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This document describes where in the code features of mc-sema are located. Additionally, this document describes some of the internal functions and macros that are used throughout the code.

PE/COFF Parsing

The code to parse PE/COFF files and map them into a programatically accessible state lives in mc-sema/binary_common. This code is split into two parts: the core parsing, and binary object abstraction. The core parsing reads data structures from the PE/COFF file, determines validity, and makes the data structures accessible programatically. The binary object abstraction provides higher-level utilities for working with executable files, such as relocating addresses, iterating over sections, import tables, and export tables, etc.

The core of the PE/COFF parsing is provided by a separate open source project, pe-parse. The pe-parse code is located in mc-sema/binary_common/pe-parse. For more details, please see the project website.

Binary Object Abstraction

The binary object abstraction lives in mc-sema/binary_common/bincomm.{h,cpp}. An abstract base class, ExecutableContainer, is the external interface for working with both COFF and PE files. The internal concrete classes, PeTarget and CoffTarget should never be used in the rest of the code.

The class method ExecutableContainer *open(std::string filename, const llvm::Target *target) will open a PE or COFF file and return an ExecutableSection object representation of it. The target argument is currently unused. The extension of filename determines whether a file is PE or COFF.

The ExecutableContainer class provides helper methods for operating on executables. All methods return a boolean indicating whether they succeeded (true) or failed (false). A description of some of the methods:

  • bool find_import_name(uint32_t addr, std::string &s): Get the name of the imported function referenced at address addr.
  • bool is_addr_relocated(uint32_t addr): is the address addr relocated?
  • bool relocate_addr(uint32_t addr, uint32_t &toAddr): Find the relocation at addr. Store the address of the symbol the relocation references in toAddr. Note that this is a double indirection: it will get the address of the relocated symbol, not the address of the relocation in the relocation table. This is usually what you want, anyway.
  • bool get_exports(std::list<std::pair<std::string, uint64_t> > &exports): Parse the export table and store it in exports. The entries are a tuple of (export name, virtual address of export). The entry point is included as an export named 'entry'.
  • bool get_sections(std::vector<SectionDesc> &sections): Get a reference to this binary's sections. The ExecutableContainer class defines an internal struct, SectionDesc, that is a simple way to describe binary sections. The struct is defined in bincomm.h and is fairly self explanatory.
  • uint64_t getBase(): The base address of this executable.
  • uint64_t getExtent(): The size of this executable.
  • int readByte(uint64_t addr, uint8_t *b): Attempt to read a byte at virtual address addr (as seen from inside the executable), and store it in b.

COFF Headaches

COFF object have every section based at 0x0. This makes sense, since the final executable is not yet created, and sections may be merged/deleted/changed. However, this present a problem for translation, since each virtual address reference should be unambiguious. Each COFF section is rebaesd internally, by the order in which it appears in the COFF file. So for example, if a COFF file has two sections of size 0x80 both based at 0x0, the first section will have virtual addresses 0x0 - 0x7F, and the second will have virtual addresses 0x80 - 0xFF. This is similar to what tools like IDA Pro to when working with object files. The rebasing code lives in CoffTarget::CoffTarget in bincomm.cpp.

CFG Recovery

The high-level actions of the CFG recovery code are in bin_descend/bin_descend.cpp:makeNativeModule. This function will first identify an entry point into the code via a symbol or numerical value supplied on the command line. Then unless -ignore-native-entry-points is specified, all exported code symbols are added to the entry point work list. Finally, addDataEntryPoints will loops through the data section looking for relocations that point to the code section. Any such relocations are assumed to be function pointers and are also added to the entry point work list.

Once the entry point worklist is created, every function in it is recursively disassembled by bin_descend/cfg_recover.cpp:getFuncs. The main loop in getFuncs will recursively disassemble starting at an entry point, and return a list of disassembled functions.

getFuncs will repeatedly call bin_descend/cfg_recover.cpp:getFunc until all functions reachable from the entry point are disassebmled. The getFunc code will disassemble a function via bin_descend/cfg_recover.cpp:decodeBlock, which builds basic blocks from disassembly and has special per-instruction processing.

It is decodeBlock that does special per-instruction processing. For example, this is where call instructions are identified and new functions are added to the work list. Also this is where external calls (including calls to APIs), and data references are identified. The actual graph portion of the CFG is also made here via terminating and connecting instructions. decodeBlock doesn't do the x86 opcode to metadata conversion itself. That is done in peToCFG/inst_decoder_fe.cpp:LLVMByteDecoder::getInstFromBuff, which is covered in a later section.

