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A framework for building simple Java FX applications. Including a common/fxml dialog API with passable arguments, a database API with standard CRUD operations based on hibernate, a scene switcher API, a testing suite and other helpful classes.



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This library contains functions that simplify the development of JavaFX applications.
This library is 100% free.

  • Powerful dialog API
    Create complex .fxml file based dialogs. Pass and retrieve arguments without any effort.
    Profit from predefined common information-, warning-, error-, confirmation- and input dialogs.

  • Powerful database API
    Perform standard CRUD operations on every entity/entities. No need for writing boilerplate code anymore.
    Make use of a simple but very powerful finding API using the builder pattern.
    The complete CRUD API is built on top of the Hibernate API - feel free to use it with every database, that is supported by Hibernate.

  • Scene switching API
    Switch scenes of stages or the complete root content of scenes easily. Pass and retrieve arguments to your scenes and compute them.

  • Testing suite
    Run unit tests that require JavaFX components with ease, just by extending your test class with one single class.
    No more annoying errors like "Toolkit not found", "Toolkit already initialized","Location is not set" or "Not on FX application thread" during testing.

  • Other helpful classes
    CommonUtils, SystemUtils, SuppressWarningStrings.


This Java library was built by using JDK 17.
Please make sure that your project is using at least JDK 17 too.


A complete documentation of this framework can be found on

Dependencies to add

<!-- Maven looks in the central repository by default. -->
repositories {
dependencies {

Common Dialogs

JfxDialogUtil.createInformationDialog(String message)

JfxDialogUtil.createInformationDialog(String message, String messageHeader)

JfxDialogUtil.createWarningDialog(String message)

JfxDialogUtil.createWarningDialog(String message, String messageHeader)

JfxDialogUtil.createErrorDialog(String message)
JfxDialogUtil.createErrorDialog(String message, Exception exceptionForStacktrace)

JfxDialogUtil.displayInputDialogAndGetResult(String dialogText)

JfxDialogUtil.displayConfirmDialogAndGetResult(String headerText, String contentText)

JfxDialogUtil.displayCloseStageDialog(Stage stageToClose)


Complex Dialogs

Your dream is to create a fxml based dialog, pass arguments into it, and compute them in the controller of the new Scene? Then take a look at this:

    /* title */                  "My Dialog title",
    /* dialogIsModal */          true,
    /* dialogIsResizeable */     false,
    /* absoluteFxmlFileUrl */    getClass().getResource("/com/example/app/views/scene1.fxml"),
    /* sceneSize */              new Dimension2D(600, 500),
    /* initMethodOfController */ (Consumer<Scene1Controller>) consumer -> consumer.init("myparamter1"),
    /* callbackOnDialogClose */  () -> integerValueChangedByCallback = 52)

Standard CRUD operations

Execute standard CRUD operations on your database. A session/transaction is created for every action.

The entrypoint is the class HibernateQueryUtil.This class has some subclasses for grouping methods. These subclasses are called e.g. Inserter, Updater, Deleter and Finder.

This API is built on top of the Hibernate API. You need to set up the file hibernate.cfg.xml in your resources directory. In this file, you need to do only the standard hibernate things.

Example of the file using the H2 database and mapping the entity "Student":

<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"

        <!-- JDBC Database connection settings -->
        <property name="connection.driver_class">org.h2.Driver</property>

        <!-- Use an in memory database named "test.h2.db" (no file on your computer) -->
        <property name="connection.url">jdbc:h2:mem:test</property>
        <!-- Use a database named "test.h2.db" located at "/home/username/test.h2.db" (file on your computer) -->
        <!-- <property name="connection.url">jdbc:h2:file:/home/username/test</property> -->

        <!-- database login username and password (is set to this properties automatically if you create a new database -->
        <property name="connection.username">sa</property>
        <property name="connection.password"></property>

        <!-- JDBC connection pool settings ... using built-in test pool -->
        <property name="connection.pool_size">1</property>

        <!-- Select our SQL dialect -->
        <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect</property>

        <!-- Echo the SQL to stdout -->
        <property name="show_sql">true</property>

