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Calculating contour curves for 2D scalar fields in Julia


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A generic library for tracing contour curves on a scalar 2D field.

The idea with this library is to separate the contouring algorithm(s) from the various visualization tools, so that all tools can benefit from advances made here - as well as in other applications, independently of choice of visualization tool. The current implementation uses the marching squares algorithm to calculate contours.

There are ongoing api-discussions, so the API of this library should not be considered stable yet. As a consequence, it is not yet published to METADATA, but can still be downloaded through Pkg.clone("") if you want to kick the tires or help out. Hopefully, this discussion on the users list concerning a generic package for geometric objects like points and lines will yield something useful, in which case this package will be adjusted to use those types.

Usage Examples

The Contour module currently expects input data to be on a Cartesian grid, and supports both uniform and non-uniform grid spacings. For the following examples, x and y are 1D sorted arrays that contain the grid coordinates, and z is a matrix arranged such that z[xi,yi] correspond to the location (x[xi], y[yi]).

x = [-3:0.01:3]
y = [-4:0.02:5]

z = [(xi^2 + yi^2)::Float64 for xi in x, yi in y]

Let's find the contour line corresponding to z = 4.0:

h = 4.0
c = contour(x, y, z, h)

This returns a ContourLevel type containing the contour value as well an array of lines. In the current example, we expect a single line that traces out a circle with radius 2:

julia> c.level

julia> c.lines
1-element Array{Curve2{Float64},1}:
 [-0.07,1.99877]    [0.09,1.99796],[0.08,1.99839],[0.07,1.99877],[0.06,1.9991],

The format of the output data is intented to give as extensive information as possible about the contour line, in a format that can be generalized in the future, if/when something like a Geometry.jl package is created. Each contour level is represented by an instance of

type ContourLevel

where Curve2 is in turn an abstraction over a curve in 2D (currently just a wrapper around a Vector{Vector2}, utilizing the Vector2 type from ImmutableArrays.jl - this may change in the future).

However, it can admittedly be a little difficult to use this information in an application. For example, if we want to plot the contour line, it is much more practical to have the coordinates of the contour vertices as two lists instead of this complicated structure. No worries, just use coordinates:

julia> xs, ys = coordinates(c.lines[1])
([0.0,0.0,-1.73472e-18,-0.01,-0.02,-0.03,-0.04,-0.05,-0.06,-0.07    0.09,0.08,0.07,0.06,0.05,0.04,0.03,0.02,0.01,0.0],[2.0,2.0,2.0,1.99997,1.9999,1.99977,1.9996,1.99937,1.9991,1.99877    1.99796,1.99839,1.99877,1.9991,1.99937,1.9996,1.99977,1.9999,1.99997,2.0])

julia> plot(xs, ys) # using your favorite plotting tool

Contour.jl makes sure that the coordinates are ordered correctly, and contours that close on themselves are given cyclically, so that e.g. xs[1]==xs[end] - in other words, plotting the contour does not require you to add the first point at the end manually to close the curve.

We can also find the contours at multiple levels using contours, which returns an array of ContourLevel types.

julia> h = [4.0, 5.0, 6.0];
julia> c = contours(x, y, z, h)
3-element Array{ContourLevel,1}:
 ContourLevel(5.0,[Curve2{Float64}([[0.28,-2.21846], ,[0.28,-2.21846]])])

Instead of specifying all the levels explicitly, we can also specify the number of levels we want.

julia> N = 3;
julia> c = contours(x, y, z, N)
3-element Array{ContourLevel,1}:

Currently, contours will pick N levels that evenly spans the extrema of z.


The main authors of this package are Darwin Darakananda and Tomas Lycken.


Calculating contour curves for 2D scalar fields in Julia







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