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Ubuntu 16 Install

This was simpler and quite a bit quicker than my mint and especially my gentoo install, since I already knew what software I wanted to install


dev tools

  • build emacs

misc (low priority)

  • identify config files and add them to dotfiles
    • terminator profiles, etc.
  • fix hyperkey in terminal

Why Ubuntu & Why Ubuntu 16?

wanted to avoid Ubuntu because of the privacy issues, but i decided to give Ubuntu 15.10 a try. I found that i liked some of the aspects of the Unity interface (surprise!). Specifically, what i liked was the grouping by application.

i wanted to most recent version, but ubuntu 16 uses Mir, which doesn't work with Nvidia drivers


cover dual linux

  • shared home directories
  • pros/cons
  • installing bootloader

inital set up

.bash_history .zsh_history

keyboard set up

problems: basically MIR

I can't use proprietary NVidia drivers with MIR, which means I can't use GPU versions of libraries like OpenCV and Tensorflow

This is really not a huge deal for most people, as you really don't need that functionality. But for me, this is a deal-breaker for now.

nevermind. apparently, ubuntu 16.04 doesn't include MIR