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usage: storescp [options] -b [<aet>[@<ip>]:]<port>

The storescp application implements a Service Class Provider (SCP) for the
Storage Service Class. It listens on a specific TCP/IP port for incoming
association requests from a Storage Service Class User (SCU) and can
receive DICOM images and other DICOM Composite Objects. The storescp
application also supports the Verification Service Class as a SCP.
    --accept <aet>                   One ore more AE Title(s) that SCP
                                     should accept. By default SCP accepts
                                     any calling AE title.
    --accept-unknown                 accept unknown SOP Class; otherwise
                                     only Storage SOP Classes specified by
                                     --sop-classes are accepted
 -b,--bind <[aet[@ip]:]port>         specify the port on which the
                                     Application Entity shall listening
                                     for incoming association requests. If
                                     no local IP address of the network
                                     interface is specified, connections
                                     on any/all local addresses are
                                     accepted. If an AE Title is
                                     specified, only requests with
                                     matching Called AE Title will be
    --directory <path>               directory to which received DICOM
                                     Composite Objects are stored, '.' by
    --filepath <pattern>             file path of stored objects,
                                     '{ggggeeee}' will be replaced by the
                                     attribute value, e.g.:
                                     080018}.dcm' will store received
                                     objects using the SOP Instance UID
                                     (0008,0018) as file name and '.dcm'
                                     as file name extension into
                                     sub-directories structured according
                                     its Patient ID (0010,0020), Study
                                     Instance UID (0020,000D} and Series
                                     Instance UID (0020,000E). At default,
                                     received objects are stored to the
                                     storage directory with the SOP
                                     Instance UID (0008,0018) as file name
                                     without extension.
 -h,--help                           display this help and exit
    --idle-timeout <ms>              timeout in ms for aborting idle
                                     Associations, no timeout by default
    --ignore                         do not store received objects in
    --key-pass <password>            password for accessing the key in the
                                     key store, key store password by
    --key-store <file|url>           file path or URL of key store
                                     containing the private key,
                                     resource:key.p12 by default
    --key-store-pass <password>      password for key store containing the
                                     private key, 'secret' by default
    --key-store-type <storetype>     type of key store containing the
                                     private key, PKCS12 by default
    --max-ops-invoked <no>           maximum number of operations this AE
                                     may invoke asynchronously, unlimited
                                     by default
    --max-ops-performed <no>         maximum number of operations this AE
                                     may perform asynchronously, unlimited
                                     by default
    --max-pdulen-rcv <length>        specifies maximal length of received
                                     P-DATA TF PDUs communicated during
                                     association establishment. 0
                                     indicates that no maximum length is
                                     specified. 16378 by default
    --max-pdulen-snd <length>        specifies maximal length of sent
                                     P-DATA-TF PDUs by this AE. The actual
                                     maximum length of sent P-DATA-TF PDUs
                                     is also limited by the maximal length
                                     of received P-DATA-TF PDUs of the
                                     peer AE communicated during
                                     association establishment. 16378 by
    --not-async                      do not use asynchronous mode;
                                     equivalent to --max-ops-invoked=1 and
    --not-pack-pdv                   send only one PDV in one P-Data-TF
                                     PDU; pack command and data PDV in one
                                     P-DATA-TF PDU by default
    --receive-delay <ms>             delay in ms after reading first
                                     P-DATA-TF PDU with C-STORE-RQ from
                                     the tcp socket. If more than one
                                     value is specified, values will be
                                     selected sequentially for subsequent
                                     received C-STORE-RQs. No delay by
    --release-timeout <ms>           timeout in ms for receiving
                                     A-RELEASE-RP, no timeout by default
    --rename-retries <count>         The amount of retries to perform if
                                     M-RENAME stage fails. 3 retries by
    --rename-retry-jitter <ms>       The maximal random jitter inserted
                                     between M-RENAME retires. 50ms by
    --request-timeout <ms>           timeout in ms for receiving
                                     A-ASSOCIATE-RQ, no timeout by default
    --response-delay <ms>            delay in ms returning C-STORE-RSPs.
                                     If more than one value is specified,
                                     values will be selected sequentially
                                     for subsequent received C-STORE-RQs.
                                     No delay by default.
    --soclose-delay <ms>             delay in ms after sending
                                     A-ASSOCATE-RJ, A-RELEASE-RQ or
                                     A-ABORT before the socket is closed;
                                     50ms by default
    --sop-classes <file|url>         file path or URL of list of accepted
                                     SOP Classes,
    --sorcv-buffer <length>          set SO_RCVBUF socket option to
                                     specified value
    --sosnd-buffer <length>          set SO_SNDBUF socket option to
                                     specified value
    --ssl2Hello                      send/accept SSLv3/TLS ClientHellos
                                     encapsulated in a SSLv2 ClientHello
                                     packet; equivalent to --tls-protocol
                                     SSLv2Hello --tls-protocol SSLv3
                                     --tls-protocol TLSv1 --tls-protocol
                                     TLSv1.1 --tls-protocol TLSv1.2
    --ssl3                           enable only TLS/SSL protocol SSLv3;
                                     equivalent to --tls-protocol SSLv3
    --status <code>                  specifies status code in returned
                                     C-STORE RSPs, 0000H by default.
    --tcp-delay                      set TCP_NODELAY socket option to
                                     false, true by default
    --tls                            enable TLS connection without
                                     encryption or with AES or 3DES
                                     encryption; equivalent to
                                     --tls-cipher SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA
    --tls-3des                       enable TLS connection with 3DES
                                     encryption; equivalent to
    --tls-aes                        enable TLS connection with AES or
                                     3DES encryption; equivalent to
    --tls-cipher <cipher>            enable TLS connection with specified
                                     Cipher Suite. Multiple Cipher Suites
                                     may be enabled by multiple
                                     --tls-cipher options
    --tls-eia-https                  enable server endpoint identification
                                     according RFC 2818: HTTP Over TLS
    --tls-eia-ldaps                  enable server endpoint identification
                                     according RFC 2830: LDAP Extension
                                     for TLS
    --tls-noauth                     disable client authentification for
    --tls-null                       enable TLS connection without
                                     encryption; equivalent to
                                     --tls-cipher SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA
    --tls-protocol <protocol>        TLS/SSL protocol to use. Multiple
                                     TLS/SSL protocols may be enabled by
                                     multiple --tls-protocol options.
                                     Supported values by Java 11: TLSv1,
                                     TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3, SSLv3,
                                     SSLv2Hello. By default, only TLSv1.2
                                     is enabled.
    --tls1                           enable only TLS/SSL protocol TLSv1;
                                     equivalent to --tls-protocol TLSv1
    --tls11                          enable only TLS/SSL protocol TLSv1.1;
                                     equivalent to --tls-protocol TLSv1.1
    --tls12                          enable only TLS/SSL protocol TLSv1.2;
                                     equivalent to --tls-protocol TLSv1.2
    --tls13                          enable only TLS/SSL protocol TLSv1.3;
                                     equivalent to --tls-protocol TLSv1.3
    --trust-store <file|url>         file path of key store containing
                                     trusted certificates,
                                     resource:cacerts.p12 by default
    --trust-store-pass <password>    password for key store with trusted
                                     certificates, 'secret' by default
    --trust-store-type <storetype>   type of key store with trusted
                                     certificates, PKCS12 by default
 -V,--version                        output version information and exit
Example: storescp -b STORESCP:11112
=> Starts server listening on port 11112, accepting association requests
with STORESCP as called AE title. Received objects are stored to the
working directory.