After recovering the CFG, makeNativeModule must still create a data section for the recovered code. The data section is an LLVM structure made from data blobs and references to code and data. These are created by calling bin_descend/cfg_recover.cpp:processDataSection for every data section in the original binary.

Finally, makeNativeModule calls peToCFG/peToCFG.cpp:addExterns to visit every node of the CFG and add any external function references to the global NativeModule container. This is done to simplify referencing all external calls in the recovered code.

llvm::MCInst and Inst

The llvm::MCInst class is defined by LLVM and stores the disassembly of a machine instruction. Unfortunately, the class is missing control flow related information and other data useful for translation. The Inst class, defined in peToCFG/peToCFG.h, augments llvm::MCInst with data not needed by LLVM itself. For instance, Inst records instruction prefixes, whether the instruction is the last in a block, whether any others point to it, whether it references external data, etc. All of the mc-sema code will operate on Inst instances, and not llvm:MCInst.

New instances of the Inst class are created in peToCFG/inst_decoder_fe.cpp:LLVMByteDecoder::getInstFromBuff. The getInstFromBuff method starts with an llvm::MCInst from the LLVM disassembler, and then augments additional information: the instruction prefix, whether the instruction terminates a block, and whether it points to another instruction. Later code will then modify more instruction parameters.

To enable some of the Inst functionality, such as determining operand location and prefix, changes to LLVM's MCInst class had to be made. Most of those should be in lib/Target/X86/Disassembler/X86Disassembler.cpp and lib/Target/X86/Disassembler/X86DisassemblerDecoder.c.

Relocations / Code and Data References

Determining what is code and what is data, and what is a code or a data reference can be surprisingly difficult. This project determines the difference based on relocations and where the relocated symbols point. Hence relocations must be enabled for any binary processed. Sometimes relocations will appear inside of an instruction -- it is critical to determine which operand these belong do. Certain instructions, such as MOV mem, imm32, may require address computation for the memory operand, the immediate operand, or both. Without associating an operand with a reloaction, these instructions would not translate correctly.

External Functions

Call instructions to external functions have an extra annotation indicating the external call and the function name, calling convention, and arument count. The actual annotation is done in bin_descend/cfg_recover.cpp:decodeBlock.

External functions cannot be modeled like translated functions, and the control flow recovery tool need to know the calling convention and argument count of these extrnal functions. The calling convention and argument count are specified by an external function map file. More details on this file are in There is a default external function map in tests/std_defs.txt. This function map should cover the vast majority of the Windows API and the C runtime.

Serialization and Deserialization

The serialization functions that convert a NativeModule to a .cfg file are all in peToCFG/peToCFG.cpp. The serialization functions are generally prefixed with dump, and the deserialization functions are prefixed with read. The main serialization function is dumpProtoBuf, and the main deserialization function is readProtoBuf.

The protobuf format is defined in peToCFG/CFG.proto, and described in more detail in


Instruction translation begins life in the cfg_to_bc executable, which takes a serialized Google protocol buffer CFG, and converts it to LLVM bitcode. The high-level actions of translation are defined in bitcode_from_cfg/cfg_to_bc.cpp:main and described in this section.

First, the CFG it re-serialized via a call to peToCFG/peToCFG.cpp:readModule, which will in turn de-serialze the protocol buffer file via readProtobuf. The CFG is then transformed into an llvm::Module, with some initial data structures populated.

Next, the real translation can begin. The raw translation loop is in cfgToLLVM/raiseX86.cpp:natModToModule. The first action of natModToModule is to pre-populate all defined functions as stubs without any code. This is done so that these functions may be referenced in the data section and by other functions, as translation happens. Then, the data sections can be inserted.

Data Section Translation

Data sections from the CFG are transformed into bitcode in cfgToLLVM/raiseX86.cpp:insertDataSections.

First, insertDataSections will create blank stubs for every data section. Once again, the purpose is to allow cross-data section references.

Then the actual data insertion begins. Data sections are translated to packed LLVM structures. Representing data as a packed structure lets us reference individual data items and to insert references to other code and data sections, that will be correctly relocated in bitcode. The translation happens via two nested loops: the first one loops over every data section in the CFG, and the second one loops over every item in the data section.

For every data section item, one of three things can happen. The item can be a a data blob. If so, then it is added as a structure member. The item can be a function reference. If so, then a reference to the function is looked up in the module, and if found, is added as a structure member. Lastly, the item can be a data reference. If so, then a reference to the data section of the target is found in the module, and an offset from module start to item start is added to the data section base. This opaque address computation is crude but necessary - a data section may reference another data section which is not yet populated.

