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File metadata and controls

109 lines (74 loc) · 3.33 KB

Other Modules (magma)

Modules to work with MetaWorkflow and MetaWorkflowRun objects:

  • inputgenerator module -> InputGenerator object
  • runupdate module -> RunUpdate object

Import the libraries

# Require metawfl and metawflrun modules
#   metawfl -> MetaWorkflow
#   metawflrun -> MetaWorkflowRun
from magma import metawfl as wfl
from magma import metawflrun as run

from magma import inputgenerator as ingen
from magma import runupdate as runupd


InputGenerator object

InputGenerator object allows to combine and use MetaWorkflow and MetaWorkflowRun objects to map arguments and create input and patching objects in json format.

Initialize InputGenerator object

import json

# Read input MetaWorkflow[json]
with open('.json') as json_file:
    data_wfl = json.load(json_file)

# Read input MetaWorkflowRun[json]
with open('.run.json') as json_file:
    data_wflrun = json.load(json_file)

# Creates MetaWorkflow object
wfl_obj = wfl.MetaWorkflow(data_wfl)

# Creates MetaWorkflowRun object
wflrun_obj = run.MetaWorkflowRun(data_wflrun)

# Create InputGenerator object
ingen_obj = ingen.InputGenerator(wfl_obj, wflrun_obj)

Create input json to run

The method ingen_obj.input_generator() returns a generator of input_json, update_json in json format:

  • input_json stores necessary information to run a shard and can be used as input for Tibanna.
  • update_json stores updated information for workflow_runs and final_status.
for input_json, update_json in ingen_obj.input_generator():
    # input_json -> json input for tibanna zebra
    # update_json -> {
    #             'workflow_runs': [...],
    #             'final_status': 'STATUS'
    #            }
    # DO something

RunUpdate object

RunUpdate object allows to update and combine MetaWorkflowRun objects.

Initialize RunUpdate object

# Read input MetaWorkflowRun[json]
with open('.run.json') as json_file:
    data_wflrun = json.load(json_file)

# Creates MetaWorkflowRun object
wflrun_obj = run.MetaWorkflowRun(data_wflrun)

# Create RunUpdate object
runupd_obj = runupd.RunUpdate(wflrun_obj)


The method runupd_obj.reset_steps(steps_name<str list>) resets WorkflowRun objects corresponding to steps specified in steps_name. Resets all shards associated to specified steps. Returns updated workflow_runs and final_status information as json.

The method runupd_obj.reset_shards(shards_name<str list>) resets WorkflowRun objects corresponding to shards specified in shards_name. Resets only specified shards. Returns updated workflow_runs and final_status information as json.

The method runupd_obj.import_steps(wflrun_obj<MetaWorkflowRun obj>, steps_name<str list>) updates current MetaWorkflowRun object information, imports and use information from specified wflrun_obj. Updates WorkflowRun objects up to all steps specified in steps_name. Returns updated MetaWorkflowRun[json].