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Sergeant is a simple DropWizard based web application to allow command line programs to be run as web services. Yes, I know this is dangerous, but so is driving a car. If one is careful both can be done safely.


Linux / Mac OSX:

git clone
cd sergeant
./gradlew installDist
build/install/sergeant/bin/sergeant server sergeant.yml


git clone
cd sergeant
gradlew.bat installDist
build/install/sergeant/bin/sergeant.bat server sergeant.yml

Open http://localhost:8080/


java -jar sergeant.jar server sergeant.yml


Sergeant uses Gradle and defines several useful targets:

  • run run Sergeant with the provided sergeant.yml definition
  • installDist build a distribution in build/install/
  • installTar and distZip build distributions in buind/distributions

Defining services

Services are command line interfaces (CLI) exposed through sergeant as REST endpoints. Services are defined using YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) in the sergeant.yml file, and have several parameters.

  • endPoint: this is the REST end point that exposes this CLI
  • description: a description of the endPoint. Descriptions can span multiple lines.
  • commandLine: an array of parameters that form the command line. Any parameter of the form "@variable" will be replaced when sergeant runs the CLI. See the sleep example below.
  • synchronous: return results immediately
  • gridSubmit: Submit to a grid using DRMAA, must start up with a drmaa library available in java.library.path. Ignores the synchronous setting.
  • gridSpecification: String to pass through DRMAA into the underlying grid implementation.
  • defaults: a map of default values for any variables in the command line. This parameter is optional, and variables do not need defaults.

Synchronous services

Synchronous services return the output immediately.

curl -POST -d "text=Something going on here" http://localhost:8080/rest/service/echo
Something going on here

Asynchronous services

By default, services return a uuid that can be used to retrieve results after processing has finished.

Service Environment

Sergeant includes a sergeantw a wrapper for sergeant services. sergeantw looks for a and sources it to configure a particular environment to run the CLI. This is particularly helpful, as sargeant is often run as a daemon with a severely limited environment.

Reloading Services

Services definitions are reloaded at a frequency specified by reloadTimeInSeconds. Allows new services to be added on the fly. Existing services are updated, and obsolete services are removed.

Reaping Completed Status

Services that are running or completed hold their status in memory. By default, completed jobs (success or fail) are reaped every hour. This may be controled by the reapTimeInSeconds in the sergeant.yml file.


Each service creates some REST APIs. sleep is the service used in this example.

Method URL Description
GET /rest/service JSON description of all services
GET /rest/job JSON description of all jobs running and compteled that have not been reaped.
GET /rest/service/sleep Returns the definition of the service
POST /rest/service/sleep Starts executing the service. If synchronous, blocks until the service completes. If asynchronous, returns a uuid that is used to lookup the status of the job.
GET /rest/job/uuid Returns job status.
DELETE /rest/job/uuid Deletes the job, killing if still running.


Sleep Example

Definition of the sleep service in sergeant.yml.

  - endPoint: sleep
    commandLine: ["sleep", "@seconds"]
    description: "Powernap"
      seconds: 120

Invoking the sleep service. NB: curl converts a POST command into a GET, if no parameters are passed using the -d flag. The best workaround is to pass some dummy value. Sergeant ignores any unknown substitutions.

curl -POST -d seconds=120 http://localhost:8080/rest/service/sleep
    "commandLine":"sleep 120",

The response to the post includes the job uuid used to look up status, the commandLine called, exitValue (-1 until the status is done), status of the job, and output of the job, when completed.

Status can be fetched using the uuid:

curl http://localhost:8080/rest/job/519898b5-5afb-413d-bfc3-a2ff3a94afbd
  "commandLine":"sleep 120",

Status from all jobs can be fetched:

curl http://localhost:8080/rest/job
  "519898b5-5afb-413d-bfc3-a2ff3a94afbd": {
    "uuid": "519898b5-5afb-413d-bfc3-a2ff3a94afbd",
    "commandLine": "sleep 120",
    "exitValue": 0,
    "status": "done",
    "output": ""

Positional and File Parameters

In the definition of a service, there are several options for passing parameters, both file and positional arguments.

Positional Arguments

Positional arguments are denoted by an @ symbol in the commandLine. A POST call can substitute a value for the @ parameter.

Input File Arguments

Input file arguments are denoted by an < symbol in the commandLine.

Output File Arguments

Input file arguments are denoted by an > symbol in the commandLine.


The following service expects 2 file arguments, <input is a file that will be uploaded via REST, and >output will be available for retrieval once the job is completed.

- endPoint: copy
  commandLine: ["cp", "<input", ">output"]
  synchronous: false
curl -v -POST --form output=temp --form input=@sergeant.yml http://localhost:8080/rest/service/copy

Sergeant returns

  "startTime" : "Wed, 6 Aug 2014 15:44:33 -0500",
  "startTimeInMillis" : 1407357873317,
  "uuid" : "5f3c7466-03e5-41e9-a0bf-cd0680be449f",
  "commandLine" : "cp /tmp/5f3c7466-03e5-41e9-a0bf-cd0680be449f/input /tmp/5f3c7466-03e5-41e9-a0bf-cd0680be449f/temp",
  "endPoint" : "copy",
  "fileMap" : {
    "input" : "/tmp/5f3c7466-03e5-41e9-a0bf-cd0680be449f/input",
    "output" : "/tmp/5f3c7466-03e5-41e9-a0bf-cd0680be449f/temp"
  "parsedCommandLine" : [ "cp", "/tmp/5f3c7466-03e5-41e9-a0bf-cd0680be449f/input", "/tmp/5f3c7466-03e5-41e9-a0bf-cd0680be449f/temp" ],
  "exitValue" : -1,
  "output" : "",
  "status" : "running"

To retrieve the output file, use the uuid and output key.

 curl http://localhost:8080/rest/job/5f3c7466-03e5-41e9-a0bf-cd0680be449f/output
 <response truncated>

Example sergeant.yml

DropWizard describes several other configuration options, including logging.

# Reap completed job status every hour
reapTimeInSeconds: 3600

# Reload this config file every minute to pick up service changes
reloadTimeInSeconds: 60

# Services to expose
  - endPoint: sleep
    commandLine: ["sleep", "@seconds"]
    description: "Power nap time!"
      seconds: 120

  - endPoint: echo
    commandLine: ["echo", "@text"]
    description: "Is there an echo in here?"
    synchronous: true
      text: This space for rent


Sergeant is a simple DropWizard based web application to allow command line programs to be run as web services.







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