External Function References

After data insertion, external function references are populated. These must be populated before any instruction translation, since instructions may reference these external functions. The translation loop in natModToModule is pretty straightforward: all external definitions are simply converted to an llvm::Function object with appropriate return type and arguments and added to the module.

Instruction Translation

Once the external function mappings are added, each function in the CFG is translated to LLVM bitcode. The function translation is done by cfgToLLVM/raiseX86.cpp:insertFunctionIntoModule.

Each translated function takes a single argument, the register state. Then this register state is spilled into local variables for use within the function. The allocation of the local register state is done by allocateLocals, and the spilling of the register state is done by cfgToLLVM/x86Instrs.cpp:writeContextToLocals.

Next, every basic block in the CFG is visited by cfgToLLVM/raiseX86.cpp:bfs_cfg_visitor::discover_vertex. This function will create an llvm::BasicBlock object to represent the block and any following blocks, and then begin populating the block with translated instructions.

The disInstr function does the actual intruction translation. More literally, it adds an annotation so one can tell what instruction is being translated in the resulting IR, and calls cfgToLLVM/x86Instrs.cpp:disInstrX86 to do the translation. This is done in case there is a need for multiple decoders or architectures.

disInstrX86 is a dispatch routine that calls the appropriate translation function based on the instruction's LLVM opcode. The translation map is stored in cfgToLLVM/InstructionDispatch.cpp:translationDispatchMap.

The translationDispatchMap variable is populated by cfgToLLVM/InstructionDispatch.cpp:initInstructionDispatch. The actual population routines, described briefly below, appear in their own files. The files are named cfgToLLVM/x86Instrs_<suffix>.cpp, where <suffix> correpsonds to the types of instructions translated there.

The current dispatch functions, where they live, and what instructions they translate:

  • FPU_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_fpu.cpp, FPU related instructions.
  • MOV_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_MOV.cpp, Various forms of MOV. There are very many.
  • CMOV_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_CMOV.cpp, Variations of CMOV, the conditional MOV.
  • Jcc_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_Jcc.cpp, Jump Conditional, JNE, JBE, JZ, etc.
  • MULDIV_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_MULDIV.cpp, Variations of MUL and DIV
  • CMPTEST_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_CMPTEST.cpp, Variations of CMP and TEST
  • ADD_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_ADD.cpp, The very many variations of ADD
  • Misc_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_Misc.cpp, INT3, CDQ, BSWAP, Flags Modification, LEA, RDTSC, some more
  • SUB_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_SUB.cpp, The very many variations of SUB
  • Bitops_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_bitops.cpp, Bitwise operations such as AND, XOR, OR, NOT, etc.
  • ShiftRoll_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_ShiftRoll.cpp, Shifts and Rolls
  • Exchanges_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_Exchanges.cpp, XCHG, XADD, and CMPXCGH variants
  • INCDECNEG_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_INCDECNEG.cpp, Variations of INC, DEC, and NEG
  • Stack_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_Stack.cpp, PUSH, POP, ENTER, LEAVE, PUSHA
  • String_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_String.cpp, MOVS, STOS, CMPS, SCAS
  • Branches_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_Branches.cpp, JMP, CALL, LOOP, RET
  • SETcc_populateDispatchMap: defined in x86Instrs_SETcc.cpp, Set a bit based on condition: SETNE, SETE, etc.

Raw Translation

This section will briefly cover raw instruction translation. For more details on the translation functions, see the ADDING AN INSTRUCTION document.

The LLVM disassembler produces its own opcodes, with each operand combination having its own opcode. For instance, the x86 ADD instruction has at least 31 different LLVM opcodes, with names like ADD32ri (add a 32-bit immediate to a 32-bit register), ADD8mi (add an 8-bit immediate to an 8-bit memory location), etc.

All of these opcodes will have very similar translations, only different by operand order and memory width. To simplify translation, the core of the instruction is usually a templated function based on width that operates on two llvm::Value pairs that act as operands. For the ADD instruction, this is cfgToLLVM/x86Instrs_ADD.cpp:doAddVV. Other helper functions exist to convert immediate values and memory addresses to llvm::Value objects and to write the result of the addition to the correct destination (e.g. memory or register). Examples of these helper functions are doAddRI, doAddMI, etc.

