array, ... 'e': e_array ... })

>>> # Fit the model. You can pass a pandas.DataFrame or a pyarrow.RecordBatch as argument. >>> # This fits the remaining CPDs >>> >>> assert gbn.fitted() == True

>>> # Check the learned CPDs. >>> print(gbn.cpd('a')) [LinearGaussianCPD] P(a) = N(3.043, 0.396) >>> print(gbn.cpd('c')) [LinearGaussianCPD] P(c | a) = N(-4.423 + -1.083*a, 0.659) >>> print(gbn.cpd('d')) [LinearGaussianCPD] P(d | c) = N(3.000 + 1.200*c, 0.500) >>> print(gbn.cpd('e')) [LinearGaussianCPD] P(e) = N(-0.020, 1.144)

>>> # You can sample some data >>> sample = gbn.sample(50)

>>> # Compute the log-likelihood of each instance >>> ll = gbn.logl(sample) >>> # or the sum of log-likelihoods. >>> sll = gbn.slogl(sample) >>> assert np.isclose(ll.sum(), sll)

>>> # Save the model, include the CPDs in the file. >>>'test', include_cpd=True)

>>> # Load the model >>> from pybnesian import load >>> loaded_gbn = load('test.pickle')

>>> # Learn the structure using greedy hill-climbing. >>> from pybnesian.learning.algorithms import hc >>> from pybnesian.models import GaussianNetworkType >>> # Learn a Gaussian network. >>> learned = hc(df, bn_type=GaussianNetworkType()) >>> learned.num_arcs() 2

import os os.remove('test.pickle')