        <!-- Set the current session context -->
        <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>

        <!-- Drop and re-create the database schema on startup -->
        <property name="">create-drop</property>
        <!-- Other possible values: -->
        <!-- none:         does nothing with the schema/database. -->
        <!-- validate:     database schema will be validated using the entity mappings. -->
        <!-- create-only:  database schema creation will be generated. -->
        <!-- drop:         database schema will be dropped. -->
        <!-- create:       database schema will first be dropped and then created afterward. -->
        <!-- create-drop:  database schema will be created and will be dropped when the SessionFactory is closed explicitly (application stops). -->
        <!-- update:       database schema will be updated by comparing the existing database schema with the entity mappings. -->

        <!-- dbcp connection pool configuration -->
        <property name="hibernate.dbcp.initialSize">5</property>
        <property name="hibernate.dbcp.maxTotal">20</property>
        <property name="hibernate.dbcp.maxIdle">10</property>
        <property name="hibernate.dbcp.minIdle">5</property>
        <property name="hibernate.dbcp.maxWaitMillis">-1</property>

        <!-- mappings from your classes to hibernate/database -->
        <mapping class="com.wedasoft.simpleJavaFxApplicationBase.hibernateUtil.Student"/>

Insert data

HibernateQueryUtil.Inserter.insertOne(T entity)
HibernateQueryUtil.Inserter.insertMany(List<T> entities)

Update data

HibernateQueryUtil.Updater.updateOne(T entity)
HibernateQueryUtil.Updater.updateMany(List<T> entities)

Delete data

HibernateQueryUtil.Deleter.deleteOne(T entity) 
HibernateQueryUtil.Deleter.deleteMany(List<T> entities) 
HibernateQueryUtil.Deleter.deleteAll(Class<T> entityClass, securityFlag)

Find data

With static condition methods
    .addCondition(Student_.FIRST_NAME, isEqualTo("David"))
    .addCondition(Student_.ID, isEqualTo(27))
        new Order(Student_.ID, true), // 1. id ASC
        new Order(Student_.LAST_NAME, true), // 2. lastName ASC 
        new Order(Student_.FIRST_NAME, false))) // 3. firstName DESC
Other condition types and examples
// Matches everything, that is exactly equal to "David":
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isEqualTo("David"))

// Matches everything, that is lower than 4:
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isLowerThan(4))

// Matches everything, that is lower than or equal to 4:
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isLowerThanOrEqualTo(4))

// Matches everything, that is greater than 4:
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isGreaterThan(4))

// Matches everything, that is greater than or equal to 4:
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(4))

// Matches everything, that is not equal to 4:
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isNotEqualTo(4))

// Matches everything, that starts exactly with "Dav":
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isLikeCaseSensitive("Dav%"))

// Matches everything, that ends exactly with "vid":
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isLikeCaseSensitive("%vid"))

// Matches everything, that contains exactly "avi":
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isLikeCaseSensitive("%avi%"))

// Matches everything, that does not contain exactly "avi":
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isNotLikeCaseSensitive("%avi%"))

// Matches everything, that does not start with exactly "Dav":
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isNotLikeCaseSensitive("Dav%"))

// Matches everything, that contains "avi" in every lower- and uppercase combination ("avi", "Avi", "AVi", "aVI", ...):
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isLikeInCaseSensitive("%avi%"))

// Matches everything, that does not start with "dav" in every lower- and uppercase combination ("dav", "Dav", "DAV", "dAv", ...):
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isNotLikeInCaseSensitive("dav%"))

// Matches everything, that does not contain "avi" in every lower- and uppercase combination ("avi", "Avi", "AVi", "aVI", ...):
    .addCondition(Student_.<FIELD_NAME>, isNotLikeInCaseSensitive("%avi%"))
Count datasets
HibernateQueryUtil.Finder.countAll(Class<T> entityClass)

SceneUtil API

Switch scenes of stages easily. Pass and retrieve arguments to your scenes and compute them.