All the translation functions must have the same prototype and share lots of boilerplate code. To make writing them easier, there are several helper macros defined in cfgToLLVM/InstructionDispatch.h:

  • GENERIC_TRANSLATION(NAME, THECALL): Create a function named translate_<NAME> that executes the statement THECALL.
  • GENERIC_TRANSLATION_MEM(NAME, THECALL, GLOBALCALL): Like GENERIC_TRANSLATION, but checks if the instruction references code or data. If so, execute GLOBALCALL instead of THECALL.
  • GENERIC_TRANSLATION_32MI(NAME, THECALL, GLOBALCALL, GLOBALIMMCALL): Used only for instructions that have two operands: 32-bit immediate and a memory value. Like GENERIC_TRANSLATION_MEM, but checks which operand references code or data. If its the immediate, execute GLOBALIMMCALL.
  • OP(x): Shorthand for inst.getOperand(x)
  • ADDR(x): Shorthand for getAddrFromExpr with common arguments.
  • ADDR_NOREF(x): Shortang for getAddrFromExpr where it is certain the function will never reference a data variable, but needs to compute a complex address expression.

Many x86 instructions require complex address computation due to complex addressing modes. The helper following helper functions are defined in cfgToLLVM/x86Helpers.cpp and are used to do address computation:

  • getAddrFromExpr: Computes a Value from a complex address expression such as [0x123456+EAX*4]. If the expression references global data, use that in the computation instead of assuming values are opaque immediates.
  • GLOBAL: Shorthand for getAddrFromExpr.
  • GLOBAL_DATA_OFFSET: Used when it is certain that the instruction must reference code/data, and not an opaque immediate.

Using these macros, it is then possible to define a translation function. For instance, ADD32ri is defined as:

GENERIC_TRANSLATION(ADD32ri, doAddRI<32>(ip, block, OP(0), OP(1), OP(2)))

That code will define a function named translate_ADD32ri, and call doAddRI<32>(ip, block, OP(0), OP(1), OP(2)) to do the translation. The result will be stored in operand 0, and the two addends are operand 1 and operand 2.

Writing a Translation Function

The best way to write a translation function it to use the existing functions as an example. Essentially, all the function must do is add LLVM bitcode to an existing function or basic block, and update the returned basic block pointer. Below are some helper functions that are useful in writing translation functions. These are defined in cfgToLLVM/raiseX86.h. Do NOT use the regular memory/register access functions to access floating point registers.

  • template <int width> llvm::ConstantInt *CONST_V(llvm::BasicBlock *b, uint64_t val): Emit a constant integer value having the value val and the bitwidth width.
  • template <int width> llvm::Value *R_READ(llvm::BasicBlock *b, unsigned reg): Read the value of register reg and put it in an integer of bitwidth width. It is up to you to ensure you are reading the correct width of the register. The reg value is specified via the X86 enum (e.g. X86::EAX) or as an MCInst operand (e.g. OP(1).getReg()).
  • template <int width> void R_WRITE(llvm::BasicBlock *b, unsigned reg, llvm::Value *write): Same as R_READ, but for writing a value into a register.
  • template <int width> llvm::Value *M_READ(InstPtr ip, llvm::BasicBlock *b, llvm::Value *addr): Read width bits from memory address addr. This macro includes a reference to ip to determine which address space to read from. The address space is used in case of FS or GS segment prefixed instructions.
  • template <int width> void M_WRITE(InstPtr ip, llvm::BasicBlock *b, llvm::Value *addr, llvm::Value *data): Just like M_READ but instead writes to memory.
  • llvm::Value *F_READ(llvm::BasicBlock *b, std::string flag);: Read flag named flag. The names are the standardized flag names, such as ZF, PF, OF, etc. The FPU flags names are prefixed with FPU_, so the names would be FPU_TOP, FPU_C1, etc.
  • void F_WRITE(BasicBlock *b, string flag, Value *v): Set the flag flag with value v.
  • void F_ZAP(BasicBlock *b, string flag): Set flag flag to an undefined value.
  • void F_SET(BasicBlock *b, string flag): Set flag to 1.
  • void F_CLEAR(BasicBlock *b, string flag): Set flag to 0.

To access floating point registers, use the below functions defined in cfgToLLVM/x86Instrs_fpu.cpp. Do not use these functions to access regular integer registers.

  • Value *FPUR_READ(BasicBlock *&b, unsigned fpreg): Read ST(fpreg).
  • void FPUR_WRITE(BasicBlock *&b, unsigned fpreg, Value *val): Write val into ST(fpreg)
  • void FPU_POP(BasicBlock *&b): Pop the FPU stack. Set ST(0) as empty, Increment FPU_TOP to get new ST(0).
  • void FPU_PUSHV(BasicBlock *&b, Value *fpuval): Push fpuval onto the FPU stack: decrement FPU_TOP, set ST(0) = fpuval.
  • Value *FPUM_READ(InstPtr ip, int memwidth, llvm::BasicBlock *&b, Value *addr): Read memwidth bits from address addr.
  • There is currently no FPUM_WRITE. FPU memory writes are done via M_WRITE_T which is a verison of M_WRITE that accepts a type to write instead of assuming integer types. See cfgToLLVM/raiseX86.cpp.

