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Effectful Event Handlers

Mike Thompson edited this page Jul 20, 2016 · 25 revisions

This page describes features which may appear in the upcoming v0.8.0 release of re-frame. Comment and discussion on this feature is happening here. Please feel free to correct any typos and mistakes. Thanks.

This tutorial shows you how to implement pure event handlers that side-effect. Yes, I'm serious.

In the process, via the explanations provided, you'll also get insight into how you might use an alternative to app-db, like perhaps a DataScript database.

Event Handlers

Not all event handlers are pure. The great majority are but there'll always be some handlers which need to side-effect.

First, the good...

Here we register a pure event handler:

   (fn [db [_ a]]    ;; <--- lovely and pure
       (assoc db :flag true)))

The event handler registered here is passed values, returns a value. No side-effects.

Now, to the more troublesome...

This handler is not pure:

   (fn [db [_ a]]
       (dispatch [:do-something-else 3])    ;; oops, side-effect
       (assoc db :flag true)))

It is passed values, returns a value. But... it has a side-effect. That dispatch queues up another event to be processed. It changes the world.

And, this is not pure either:

   (fn [db [_ a]]
       (GET ""   ;; dirty great big side-effect
            {:handler       #(dispatch [:process-response %1])
             :error-handler #(dispatch [:bad-response %1])})  
       (assoc db :flag true)))

Sure, this approach works. But that dirty great big side-effect doesn't come for free.

So why Is This bad, Again?

Both of those impure event handlers will work. So what's the problem?

In theory, a re-frame application proceeds step by step, like a reduce:

at any one time, the value in app-db is the result of performing a reduce over the entire collection of events dispatched in the app up until that time. The combining function for this reduce is the set of registered event handlers.

Such a collection of events is replay-able and that's a dream for debugging. But only when all the handlers are pure. Handlers with side-effects (like that HTTP GET, or the dispatch) pollute the replay process, inserting extra events, etc, which ruins the process.

And, it is hard to test these impure handlers. Did the handler GET the right URL? Did it dispatch the right event? Now we have to start mocking things out. Everything gets harder.

So, if you use impure handlers, you end up with a small collection of irritating paper cuts. It isn't a disaster, but we'd like to do better.

Why All The Side Effects?

Side-effecting event handlers are inevitable. Event handlers implement the control logic in your re-frame app, and that means dealing with the mutative world of servers, databases, windows.location, cookies, etc.

There's just not a lot of getting around that.

Sounds a dire diagnosis? No solution?

Well, it turns out there is a solution. There is a way to create pure event handlers which cause effects, without actually doing the side-effects.

Doing vs Causing

Above, I claimed that this fn event handler was pure:

   (fn [db _]
       (assoc db :flag true)))

Takes a db value, returns a db value. No side-effects. Pure!

All true, but ... this purity is only possible because OTHER parts of re-frame are doing the necessary side-effecting.

Wait on. What "necessary side-effecting"?

Well, app-db is a ratom, right? It contains the application state and it must be reset! to the value returned by the handler. Here's the sequence carried out by re-frame for each event which is handled:

  1. extract the value (a map) from app-db (a ratom)
  2. call the event handler with this db value as the first argument
  3. reset! to returned value back into app-db

So, you only get to live in your nice pure, ascetic functional programmer world because re-frame is looking after the necessary side-effect on app-db.

Et tu, React?

Turns out it's the same pattern with Reagent/React.

You write a nice pure component:

(defn say-hi
  [:div "Hello " name])

and Reagent/React mutates the DOM for you. The framework is looking after the "necessary side-effects".

Pattern Structure

Pause and look back at say-hi. I'd like you to view it through the following prism: it is a pure function which returns a description of the side-effects required. It says: add a div element to the DOM.

Notice that the description is declarative. We don't tell React how to do it.

Notice also that it is data. Hiccup is just vectors and maps.

This is a big, important concept. While we can't get away from certain side-effects, we can program using pure functions which describe side-effects, declaratively, in data and let the backing framework look after the "doing" of them. Efficiently. Discreetly.

Let's use this pattern to solve the side-effecting handler problem.

The Two Part Plan

From here, two steps:

  1. Work out how event handlers can declaratively describe side-effects, in data.
  2. Work out how re-frame can do the "necessary side-effecting". Efficiently and discreetly.

Part 1 Of Plan

So, how would it look if event handlers returned side-effects, declaratively, in data?

Here is an impure handler:

   (fn [db [_ a]]
       (dispatch [:do-something-else 3])    ;; Eeek, side-effect
       (assoc db :flag true)))

Here it is re-written so it is pure:

   (fn [db [_ a]]
      {:db  (assoc db :flag true)          ;; side-effect we want on db
       :dispatch [:do-something-else 3]})) ;; side-effect from dispatching

The handler is returning a data structure which describes two side-effects:

  1. update app-db (application state) with this new db value
  2. dispatch an event

Above, the impure handler caused a dispatch side-effect, while the pure handler described a dispatch side-effect.

