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How to use examples

prepare your model

Modify the corresponding parts in the cpu(gpu)

  1. I want to use the PyTorch huggingface/transformers.
model_id = "bert-base-uncased"
  1. I want to use a PyTorch saved model.
model_id = "your_saved_model" directory
  1. I want to use a Tensorflow checkpoint model cd /workspace python tools/ bert-based-uncased bert_torch.npz
tt_model = turbo_transformers.BertModelWithPooler.from_npz(
    '/workspace/bert_torch.npz', cfg)

run examples


How to customized your post-processing layers after BERT encoder

Chinese Version Because TurboTransformer has accelerated embedding + BERT encoder + pooler, which are major hotspots. Users may have to customize the not so time-consuming post-processing layers according to their own needs. We take a classfication task as an example. It requires a Linear Layer after pooler.

  1. First of all, we also need to prepare a bert-classification model trained using huggingface (which can be any kind of model of huggingface, such as BertPreTrainedModel, BertForSequenceClassification, here taking BertForSequenceClassification as an example) The sequence classification model in the code example can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud. Place it in the same directory as the example file, link: Password: hj18
  2. Write a new class to replace the original huggingface's implementation. This class needs to implement the four functions __init__, __call__, from_torch, from_pretrained. The implementation code and description of the class can refer to