Register Context Definitions

The register context is used both internally by the translator and externally by applications that must interface with translated code. Currently, these are separate definitions of an identical structure. These definitions must stay in sync when adding or removing registers.

The internal translator register context is built in cfgToLLVM/toLLVM.cpp:doGlobalInit. The structure is defined by code that emits an LLVM bitcode definition for struct.regs. The struct.regs will appear in all generated bitcode files.

The external register context, used by applications that link to translated code, is defined in common/RegisterState.h. The structure is called RegState, and the definition should be portable to Win32 and Linux. The header file also contains definitions to simplify working with native sized floating point types on both platforms.

Floating point helper functions:

  • FPU_GET_REG(RegState *state, unsigned reg_index): Use this to read FPU register st(reg_index). This function the value of the FPU_TOP flag to calculate to which actual register slot the reg_index corresponds.
  • FPU_SET_REG(RegState *state, unsigned reg_index, nativefpu val): Use this to write an FPU register value. Same caveat as FPU_GET_REG.
  • NATIVEFPU_TO_LD: Convert a struct nativefpu to a long double. This is more difficult than it seems, since Win32 long doubles are not native-sized 80-bit floating point values. Conversion requires use of inline assembly.
  • LD_TO_NATIVEFPU: Convert a long double to a struct nativefpu. Same caveats as NATIVEFPU_TO_LD.

OS Specific Functionality

Some operating system specific functionality is necessary to get call by memory / call by register and callback to work correctly. These functions are found in the win32_ prefixed files in mc-sema\cfgToLLVM.

  • win32cb.{h,cpp}: Functionality necessary for callbacks to work on Win32. Calls to native allocation functions, stack voodoo, etc. These are referenced by the various callback functions in mc-sema\cfgToLLVM\raiseX86.cpp, such as makeCallbackForLocalFunction, getCallbackPrologueInternal, etc.
  • win32_Intrinsics.h: A place to define Win32/MSVC specific intrinsic functions, such as _aullshr.


There is currently some testing infrastructure. There are two main catgories of tests, the functionality demos and the instruction semantics tests.

Functionality Demos

The functionality demos are meant to only run on Win32 and live in mc-sema/tests. These serve both as demos and as tests of translating actual binaries. The demos are a series of batch files named demo1.bat - demo16.bat, demo_sailboat.bat, demo_fpu1.bat, and demo_dll_1.bat through demo_dll_6.bat. More details on these is in the document.

Instruction Semantics Tests

Other than the full transformation demos, there are separate instruction semantics tests that verify only that instruction semantics in LLVM match those of x86. These tets are run via the testSemantics appliation, more detail of which are in the TOOLS document. The rest of this section will describe how testSematics is implemented.

The actual test cases are all in validator/tests. Each test is in its own .asm file, with the file name being the test name. Each file is valid nasm-style x86 assembly with a special format, described in the ADD A TEST document.

Since the number of tests is always changing, the ground truth results and the test driver are determined at build time. First, lets describe how the ground truth for instruction semantics is generated. The main build script responsible for this is validator/valTest/CMakeLists.txt. The ground truth for instruction semantics is determined by each instruction's effect on register state as seen by Intel's PIN tool. There is a custom pin tool used to record instruction semantics compiled in validator/valTool. The build script calls valiator/ to combine all of the individual test .asm files into one file, adds code to re-set state between each instruction, and runs this combined file through the semantics recording pin tool. The pin tool then outputs a ground truth file called tests.out.

The test driver is built via the build script validator/testSemantics/CMakeLists.txt. This script uses the file validator/testSemantics/testSemantics.tempalte as a tempalte for the C++ code of the final driver. The individual test assembly files are parsed, and test information is inserted into the template driver. After all tests are inserted, a file named is emitted and used to build the testSemantics.exe executable.

The testSemantics executable uses the Google testing framework as the base for verifying unit tests. It compares the register state saved in tests.out with the register state produced after JITting the LLVM code produced by the mc-sema for the same x86 instructions. The actual JITting happens in ModuleTest::runFunctionOnState. New tests are defined via the TEST_F macro, provided by the Google test framework. The IN_OUT_TEST macro is used to wrap the creation of a new test and output comparison. The Intel PIN output and raw register state output are not directly comparable, and need some massaging (e.g. transforming FPU state from a flat index to one relative to the TOP flag). The DEBUG compile time symbol can be defined to enable very verbose debugging of the semantics testing.