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Python Changelog

This changelog summarizes major changes between GraalVM versions of the Python language runtime. The main focus is on user-observable behavior of the engine.

Version 19.2.0

  • Implement PyStructSequence_* C API functions
  • Implement _functools.partial as a class instead of a function
  • Implement type.__base__
  • Implement reading C API type attributes nb_inplace_add, nb_remainder, nb_subtract, and nb_floor_divide for builtin types
  • Implement C API functions _PyObject_CallFunction_SizeT, PyEval_InitThreads, and PyEval_ThreadsInitialized
  • Implement writing to a function's __dict__ field
  • Implement the C API thread state fields overflowed and recursion_depth
  • Fix printing of errors in the REPL
  • Fix printing full paths in traceback
  • Support the C API varargs functions with arbitrary numbers of arguments instead of imposing an upper limit
  • Improve performance of attribute reads and reading closure variables

Version 19.1.0

  • Add java.add_to_classpath API to dynamically extend the host class path
  • Allow write access to main module bindings for embedder
  • Swap arguments for polyglot.export_value to use the more natural (name, value) order and deprecate the previous argument order.
  • Update Python standard library files to Python 3.7.3
  • Improve performance of exceptions that do not escape
  • Fix str(None) to print "None" instead of an empty string
  • Fix error messages on polyglot objects to not leak implementation class names of those objects
  • Fix erroneously frozen package paths in pre-initialized python modules
  • Fix caching of core sources in a native image with a preinitialized context for pre-built images and libpolyglot fast startup
  • Implement pwd.getpwuid
  • Implement os.exec, os.execv, and os.execl
  • Add some missing C API headers needed for tensorflow compilation

Version 19.0.0

  • Fix an issue preventing use of encodings in the installable binary
  • Fix return value of process when os.exit is called with a boolean
  • Fix interpretation of foreign objects to prefer interpreting them as integer over double
  • Fix performance regression when repeatedly creating a new function in a loop

Version 1.0.0 RC16

  • No user-facing changes

Version 1.0.0 RC15

  • Implement PEP 487 __init_subclass__
  • Implement PEP 560 __class_getitem__ and __mro_entries__
  • Migrate to Truffle libraries for interop
  • Support the buffer protocol for mmap
  • Support importing java classes using normal Python import syntax
  • Improve performance of literal dictionary creation when the first but not all keys are strings
  • Improve performance of getting the length of a string
  • Improve performance of accessing defaults, keyword-defaults, and code of a function
  • Fix getting file separator from the Truffle filesystem rather than the operating system
  • Fix constructing and calling methods with non-function callables
  • Fix execution of subprocesses with non-default python homes on JVM

Version 1.0.0 RC14

  • Mark a subset of the Graal Python launcher options as "stable". All other options are subject to change and need to be unlocked explicitly on the commandline.
  • Automatically install pip when creating a venv. The socket and ssl libraries are still not functional, so pip can only install from local sources or wheels.
  • Update the standard library to Python 3.7.0 from 3.6.5.
  • Support the -I flag to ignore the user environment and not add the working directory to sys.path
  • Fix an error preventing usage of the memtracer tool. If an object raised an exception in it's __repr__ method, it would abort the execution.
  • Fix issues around not being able to modify function defaults, keyword defaults, or re-defining a function with a different closure.
  • Fix continuation prompt in the interactive Python shell when an incomplete statement was typed. Before it raised and ignored a SyntaxError.
  • Fix frame restarting of Python functions in the Chrome debugger. Before, functions with closures would have their cells accidentally cleared.

Version 1.0.0 RC13

  • Support marshal.dumps and marshal.loads for code objects and some other built-in objects
  • Fix installation of NumPy in a venv
  • Initial support for module mmap
  • Support debugging with workspace files in the Chrome debugger
  • Support the PEP 553 breakpoint() message
  • Support running weak reference callbacks and signals on the main thread

Version 1.0.0 RC12

  • Support the __class__ variable in the class scope
  • Support module-level docstrings
  • Initial support for the venv standard-library tool
  • Initial support for the built-in _bz2 module
  • Initial support for the pandas package
  • Initial support for OSError subclasses based on the errno of the exception
  • Fix bytearray inplace add to return the same object
  • Fix access to standard Python methods (__repr__, __str__, __len__ and the like) for foreign objects

