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495 lines (495 loc) · 13.2 KB

File metadata and controls

495 lines (495 loc) · 13.2 KB

Name: Xcode Result Types Version: 3.44 Signature: G3FAemVu1AQ= Types:

  • ActionAbstractTestSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • name: String?
  • ActionDeviceRecord
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • name: String
      • isConcreteDevice: Bool
      • operatingSystemVersion: String
      • operatingSystemVersionWithBuildNumber: String
      • nativeArchitecture: String
      • modelName: String
      • modelCode: String
      • modelUTI: String
      • identifier: String
      • isWireless: Bool
      • cpuKind: String
      • cpuCount: Int?
      • cpuSpeedInMHz: Int?
      • busSpeedInMHz: Int?
      • ramSizeInMegabytes: Int?
      • physicalCPUCoresPerPackage: Int?
      • logicalCPUCoresPerPackage: Int?
      • platformRecord: ActionPlatformRecord
  • ActionPlatformRecord
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • identifier: String
      • userDescription: String
  • ActionRecord
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • schemeCommandName: String
      • schemeTaskName: String
      • title: String?
      • startedTime: Date
      • endedTime: Date
      • runDestination: ActionRunDestinationRecord
      • buildResult: ActionResult
      • actionResult: ActionResult
      • testPlanName: String?
  • ActionResult
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • resultName: String
      • status: String
      • metrics: ResultMetrics
      • issues: ResultIssueSummaries
      • coverage: CodeCoverageInfo
      • timelineRef: Reference?
      • logRef: Reference?
      • testsRef: Reference?
      • diagnosticsRef: Reference?
      • consoleLogRef: Reference?
  • ActionRunDestinationRecord
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • displayName: String
      • targetArchitecture: String
      • targetDeviceRecord: ActionDeviceRecord
      • localComputerRecord: ActionDeviceRecord
      • targetSDKRecord: ActionSDKRecord
  • ActionSDKRecord
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • name: String
      • identifier: String
      • operatingSystemVersion: String
      • isInternal: Bool
  • ActionTestActivitySummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • title: String
      • activityType: String
      • uuid: String
      • start: Date?
      • finish: Date?
      • attachments: [ActionTestAttachment]
      • subactivities: [ActionTestActivitySummary]
      • failureSummaryIDs: [String]
      • expectedFailureIDs: [String]
      • warningSummaryIDs: [String]
  • ActionTestAttachment
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • uniformTypeIdentifier: String
      • name: String?
      • uuid: String?
      • timestamp: Date?
      • userInfo: SortedKeyValueArray?
      • lifetime: String
      • inActivityIdentifier: Int
      • filename: String?
      • payloadRef: Reference?
      • payloadSize: Int
  • ActionTestConfiguration
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • values: SortedKeyValueArray
  • ActionTestExpectedFailure
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • uuid: String
      • failureReason: String?
      • failureSummary: ActionTestFailureSummary?
      • isTopLevelFailure: Bool
  • ActionTestFailureSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • message: String?
      • fileName: String
      • lineNumber: Int
      • isPerformanceFailure: Bool
      • uuid: String
      • issueType: String?
      • detailedDescription: String?
      • attachments: [ActionTestAttachment]
      • associatedError: TestAssociatedError?
      • sourceCodeContext: SourceCodeContext?
      • timestamp: Date?
      • isTopLevelFailure: Bool
  • ActionTestIssueSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • message: String?
      • fileName: String
      • lineNumber: Int
      • uuid: String
      • issueType: String?
      • detailedDescription: String?
      • attachments: [ActionTestAttachment]
      • associatedError: TestAssociatedError?
      • sourceCodeContext: SourceCodeContext?
      • timestamp: Date?
  • ActionTestMetadata
    • Supertype: ActionTestSummaryIdentifiableObject
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • testStatus: String
      • duration: Double?
      • summaryRef: Reference?
      • performanceMetricsCount: Int
      • failureSummariesCount: Int
      • activitySummariesCount: Int
  • ActionTestNoticeSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • message: String?
