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Kurzschnitte II - Third Linkdump
Explore the latest in web development and design with Kurzschnitte II: from open-source insights to CSS animations and favicon tips. Dive in now!
2024-02-10 20:56:51 +0700
2024-02-10 20:56:51 +0700
2024-02-10 20:56:57 +0700
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Photo by [Kelsy Gagnebin]( via [Unsplash](

Two is a company, three's a crowd. … But three is also a magic number. So here's the third installment of my linkdump series, Kurzschnitte II. I'm sharing a collection of articles and tutorials that caught my attention in the past few weeks. From open-source reflections to CSS animations and favicon best practices, these resources offer valuable insights and practical tips for web developers and designers. Enjoy the read and let me know what you think!

  • In a candid and eye-opening blog post on GitHub, the developer behind core-js, Denis Pushkarev (@zloirock), shares his journey and the challenges faced in maintaining one of the most essential JavaScript polyfill libraries. core-js is pivotal in supporting the latest ECMAScript standards across different browsers and platforms, underpinning many popular websites and frameworks. Pushkarev's post delves into the complexities of open-source software development, the unsustainability of relying solely on community support, and the potential future paths for core-js. This reflective piece is a must-read for full-stack developers and anyone interested in the dynamics of open-source project maintenance.

  • Dive into the fascinating world of CSS scroll-driven animations with this practical guide by Adam Argyle on Codrops. The tutorial provides a hands-on approach to creating interactive animations linked to scroll events, using only CSS. It covers the essentials of using CSS scroll() and view() functions, offering insights into creating dynamic visual effects that respond to user scrolling. This tutorial is ideal for web developers and designers looking to enhance user experience with creative, scroll-activated animations in their projects.

  • Uncover the secrets of the CSS border-image property with this in-depth article on Smashing Magazine. Written by Temani Afif, a CSS expert, the article breaks down the complexities of border-image, making it accessible and fun to experiment with. From understanding its intricate syntax to applying it for creative designs, this tutorial is an excellent resource for web designers and developers eager to explore new ways to enhance their projects with unique CSS-driven visual effects. Whether you're looking to add decorative borders or dynamic backgrounds, this guide provides practical examples and insights to master border-image in your web designs.

  • Learn how to incorporate custom easing functions into Web Animations API (WAAPI) animations with this comprehensive tutorial by Bramus on The article guides you through various methods of using JavaScript-defined easing functions with WAAPI, offering insights into the challenges and solutions. It covers techniques like precalculating keyframes, using the linear() function, and exploring future proposals like registering easing functions directly with the browser. This resource is invaluable for web developers looking to create more dynamic and engaging animations on their web pages.

  • Streamline your website's favicon setup with Evil Martians' guide, "How to Favicon in 2024: Six files that fit most needs". This insightful article simplifies the favicon creation process to enhance your web project's identity across various platforms. It breaks down the necessity into a manageable set of six essential files, covering everything from classic .ico formats to modern .svg and .png files, ensuring compatibility and reducing the overhead of dealing with numerous icons. A must-read for web developers aiming for efficiency and consistency in their digital branding.

  • Stephanie Eckles shares "12 Modern CSS One-Line Upgrades" on Modern CSS Solutions, a guide to enhancing your CSS with simple, yet powerful one-liner enhancements. This collection is perfect for developers looking to improve their web applications with minimal effort. The article categorizes upgrades into stable fixes, enhancements, and progressive improvements, ensuring your CSS is both efficient and forward-thinking.

  • Explore the basics of SEO with Google's newly rewritten and shortened SEO Starter Guide, covering key strategies for improving site visibility in Google Search, including optimizing content and ensuring mobile-friendliness.

  • Delve into the importance of web accessibility with the W3C's guide on Building the Business Case for Web Accessibility. This resource outlines the benefits, including enhanced brand reputation, broader market reach, and reduced legal risks, providing a strong argument for adopting accessible web practices.

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