Another Example

The impure way:

   (fn [db [_ a]]
       (GET ""   ;; dirty great big side-effect
            {:handler       #(dispatch [:process-response %1])
             :error-handler #(dispatch [:bad-response %1])})  
       (assoc db :flag true)))

the pure, descriptive way:

   (fn [db [_ a]]
       {:http {:method :get
               :url    ""
               :on-success  [:process-blah-response]
               :on-fail     [:failed-blah]}
        :db   (assoc db :flag true)}))

Again, the old way causes a side-effect (Booo!) and the new way describes, declaratively, in data, the side-effects required (Yaaa!).

Effects and Coeffects

Time for the next step.

So far we've been experimenting with side-effects but that's only one half of the picture. There are actually two concepts at play here:

  • Effects - what your event handler does to the world (aka side-effects)
  • Coeffects - what your event handler requires from the world (aka side-causes)

So now we'll talk about the 2nd part: coeffects

Re-imagining db

Above, I proposed this event handler:

   (fn [db [_ a]]
      {:db  (assoc db :flag true)          ;; side-effect we want on db
       :dispatch [:do-something-else 3]})) ;; side-effect from dispatching

I'd now like to change the name of the first handler argument from db to world, and pass in this structure {:db db}. Ie. the argument is now a map, and the key :db has the value in app-db.

So, we rewrite our handler like this:

   (fn [world [_ a]]    ;; world, not db as parameter 
     {:db       (assoc (:db world) :flag  true)         
      :dispatch [:do-something-else 3]}))

or perhaps like this (shrug):

   (fn [world [_ a]]      ;; world, not db as parameter 
     (-> world            ;; world is {:db db}
       (assoc-in [:db :flag]  true)         
       (assoc-in [:dispatch] [:do-something-else 3]))))

So the 1st parameter to the event handler, world, is the "state of the world" or "computational context" in which the handler is to run. It is the coeffect.

Alternative Worlds

This rewrite means that world can now be more than db. It is now whatever "computation context" the handler needs to perform its computation. Most of the time, that's just what's in app-db, but "other aspects of the computation context" are possible.

For example, what if a handler needed to know the current datetime? Or, it needed a random number. Or, what if some state was stored in a DataScript database?

All possible, but you must know how "new worlds" are created ...

New Worlds

A "new world" is created each and every time an event handler is run. A brand spanking new world. And it is the event handler's middleware stack which makes that happen.

This can be a surprise to even experienced re-frame users. After all, look at this event handler ... there's no apparent middleware:

   :my-event         ;; no apparent middleware !!!!!
   (fn [db _]
       (assoc db :flag true)))

But, don't be fooled. re-frame.core/register-handler exists for only one reason: to install the pure middleware on all your handlers in the right place within the stack. Here's proof

It is pure which does the important work. First, it takes the value out of app-db, makes it "the world" by providing it to the event handler as the first argument and then, after the handler returns, it is again pure which uses swap! to mutate app-db.

So, pure is that bit of re-frame which does BOTH effects and coeffects. It obtains and provides db to an event handler and, afterwards, it does the "necessary side-effecting" to put data back into app-db.


While pure is central, re-frame's other middleware can also contribute to
effects and coeffects. For example, undoable, snapshots the value in app-db. And after is used in the todomvc example to write out to LocalStore.

So, within re-frame, effects and coeffects are done with middleware. We're now going to up the ante a bit.

Plan Review

So, how are we going?

Earlier, I presented a two step plan:

  1. Work out how event handlers can declaratively describe side-effects, in data.
  2. Work out how re-frame can action these side-effecting descriptions, efficiently and discreetly

We have a solution for 1.

And, regarding point 2, we now know that middleware is the answer, somehow.

Let's give this new middleware a name: fx - (effects, geddit?)

Below I provide a specific solution for fx but before we get there:

  1. remember, you can write your own middleware. It isn't hard.
  2. fx is definitely not the only way to do this.

Meet fx

fx is going to be an alternative for pure.

You will continue to use pure for regular handlers whose effects and coeffects are limited to app-db.

But you will use fx for event handlers which need additional effects and coeffects.

pure is largely invisible because it gets "installed" by re-frame.core/register-handler. So too it will be for fx.

A new registration function, re-frame.core/register-handler-fx (notice that -fx on the end), will invisibly add fx to the middleware stack of the registered handler.

Aside: remember that each event handler has its own middleware stack. Some can be pure stacks, and some fx stacks.

