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137 lines (135 loc) · 8.27 KB

File metadata and controls

137 lines (135 loc) · 8.27 KB
usage: dcmdir -{cdlpuz} <dicomdir> [Options] [<file>..][<directory>..]

Utility to dump, create or update a DICOMDIR file referencing DICOM
filesof a DICOM file-set.
 -c <dicomdir>                             create new directory file
                                           <dicomdir> with references to
                                           DICOM files specified by file..
                                           or directory.. arguments
    --csv <csv-file>                       import records from CSV file
                                           with hex encoded tag values or
                                           keywords of the DICOM
                                           Attributes as headers. The CSV
                                           may also contain the additional
                                           Query/Retrieve Attributes :
                                           Number of Patient Related
                                           Studies (0020,1200), Number of
                                           Patient Related (0020,1202),
                                           Number of Patient Related
                                           Instances (0020,1204), Number
                                           of Study Related Series
                                           (0020,1206), Number of Study
                                           Related Instances (0020,1208),
                                           Number of Series Related
                                           Instances | (0020,1209)
    --csv-delim <csv-delim>                delimiter character for CSV
                                           file specified by --csv.
                                           Defaults to , (comma).
    --csv-quote <csv-quote>                quote character for CSV file
                                           specified by --csv. Defaults to
                                           " (quote).
 -d <dicomdir>                             delete records referring DICOM
                                           files specified by file.. or
                                           directory.. arguments from
                                           existing directory file
                                           <dicomdir> by setting its
                                           Record In-use Flag = 0
    --expl-item-len                        encode sequence items with
                                           explicit length; at default,
                                           non-empty sequence items are
                                           encoded with undefined length
    --expl-seq-len                         encode sequences with explicit
                                           length; at default, non-empty
                                           sequences are encoded with
                                           undefined length
    --fs-desc <txtfile>                    specify File-set Descriptor
    --fs-desc-cs <code>                    Character Set used in File-set
                                           Descriptor File ("ISO_IR 100" =
                                           ISO Latin 1)
    --fs-id <id>                           specify File-set ID
    --fs-uid <uid>                         specify File-set UID
    --group-len                            include (gggg,0000) Group
                                           Length attributes; at default,
                                           optional Group Length
                                           attributes are excluded
 -h,--help                                 display this help and exit
    --in-use                               only list directory records
                                           with Record In-use Flag != 0
 -l <dicomdir>                             list content of directory file
                                           <dicomdir> to standard out
    --orig-seq-len                         preserve encoding of sequence
                                           length from the original file
 -p <dicomdir>                             purge records without file
                                           references from directory file
                                           <dicomdir> by setting its
                                           Record In-use Flag = 0
    --record-config <record-config-file>   file path or URL to
                                           configuration of directory
                                           record attributes. At default
                                           only mandatory directory record
                                           attributes are included.
 -u <dicomdir>                             update existing directory file
                                           <dicomdir> "with references to
                                           DICOM files specified by file..
                                           or  directory.. arguments
    --undef-item-len                       encode all sequence items with
                                           undefined length; at default,
                                           only non-empty sequence items
                                           are encoded with undefined
    --undef-seq-len                        encode all sequences with
                                           undefined length; at default,
                                           only non-empty sequences are
                                           encoded with undefined length
 -V,--version                              output version information and
 -w,--width <col>                          set line length; default: 78
 -z <dicomdir>                             compact existing directory file
                                           <dicomdir> by removing records
                                           with Record In-use Flag != 0
'.' - add record(s) referring regular DICOM Part 10 file
'F' - add record(s) referring file without File Meta Information
'p' - add record(s) referring instance without Patient ID, using the Study
Instance UID as Patient ID in the PATIENT record
'P' - add record(s) referring file without File Meta Information with
instance without Patient ID, using the Study Instance UID as Patient ID in
the PATIENT record
'r' - add root record referring instance without Study Instance UID
'R' - add root record referring file without File Meta Information with
instance without Study Instance UID
'-' - do not add any record for already referenced file
'x' - delete record referring one file

$ dcmdir -l /media/cdrom/DICOMDIR
list content of DICOMDIR to stdout
$ dcmdir -c disk99/DICOMDIR --fs-id DISK99 --fs-desc disk99/README
create a new directory file with specified File-set ID and Descriptor
File, referencing all DICOM Files in directory disk99/DICOM
$ dcmdir -u disk99/DICOMDIR disk99/DICOM/CT1
add directory records referencing all DICOM files in directory
disk99/DICOM/CT1 to existing directory file
$ dcmdir -d disk99/DICOMDIR disk99/DICOM/CT2
delete/deactivate directory records referencing DICOM files in directory
$ dcmdir -p disk99/DICOMDIR
delete/deactivate directory records without child records referencing any
DICOM file
$ dcmdir -z disk99/DICOMDIR
compact DICOMDIR by removing inactive records
$ dcmdir -c disk99/DICOMDIR --csv /path-to-csv-file.csv --record-config
/dcm4che-assembly/src/etc/dcmdir/RecordFactory.xml disk99/DICOMDIR
create a new directory file referencing all DICOM Files in directory
disk99/DICOM and also referencing all records present in csv file