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xcube compute


Compute a cube variable from other cube variables using a user-provided Python function.

$ xcube compute --help
Usage: xcube compute [OPTIONS] SCRIPT [CUBE]...

  Compute a cube variable from other cube variables in CUBEs using a user-
  provided Python function in SCRIPT.

  The SCRIPT must define a function named "compute":

      def compute(*input_vars: numpy.ndarray,
                  input_params: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
                  dim_coords: Mapping[str, np.ndarray] = None,
                  dim_ranges: Mapping[str, Tuple[int, int]] = None) \
                  -> numpy.ndarray:
          # Compute new numpy array from inputs
          # output_array = ...
          return output_array

  where input_vars are numpy arrays (chunks) in the order given by VARIABLES
  or given by the variable names returned by an optional "initialize"
  function that my be defined in SCRIPT too, see below. input_params is a
  mapping of parameter names to values according to PARAMS or the ones
  returned by the aforesaid "initialize" function. dim_coords is a mapping
  from dimension name to coordinate labels for the current chunk to be
  computed. dim_ranges is a mapping from dimension name to index ranges into
  coordinate arrays of the cube.

  The SCRIPT may define a function named "initialize":

      def initialize(input_cubes: Sequence[xr.Dataset],
                     input_var_names: Sequence[str],
                     input_params: Mapping[str, Any]) \
                     -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Mapping[str, Any]]:
          # Compute new variable names and/or new parameters
          # new_input_var_names = ...
          # new_input_params = ...
          return new_input_var_names, new_input_params

  where input_cubes are the respective CUBEs, input_var_names the respective
  VARIABLES, and input_params are the respective PARAMS. The "initialize"
  function can be used to validate the data cubes, extract the desired
  variables in desired order and to provide some extra processing parameters
  passed to the "compute" function.

  Note that if no input variable names are specified, no variables are
  passed to the "compute" function.

  The SCRIPT may also define a function named "finalize":

      def finalize(output_cube: xr.Dataset,
                   input_params: Mapping[str, Any]) \
                   -> Optional[xr.Dataset]:
          # Optionally modify output_cube and return it or return None
          return output_cube

  If defined, the "finalize" function will be called before the command
  writes the new cube and then exists. The functions may perform a cleaning
  up or perform side effects such as write the cube to some sink. If the
  functions returns None, the CLI will *not* write any cube data.

  --variables, --vars VARIABLES  Comma-separated list of variable names.
  -p, --params PARAMS            Parameters passed as 'input_params' dict to
                                 compute() and init() functions in SCRIPT.
  -o, --output OUTPUT            Output path. Defaults to 'out.zarr'
  -f, --format FORMAT            Output format.
  -N, --name NAME                Output variable's name.
  -D, --dtype DTYPE              Output variable's data type.


$ xcube compute s3-olci-cube.zarr ./algoithms/

with ./algoithms/ being:


Python API

The related Python API function is :py:func:`xcube.core.compute.compute_cube`.