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Offical code for 2023 ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval paper: Zero-shot Query Reformulation for Conversational Search


If you find this repo to be helpful, please considering cite our paper:

    author = {Yang, Dayu and Zhang, Yue and Hui, Fang},
    booktitle = {ICTIR 2023: The 13th International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval},
    month = {July},
    publisher = {ACM},
    title = {Zero-shot Query Reformulation for Conversational Search},
    year = {2023}}

Reproducing results:

  1. install dependent packages
conda env create -f zeqr_env.yml
conda activate zeqr
  1. create indices Since the index files are enormous, we apologize we cannot upload them to github.

    1. For the download and preprocess instruction, please refer to TREC CAsT. The data preprocess step is achieved by trec-cast-tool. The trec-cast-tool is basically removing duplicate documents and converting original files to jsonl files. Please git checkout to certain versions of trec-cast-tool for different CAsT years.
    2. After successfully downloading and preprocessing data, the data folder for each CAsT year should be like:
    - 2019 (~19GB)
        - car.jsonl
        - msmarco_passage_v1.jsonl
        - wp.jsonl
    - 2020 (~16GB)
        - car.jsonl
        - msmarco_passage_v1.jsonl
    - 2021 (~28GB)
        - kilt.jsonl
        - msmarco_document.jsonl
        - wp.jsonl
    - 2022 (~120GB)
        - kilt.jsonl
        - msmarco_passage_v2.jsonl
        - wp.jsonl
    1. after .jsonl files are obtained, indexing using Pyserini. The configuration for indexing really depends on the storage/computational power of your machine. A sample .sh file for indexing is like sample/index/ (You must create 20 index shreds(0-19) for now. Will update to support arbitrary numbers of shreds later.)
    2. After you have successfully created index, the folder under index/ should be like(assume you create index using tctcolbert dense indexer):
    - index_tctcolbert
        - dense_2019
            - cast2019_den0
            - cast2019_den1
            - ...
            - cast2019_den18
            - cast2019_den19
                - docid
                - index
        - dense_2020
        - dense_2021
        - dense_2022
  2. fine-tuning BERT for MRC

    1. Option1: train your own BERT for MRC checkpoint by running the script MRC/
    2. Option2: using our checkpoint uploaded in huggingface.
  3. retrieval

    1. Option1:
      1. run ranking_<CAsT_year_to_rank>.sh to create sub ranking files. Each sub ranking file is a .pkl file which is named as dense[shred_of_index]_[qid].pkl. (reason to split as many small .pkl files is acceleration.)
      2. run
      • It has two arguments.
        • name is the name of your experiment, should be consistent to what you set in the .sh script run_name
        • year is which year of CAsT dataset you are using. Should be 2019, 2020, 2021, or 2022.
      • This script will automatically combine all the small .pkl and output a full ranking file under the retrieval_sesults/<name_of_your_experiment>/, name as <year>.run.
      1. after the run file is obtained. you can use eval_sample_results.ipynb to compute any additional metrics you want.
    2. Option2: skip the ranking step and evaluate the provided .run file in samples/ranking_results. See Evaluation Step for detail.
  4. Evaluation

    1. Option1: run --year <year> --run_name <your_experiment_name>
      1. in case you want to compute additional metrics, you can use eval_sample_results.ipynb.
      2. For CAsT-19, due to some bugs of trec-cast-tool, the processed documents (retrieval candidates pool) has some duplicated files. You need to use the official from trec-cast-tool to filter out duplicated docid before using trec-eval to evaluation.
      3. For CAsT-21, because the run files submitted by many teams only contains the docid(no passage id). The organizer decided to only evaluate on docid. trec-cast-tool provide a script to transform passage id to docid. You need to do this before evaluation.
    2. Option2: directly use the .run file I provided in sample/ranking_results/ to reproduce the experiment results.

Please contact me via email (dayu ant udel dot edu) if you have any question. Thanks!

ChatGPT Compatibility

Our framework is designed for adaptability, enabling easy integration with various Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) and Question Answering (QA) models, including large ones like ChatGPT. While we've implemented MRC, the goal is to enable researchers to fully utilize the system independently, without needing external resources. It allows training MRC models using standard datasets like SQuAD on consumer-level GPUs in about an hour.

We've included results from experiments using ChatGPT in the Appendix, showing performance nearing human capabilities.

Please use ChatGPT/eval_step_multicompare.ipynb to see the experiment result for replacing MRC model as ChatGPT.

ChatGPT as Language Model used in ZeQR


Offical code for ICTIR'23 paper






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