Version 1.0.0 RC11

  • Support running setuptools to build and install various packages
  • Support running a source release version of NumPy out of the box
  • Improve performance of member access to C API objects
  • Improve performance of binary operations on C API objects
  • Add support for yield from
  • Support assignment to object.__dict__ and ensure that managed subclasses of native types also have a __dict__
  • Fix [] access with non-integer keys for array-like foreign objects
  • Fix various performance regressions introduced in the last RC
  • Implement more built-in methods on the time module
  • Python no longer exposes internal languages through polyglot.eval
  • Improve performance of os.scandir and functions that build on it (such as glob)
  • More correct implementation of standard streams, including buffering
  • Properly support the -m switch to run modules
  • Support the standard zipfile module
  • Add the built-in _cvs module
  • Add support for __slots__
  • Allow arbitrary callable objects in methods, not only functions
  • Report that we have a TTY console if we are launched on a Terminal through our launcher
  • Add the ginstall custom module to install known packages such as NumPy and setuptools

Version 1.0.0 RC10

  • Improve performance of C API upcalls
  • Improve performance of classmethods, staticmethods, globals(), and locals()
  • Improve performance of various string and bytes operations
  • Initial support for the _thread builtin module (actual multi-threading is still disabled, the API defaults to a dummy implementation)
  • Implement the zipimporter module
  • Support assignment to object.__class__
  • Use the new Truffle filesystem API to get/set the current working directory
  • Attempt our best to report side-effects in KEY_INFO
  • The KEYS message now responds with attributes and methods, never dict keys
  • Support the input builtin
  • Add DEBUG launcher options for performance debugging
  • Ensure context isolation for file descriptors and child PIDs
  • Fix passing custom locals and globals through exec and eval
  • Fixes to builtin help

Version 1.0.0 RC9

  • Support help in the builtin Python shell
  • Add readline to enable history and autocompletion in the Python shell
  • Add support for the -q, -E, -s, and -S Python launcher flags
  • Improve display of foreign array-like objects
  • Improve support for string and bytes regular expressions using our TRegex engine
  • Support loading site-packages installed with easy_install
  • Initial support for the binascii module

Version 1.0.0 RC8

  • Report allocations when the --memtracer option is used
  • Initial support for pickle module

Version 1.0.0 RC7

  • Enhance the java interop builtin module with introspection utility methods

Version 1.0.0 RC6

  • Support regular expression patterns built from bytes by using CPython's sre module as a fallback engine to our own
  • Support LLVM 5+ for C extension modules
  • Introduce native sequence storage so that e.g. Python bytes exposed to C can be mutated
  • Introduce lazy string concatenation to significantly speed up benchmarks where strings are concatenated repeatedly
  • C-API improvements to support more scikit-learn code
  • Fix our distinction between builtin functions, functions, and methods to make the classes for builtin functions equivalent to CPython
  • Improve set, frozenset, and dict support
  • Attach Python exceptions as cause to ImportErrors raised for C extension modules
  • Update standard library to CPython 3.6.5
  • Support more code object attributes
  • Support constant type ids for objects that are interned on CPython
  • Add collections.deque
  • Document how to contribute
  • Improve efficiency of generators
  • Enable re-use of ASTs in multiple Contexts in the same Engine

Version 1.0.0 RC5

  • Generator expressions now properly evaluate their first iterator in the definition scope at definition time
  • Fixes for embedders to ensure top scopes are stable and local scopes always contain TruffleObjects
  • C-API improvements to support simple Cython modules
  • Support recognition of Python source files with the polyglot launcher

Version 1.0.0 RC4

  • No changes

Version 1.0.0 RC3

  • Support for more String encodings
  • Implement buffered I/O
  • Remove our random module substitute and use the standard library implementation
  • Fix a potential thread-safety problem with cached parse trees when multiple Python contexts are used from multiple threads
  • Complete support for math module builtins
  • C-API improvements to run simple scikit-learn and NumPy examples
  • Support the buffer protocol to wrap arbitrary Python sequences with no copy into NumPy arrays

Version 1.0.0 RC2

  • Updates to the polyglot and embedding APIs
  • Many additions to the language core implementation
  • Performance improvements to the parser
  • C-API improvements to compile and run simple C extensions
  • Support breakpoints on caught and uncaught exceptions in debugger

Version 1.0.0 RC1

  • LICENSE set to The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0.