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File metadata and controls

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The xcube command-line interface (CLI) is a single executable cli/xcube with several sub-commands comprising functions ranging from xcube dataset generation, over analysis and manipulation, to dataset publication.

Common Arguments and Options

Most of the commands operate on inputs that are xcube datasets. Such inputs are consistently named CUBE and provided as one or more command arguments. CUBE inputs may be a path into the local file system or a path into some object storage bucket, e.g. in AWS S3. Command inputs of other types are consistently called INPUT.

Many commands also output something, i.e. are writing files. The paths or names of such outputs are consistently provided by the -o OUTPUT or --output OUTPUT option. As the output is an option, there is usually a default value for it. If multiply file formats are supported, commands usually provide a -f FORMAT or --format FORMAT option. If omitted, the format may be guessed from the output's name.

Cube generation

cli/xcube_gen cli/xcube_grid

Cube computation


Cube inspection

cli/xcube_dump cli/xcube_verify

Cube data extraction


Cube manipulation

cli/xcube_chunk cli/xcube_edit cli/xcube_level cli/xcube_optimize cli/xcube_prune cli/xcube_resample cli/xcube_vars2dim

Cube conversion

cli/xcube_tile cli/xcube_level

Cube publication