      • fileName: String
      • lineNumber: Int
      • timestamp: Date?
  • ActionTestPerformanceMetricSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • displayName: String
      • unitOfMeasurement: String
      • measurements: [Double]
      • identifier: String?
      • baselineName: String?
      • baselineAverage: Double?
      • maxPercentRegression: Double?
      • maxPercentRelativeStandardDeviation: Double?
      • maxRegression: Double?
      • maxStandardDeviation: Double?
      • polarity: String?
  • ActionTestPlanRunSummaries
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • summaries: [ActionTestPlanRunSummary]
  • ActionTestPlanRunSummary
    • Supertype: ActionAbstractTestSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • testableSummaries: [ActionTestableSummary]
  • ActionTestRepetitionPolicySummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • iteration: Int?
      • totalIterations: Int?
      • repetitionMode: String?
  • ActionTestSummary
    • Supertype: ActionTestSummaryIdentifiableObject
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • testStatus: String
      • duration: Double
      • performanceMetrics: [ActionTestPerformanceMetricSummary]
      • failureSummaries: [ActionTestFailureSummary]
      • expectedFailures: [ActionTestExpectedFailure]
      • skipNoticeSummary: ActionTestNoticeSummary?
      • activitySummaries: [ActionTestActivitySummary]
      • repetitionPolicySummary: ActionTestRepetitionPolicySummary?
      • configuration: ActionTestConfiguration?
      • warningSummaries: [ActionTestIssueSummary]
  • ActionTestSummaryGroup
    • Supertype: ActionTestSummaryIdentifiableObject
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • duration: Double
      • subtests: [ActionTestSummaryIdentifiableObject]
  • ActionTestSummaryIdentifiableObject
    • Supertype: ActionAbstractTestSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • identifier: String?
      • identifierURL: String?
  • ActionTestableSummary
    • Supertype: ActionAbstractTestSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • identifierURL: String?
      • projectRelativePath: String?
      • targetName: String?
      • testKind: String?
      • tests: [ActionTestSummaryIdentifiableObject]
      • diagnosticsDirectoryName: String?
      • failureSummaries: [ActionTestFailureSummary]
      • testLanguage: String?
      • testRegion: String?
  • ActionsInvocationMetadata
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • creatingWorkspaceFilePath: String
      • uniqueIdentifier: String
      • schemeIdentifier: EntityIdentifier?
  • ActionsInvocationRecord
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • metadataRef: Reference?
      • metrics: ResultMetrics
      • issues: ResultIssueSummaries
      • actions: [ActionRecord]
      • archive: ArchiveInfo?
  • ActivityLogAnalyzerControlFlowStep
    • Supertype: ActivityLogAnalyzerStep
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • title: String
      • startLocation: DocumentLocation?
      • endLocation: DocumentLocation?
      • edges: [ActivityLogAnalyzerControlFlowStepEdge]
  • ActivityLogAnalyzerControlFlowStepEdge
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • startLocation: DocumentLocation?
      • endLocation: DocumentLocation?
  • ActivityLogAnalyzerEventStep
    • Supertype: ActivityLogAnalyzerStep
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • title: String
      • location: DocumentLocation?
      • description: String
      • callDepth: Int
  • ActivityLogAnalyzerResultMessage
    • Supertype: ActivityLogMessage
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • steps: [ActivityLogAnalyzerStep]
      • resultType: String?
      • keyEventIndex: Int
  • ActivityLogAnalyzerStep
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • parentIndex: Int
  • ActivityLogAnalyzerWarningMessage
    • Supertype: ActivityLogMessage
    • Kind: object
  • ActivityLogCommandInvocationSection
    • Supertype: ActivityLogSection
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • commandDetails: String
      • emittedOutput: String
      • exitCode: Int?
  • ActivityLogMajorSection
    • Supertype: ActivityLogSection
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • subtitle: String
  • ActivityLogMessage
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • type: String
      • title: String
      • shortTitle: String?
      • category: String?
      • location: DocumentLocation?
      • annotations: [ActivityLogMessageAnnotation]
  • ActivityLogMessageAnnotation
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • title: String
      • location: DocumentLocation?