Step 1: Determine the stage ...

getStageByActionEvent(ActionEvent event);

getStageByChildNode(Node node);

getStageByScene(Scene scene);

Step 2 (optional): Create an init() in the new controller ...

public void init(String passedParameter){
    // compute the passed parameters
    // do other "constructor things"

Step 3: Switch the content of its scene ...

    (Consumer<Scene1Controller>) controller -> controller.init("PassThisToScene1"));

Step 4: Profit!


Testing suite

Step 1: Prepare the test class(es)

Extend your wished test class(es) with the class "SimpleJavaFxTestBase". That's it.

class UnitTests extends SimpleJavaFxTestBase { 

Step 2: Write a unit test

  1. Simply write a standard unit test method in your test class.
  2. To run code on the JavaFX thread, just invoke runOnJavaFxThreadAndJoin() and pass the code.
    The main thread will wait until the passed code is executed.
    You can invoke runOnJavaFxThreadAndJoin() as often as you like.

Do not use assertions in runOnJavaFxThreadAndJoin().
JUnit will not recognize failed assertions in the JavaFX thread.

void myTest1() throws Exception {
    runOnJavaFxThreadAndJoin(() -> {
        // run this code on the JavaFX thread
        button = new Button("buttonlabel");
        // wait for the JavaFX thread to complete
    assertEquals("buttonlabel", button.getText());

Example test class

import javafx.geometry.Dimension2D;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

class SimpleJavaFxTestBaseTestJfxInitFunction extends SimpleJavaFxTestBase {

    FxmlDialog.Builder builder;
    Button button;

    void testButton() throws Exception {
        runOnJavaFxThreadAndJoin(() -> {
            button = new Button("buttonLabel");
        assertEquals("buttonLabel", button.getText());
        assertNotEquals("wrongLabel", button.getText());

    void testDialogBuilding() throws Exception {
        runOnJavaFxThreadAndJoin(() -> {
            builder = new FxmlDialog.Builder(getClass().getResource("/com/wedasoft/simplejavafxtestbase/test_woc.fxml"), new Dimension2D(600, 500));
            builder.setStageTitle("Old StageTitle");
        assertEquals("Old StageTitle", builder.get().getStage().getTitle());
        builder.setStageTitle("New StageTitle");
        assertEquals(600, builder.get().getStage().getScene().getWidth());
        assertEquals(500, builder.get().getStage().getScene().getHeight());
        assertEquals("New StageTitle", builder.get().getStage().getTitle());

    void multiRunsOnJavaFxThread() throws Exception {
        // step 1
        runOnJavaFxThreadAndJoin(() -> {
            builder = new FxmlDialog.Builder(getClass().getResource("/com/wedasoft/simplejavafxtestbase/test_woc.fxml"), new Dimension2D(600, 500));
            builder.setStageTitle("Old StageTitle");
        assertEquals("Old StageTitle", builder.get().getStage().getTitle());
        assertEquals(600, builder.get().getStage().getScene().getWidth());
        assertEquals(500, builder.get().getStage().getScene().getHeight());

        // step 2
        builder.setStageTitle("New StageTitle");
        assertEquals("New StageTitle", builder.get().getStage().getTitle());

        // step 3
        assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> runOnJavaFxThreadAndJoin(() -> builder = new FxmlDialog.Builder(getClass().getResource("/path/does/not/exist/test_woc.fxml"), new Dimension2D(600, 500))));

        // step 4
        runOnJavaFxThreadAndJoin(() -> {
            builder = new FxmlDialog.Builder(getClass().getResource("/com/wedasoft/simplejavafxtestbase/test_woc.fxml"), new Dimension2D(1000, 1000));
            builder.setStageTitle("Another StageTitle");
            button2 = new Button("second init button");
        assertEquals(1000, builder.get().getStage().getScene().getWidth());
        assertEquals(1000, builder.get().getStage().getScene().getHeight());
        assertEquals("Another StageTitle", builder.get().getStage().getTitle());
        assertEquals("second init button", button2.getText());



A framework for building simple Java FX applications. Including a common/fxml dialog API with passable arguments, a database API with standard CRUD operations based on hibernate, a scene switcher API, a testing suite and other helpful classes.