Use will look like this:

(register-handler-fx      ;; <-- use alternative registration (-fx on the end)
   (fn [world [_ a]]    ;; world, instead of db     
     {:db       (assoc (:db world) :flag  a)         
      :dispatch [:do-something-else 3]}))   ;; return effects

Aside: Instead of fx I almost named it io, which is a nod towards Haskell. The language. Not James Haskell, the current English Rugby openside breakaway, who I often claim is functional but lazy. My Rugby friends have no idea what I'm talking about - "Mike, you're being too harsh. He's in career-best form". Honestly, its pearls before swine.

Implementing fx

fx will need to:

  1. provide a world of {:db db} . This is what the rest of the middleware stack will see, including the handler being registered.
  2. interpret and action the side effects returned by the handler

Here is an initial sketch of fx in code:

(defn fx
  (fn io-handler
    [app-db event-vec]                   
    (let [world   {:db @app-db}           
          result (handler world event-vec)]   ;; call the event handler with world
       (if-let [db (:db result)]
          (reset! app-db db))))

If writing middleware is a mystery to you, it doesn't matter. Just know that we now have to solve a problem: how should fx action the side effects returned by an event handler.

fx may get a return value like:

{:db  X
 :http  Y
 :dispatch Z}

The :db part is easy. But what about :http and :dispatch. And what to do if resultcontains a key like :abc? The set of possible effects is open ended.


re-frame provides a function of registering handlers for effects: reg-fx

Here's how you'd use reg-fx:

   :http                 ;; the key (in an effects map)
   (fn [val]             ;; this handler knows how to handle :http

If fx was subsequently processing a returned effects map containing an :http key, it would look up the handler registered for :http and it would call it, passing in the value of that key as the one argument.

Just to be clear, if the effect looked like:

{:db  {}
 :dispatch  [:they-said-yes]
 :http {:method :get
        :url    ""}}

Then fx would handle :http by calling the registered handler with one argument:

{:method :get
        :url    ""}

Similarly, it would also handle :db and dispatch via the associated registered handlers.

Order Of Effects

There isn't an ordering.

At this point, re-frame does not allow you to control the order in which side effects occur. This is arbitrary. If you feel you need this feature, really need it, then please open an issue and explain the usecase. It isn't in there because we don't have a usecase.


There will be times when you want to turn effects into noops. Testing perhaps? Replaying events?

Here's how :http would be turned into a noop

(re-frame.core/reg-fx  :http  (fn [val]))    ;; handler does nothing 

Ramblings below . Don't read.

Whatever solution we create has to be both extensible and swapable.


Here's some candidate side-effects:

  • dispatch
  • flush-dom (force dom writes)
  • undo
  • localstore writes
  • database queries (rethinkdb) ?
  • http get or post
  • cookies
  • event sniffing

But this list is open ended. Your app may need others.

So, the mechanism fx uses for knowing about, and handing, side-effects will have to be extensible. Plugable.

When fx finds that the returned map has an :http key, it needs to look up the Side-Effect Handler which can implement the side effect.

So this is how you would register a Side-Effect Handler:

   :http                   ;; if present in world
   (fn [world fx-config]

There might be standard effect handlers provided. But you can write your own.


Sometimes you don't want the side-effects to happen. Sometimes, if you are testing or tracking down a bug, by replaying events, you don't want the database mutation side-effects to actually run.

So we need a way to switch side-effect instructions into noops. And then back again into being performed.

XXX how would you do multiple GET ? Give a vector I guess

XXX should they be given the entire returned value, or just their part of the try?
XXX the process of turning them into Noops still has me puzzled. How to do that nicely.

(register-event :my-event ;; no explicit fx middleware :fx [:db :http :dispatch] [XXXXXX] (fn [world [_ a]]
{:db (assoc-in world [:db :flag] true)
:dispatch [:do-something-else 3]}))

(reg-event :my-event ;; no explicit fx middleware (fx :http :dispatch :db) (fn [world [_ a]]
{:db (assoc-in world [:db :flag] true)
:dispatch [:do-something-else 3]}))

(reg-event-fx :my-event (fn [world [_ a]]
{:db (assoc-in world [:db :flag] true)
:dispatch [:do-something-else 3]}))

Ordering 1 (fx-order :http) etc Or some configuration option ? Or if there is an :ordering defined use that.
Or if the world contains this ordering then use that XXX Ths is back to use of middleare.


States Triggers are events. There are actions which are performed on transition There is some "state"


  1. register-handler => register-event
  2. create register-event-fx
  3. Create an fx middleware.
  4. Create (swap-fx-config! XXX)
  5. Create a (register-fx :http (fn [world]
  6. Create a (register-fx :dispatch (fn [world] YYYY)
  7. Create a (register-fx :event-forward (fn [world] XXX))