  • ActivityLogSection
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • domainType: String
      • title: String
      • startTime: Date?
      • duration: Double
      • result: String?
      • location: DocumentLocation?
      • subsections: [ActivityLogSection]
      • messages: [ActivityLogMessage]
  • ActivityLogTargetBuildSection
    • Supertype: ActivityLogMajorSection
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • productType: String?
  • ActivityLogUnitTestSection
    • Supertype: ActivityLogSection
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • testName: String?
      • suiteName: String?
      • summary: String?
      • emittedOutput: String?
      • performanceTestOutput: String?
      • testsPassedString: String?
      • wasSkipped: Bool
      • runnablePath: String?
      • runnableUTI: String?
  • ArchiveInfo
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • path: String?
  • Array
    • Kind: array
  • Bool
    • Kind: value
  • CodeCoverageInfo
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • hasCoverageData: Bool
      • reportRef: Reference?
      • archiveRef: Reference?
  • ConsoleLogItem
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • adaptorType: String?
      • kind: String?
      • timestamp: Double
      • content: String
      • logData: ConsoleLogItemLogData?
  • ConsoleLogItemLogData
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • message: String?
      • subsystem: String?
      • category: String?
      • library: String?
      • format: String?
      • backtrace: String?
      • pid: Int32
      • processName: String?
      • sessionUUID: String?
      • tid: UInt64
      • messageType: UInt8
      • senderImagePath: String?
      • senderImageUUID: String?
      • senderImageOffset: UInt64
      • unixTimeInterval: Double
      • timeZone: String?
  • ConsoleLogSection
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • title: String
      • items: [ConsoleLogItem]
  • Date
    • Kind: value
  • DocumentLocation
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • url: String
      • concreteTypeName: String
  • Double
    • Kind: value
  • EntityIdentifier
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • entityName: String
      • containerName: String
      • entityType: String
      • sharedState: String
  • Int
    • Kind: value
  • Int16
    • Kind: value
  • Int32
    • Kind: value
  • Int64
    • Kind: value
  • Int8
    • Kind: value
  • IssueSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • issueType: String
      • message: String
      • producingTarget: String?
      • documentLocationInCreatingWorkspace: DocumentLocation?
  • ObjectID
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • hash: String
  • Reference
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • id: String
      • targetType: TypeDefinition?
  • ResultIssueSummaries
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • analyzerWarningSummaries: [IssueSummary]
      • errorSummaries: [IssueSummary]
      • testFailureSummaries: [TestFailureIssueSummary]
      • warningSummaries: [IssueSummary]
      • testWarningSummaries: [TestIssueSummary]
  • ResultMetrics
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • analyzerWarningCount: Int
      • errorCount: Int
      • testsCount: Int
      • testsFailedCount: Int
      • testsSkippedCount: Int
      • warningCount: Int
      • totalCoveragePercentage: Double?
  • SortedKeyValueArray
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • storage: [SortedKeyValueArrayPair]
  • SortedKeyValueArrayPair
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • key: String
      • value: SchemaSerializable
  • SourceCodeContext
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • location: SourceCodeLocation?
      • callStack: [SourceCodeFrame]
  • SourceCodeFrame
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • addressString: String?
      • symbolInfo: SourceCodeSymbolInfo?
  • SourceCodeLocation
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • filePath: String?
      • lineNumber: Int?
  • SourceCodeSymbolInfo
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • imageName: String?
      • symbolName: String?
      • location: SourceCodeLocation?
  • String
    • Kind: value
  • TestAssociatedError
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • domain: String?
      • code: Int?
      • userInfo: SortedKeyValueArray?
  • TestFailureIssueSummary
    • Supertype: IssueSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • testCaseName: String
  • TestIssueSummary
    • Supertype: IssueSummary
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • testCaseName: String
  • TypeDefinition
    • Kind: object
    • Properties:
      • name: String
      • supertype: TypeDefinition?
  • UInt16
    • Kind: value
  • UInt32
    • Kind: value
  • UInt64
    • Kind: value
  • UInt8
    • Kind: value