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AWS SIGv4 Admission Controller

A helm chart for AWS SIGv4 Admission Controller

Installing the Chart

Add the EKS repository to Helm:

helm repo add eks

Install the AWS SIGv4 Admission Controller chart with default configuration:

helm install aws-sigv4-proxy-admission-controller eks/aws-sigv4-proxy-admission-controller --namespace <namespace>

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the aws-sigv4-proxy-admission-controller release:

helm uninstall aws-sigv4-proxy-admission-controller --namespace <namespace>


Parameter Description Default
nameOverride Used to override name of chart ""
fullnameOverride Used to override the full name of the application ""
replicaCount Number of replicas 1
image.repository Repository of image to pull for deployment
image.tag Tag of image to pull from repository 1.0
image.pullPolicy Policy of how to pull image IfNotPresent
env.awsSigV4ProxyImage Image URI of sidecar container for AWS SIGv4 Proxy
serviceAccount.create Whether to create a service account or not true The name of the service account to create or use ""
rbac.create Whether to create rbac resources or not true
webhookService.port Incoming port used by webhook service 443
webhookService.targetPort Target port used by webhook service 443