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Added Driver unit test
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dchill42 committed Sep 12, 2012
1 parent 1db3e0e commit 0fc5320
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Showing 2 changed files with 297 additions and 0 deletions.
269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions tests/codeigniter/libraries/Driver_test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@

* Driver library base class unit test
class Driver_test extends CI_TestCase {
* Set up test framework
public function set_up()
// Create VFS directories
$this->root = vfsStream::setup();
$this->base_root = vfsStream::newDirectory('system')->at($this->root);
$this->app_root = vfsStream::newDirectory('application')->at($this->root);
$this->base_path = vfsStream::url('system/');
$this->app_path = vfsStream::url('application/');

* Test driver child loading
* @covers CI_Driver_Library::load_driver
public function test_load_driver()
// Create mock driver library

// Create driver file
$driver = 'basic';
$file = $this->name.'_'.$driver;
$class = 'CI_'.$file;
$prop = 'called';
$content = '<?php class '.$class.' extends CI_Driver { public $'.$prop.' = FALSE; '.
'public function decorate($parent) { $this->'.$prop.' = TRUE; } }';
$this->_create_content($file, $content, $this->base_root, 'libraries/'.$this->name.'/drivers');

// Make driver valid

// Load driver

// Did lib name get set?
$this->assertEquals($this->name, $this->lib->get_name());

// Was driver loaded?
$this->assertObjectHasAttribute($driver, $this->lib);
$this->assertAttributeInstanceOf($class, $driver, $this->lib);
$this->assertAttributeInstanceOf('CI_Driver', $driver, $this->lib);

// Was decorate called?
$this->assertObjectHasAttribute($prop, $this->lib->$driver);

// Do we get an error for an invalid driver?
$driver = 'unlisted';
$this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', 'CI Error: Invalid driver requested: '.$this->name.'_'.$driver);

* Test loading lowercase from app path
* @covers CI_Driver_Library::load_driver
public function test_load_app_driver()
// Create mock driver library

// Create driver file
$driver = 'lowpack';
$file = $this->name.'_'.$driver;
$class = 'CI_'.$file;
$content = '<?php class '.$class.' extends CI_Driver { }';
$this->_create_content(strtolower($file), $content, $this->app_root, 'libraries/'.$this->name.'/drivers');

// Make valid list
$nodriver = 'absent';
$this->lib->driver_list(array($driver, $nodriver));

// Load driver

// Was driver loaded?
$this->assertObjectHasAttribute($driver, $this->lib);
$this->assertAttributeInstanceOf($class, $driver, $this->lib);
$this->assertAttributeInstanceOf('CI_Driver', $driver, $this->lib);

// Do we get an error for a non-existent driver?
$this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', 'CI Error: Unable to load the requested driver: CI_'.

* Test loading driver extension
* @covers CI_Driver_Library::load_driver
public function test_load_driver_ext()
// Create mock driver library

// Create base file
$driver = 'extend';
$base = $this->name.'_'.$driver;
$baseclass = 'CI_'.$base;
$content = '<?php class '.$baseclass.' extends CI_Driver { }';
$this->_create_content($base, $content, $this->base_root, 'libraries/'.$this->name.'/drivers');

// Create driver file
$class = $this->subclass.$base;
$content = '<?php class '.$class.' extends '.$baseclass.' { }';
$this->_create_content($class, $content, $this->app_root, 'libraries/'.$this->name.'/drivers');

// Make valid list

// Load driver

// Was driver loaded?
$this->assertObjectHasAttribute($driver, $this->lib);
$this->assertAttributeInstanceOf($class, $driver, $this->lib);
$this->assertAttributeInstanceOf($baseclass, $driver, $this->lib);
$this->assertAttributeInstanceOf('CI_Driver', $driver, $this->lib);

// Create driver extension without base
$driver = 'baseless';
$base = $this->name.'_'.$driver;
$class = $this->subclass.$base;
$content = '<?php class '.$class.' extends CI_Driver { }';
$this->_create_content($class, $content, $this->app_root, 'libraries/'.$this->name.'/drivers');

// Do we get an error when base class isn't found?
$this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', 'CI Error: Unable to load the requested class: CI_'.$base);

* Test decorating driver with parent attributes
* @covers CI_Driver::decorate
public function test_decorate()
// Create parent with a method and property to access
$pclass = 'Test_Parent';
$prop = 'parent_prop';
$value = 'initial';
$method = 'parent_func';
$return = 'func return';
$code = 'class '.$pclass.' { public $'.$prop.' = \''.$value.'\'; '.
'public function '.$method.'() { return \''.$return.'\'; } }';
$parent = new $pclass();

// Create child driver to decorate
$class = 'Test_Driver';
eval('class '.$class.' extends CI_Driver { }');
$child = new $class();

// Decorate child

// Do we get the initial parent property value?
$this->assertEquals($value, $child->$prop);

// Can we change the parent property?
$newval = 'changed';
$child->$prop = $newval;
$this->assertEquals($newval, $parent->$prop);

// Do we get back the updated value?
$this->assertEquals($newval, $child->$prop);

// Can we call the parent method?
$this->assertEquals($return, $child->$method());

* Create mock driver library
private function _mock_library()
// Create instance object
$ci = new StdClass();

// Mock up Config to return subclass prefix
$cfg = 'Drv_Mock_Config';
if ( ! class_exists($cfg))
$code = 'class '.$cfg.' { public $config = array(); '.
'public function item($key) { return isset($this->config[$key]) ? $this->config[$key] : FALSE; } }';
$ci->config = new $cfg();
$this->subclass = 'Mock_Libraries_';
$ci->config->config['subclass_prefix'] = $this->subclass;

// Mock up Loader to return package paths
$load = 'Drv_Mock_Loader';
if ( ! class_exists($load))
$code = 'class '.$load.' { public $paths = array(); '.
'public function get_package_paths($all) { return $this->paths; } }';
$ci->load = new $load();
$ci->load->paths = array($this->app_path, $this->base_path);

// Set instance

// Create mock driver library
$this->name = 'Driver';
$this->lib = new Mock_Libraries_Driver();

* Create file (and subdirectories) in VFS tree
* @param string File name (w/o .php)
* @param string File content
* @param object VFS root to create under
* @param string Subdirectory path
* @return void
private function _create_content($file, $content, $root, $path = '')
// Initialize tree with file
$tree = array($file.'.php' => $content);

// Get subdirectories
$subs = explode('/', $path);
while (($dir = array_shift($subs)))
// See if subdir exists under current root
$dir_root = $root->getChild($dir);
if ($dir_root)
// Yes - recurse into subdir
$root = $dir_root;
// No - put subdir back and quit
array_unshift($subs, $dir);

// Create any remaining subdirectories
foreach (array_reverse($subs) as $dir)
// Wrap content in subdirectory for creation
$tree = array($dir => $tree);

// Create tree
vfsStream::create($tree, $root);

28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions tests/mocks/libraries/driver.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@

* Mock library to subclass Driver for testing
class Mock_Libraries_Driver extends CI_Driver_Library {
* Set valid drivers list
public function driver_list($drivers = NULL)
if (empty($drivers))
return $this->valid_drivers;

$this->valid_drivers = (array)$drivers;

* Get library name
public function get_name()
return $this->lib_name;

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