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A basic CRUD setup

In this issue of Shuttle Launchpad, we want to create a small CRUD API using Axum and SQLx. In doing so, we will revisit a few techniques that we already learned in previous issues, now combined into a proper backend application.

We will use the shuttle-shared-db crate to get access to a PostgreSQL database that is provisioned by Shuttle directly. Infrastructure as Code!

First, create a new project.

$ cargo shuttle init

Select Axum as framework. We also need some dependencies. To work with the database, we need sqlx and shuttle-shared-db. We also need serde to serialize and deserialize our data.

$ cargo add sqlx --features postgres
$ cargo add shuttle-shared-db --features postgres-rustls
$ cargo add serde --features derive

Open your file and add the following imports. Don't worry, you will need to use all of them when the time comes.

use axum::{
    extract::{Path, State},
    routing::{get, post},
    Json, Router,

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sqlx::{Executor, FromRow, PgPool, Postgres, QueryBuilder};

Since we're accessing a database, we need to tell our database what data we expect. We write a small scheme.sql file and put it in the root of our application. It will contain the SQL statements to create the table we need.

-- Create the articles table if it doesn't exist
    title VARCHAR(255),
    content TEXT,
    published_date VARCHAR(255)

As you can see, we only create the table if it doesn't exist. Which means we can execute this script always at startup of our application and can be sure that we have a table to work with.

Let's see how we can wire up the database in our application. We use the shuttle_shared_db::Postgres macro to get access to a database. The database is available on Shuttle, but if we want to test it locally, we need to provide the URI of the database we want to connect to. We can do this by adding a local_uri attribute to the macro. The macro will then use this URI instead of the one provided by Shuttle when working locally.

💡 Note that you need to have a PostgreSQL database installed locally to actually work with the database. You can install it via brew install postgresql on Mac or sudo apt install postgresql on Ubuntu. Depending on your system, the access to the database is different. The default on Mac is to useyour system user with no password. The database name is postgres. This might be different on your system, though.

The shuttle_shared_db macro gives us access to a PgPool struct. This struct is a connection pool to the database. We can use it to execute SQL statements on the database.

We use the connection pool to execute the schema.sql file we created earlier. The include_str! macro literally takes the string value from the file and puts it into our code.

async fn axum(
        local_uri = "postgres://username@localhost:5432/postgres")
    pool: PgPool,
) -> shuttle_axum::ShuttleAxum {
    let router = Router::new();

The shuttle_shared_db macro expects a Result type as return value, where the error value is a Shuttle runtime error. The execute method of PgPool also returns a Result, but the error is not compatible with the one expected by Shuttle. Using map_err we can convert the error into a Shuttle runtime error.

Next, let's set up our Router. We have two routes, one where we can add new articles, the other one where we can read articles based on their ID, which is a number. We also add some state to our router, namely the database connection pool. This way, we can access the database from within our handlers.

let router = Router::new()
    .route("/articles", post(create_article))
    .route("/articles/:id", get(get_article))

Next, we create a representation of the data we want to store in our database. We write an Article struct with the necessary fields, and we use the Deserialize trait from the serde crate to deserialize a JSON input from a request into this struct.

struct Article {
    title: String,
    content: String,
    published_date: String,

With that, we can write a function signature that not only takes the database connection pool as state, but also an article as an input. We use the Json extractor from Axum to extract the JSON input from the request and deserialize it into our Article struct. The good thing is that this handler won't be accessed if we send bogus data to the function. Axum will return an error, and we don't even need to write any code for that.

async fn create_article(
    State(pool): State<PgPool>,
    Json(new_article): Json<Article>,
) -> impl IntoResponse {
    // tbd ...

Now for the implementation. We want to insert the article we just received and return a success message if everything went well. We use the QueryBuilder from the sqlx crate to build our SQL statement. We use the push_values method to insert the values from our Article struct into the query. We use the push_bind method to bind the values to the query. This way, we can prevent SQL injection attacks.

Builders are very common in Rust. They are used to build complex data structures. In this case, we use the builder to build an SQL query.

// Insert the new article into the database
let mut query_builder: QueryBuilder<Postgres> =
    QueryBuilder::new("INSERT INTO articles (title, content, published_date)");

query_builder.push_values([new_article], |mut b, article| {

The push_values iterates over multiple elements and thus needs a slice of data. In our case, it's just one element. Then we have a closure, where we have access to a mutable builder, and the article in question.

💡 For advanced developers: Note that published_date is string. Wouldn't it be better if it's an actual date? Try to change the type to chrono::NaiveDate and see what happens.

Next, we use the build method to build the query and the execute method to execute it on the database. The execute method returns a Result type, where the error is a sqlx::Error. We can use the match statement to handle the result. If everything went well, we return a success message. If not, we return an error message.

let result =;

match result {
    Ok(_) => (StatusCode::OK, "Article created".to_string()),
    Err(e) => (
        format!("Error creating article: {}", e.to_string()),

And that's it for the first part. We're now able to insert new articles to our database.

Let's see how we can read articles from the database. We want to use a few tricks to write some less code.

We take the Article struct and add a few more traits be deriving them. The first one is FromRow, a trait from sqlx that maps rows to structs. That way, you don't need to convert any result on your own. The other one is Serialize, which allows us to serialize the struct into JSON. We need this for our response.

#[derive(Deserialize, FromRow, Serialize)]
struct Article {
    title: String,
    content: String,
    published_date: String,

Then, we write the get_article function. It takes the article ID as path parameter. We use the Path extractor from Axum to extract the ID from the request. The parameter needs to be an integer, if we receive anything else, Axum will return an error.

We also take the database connection pool as state.

As return type, we expect a result with either the Article as JSON, or with an error that is a status code and an error message.

async fn get_article(
    Path(article_id): Path<usize>,
    State(pool): State<PgPool>,
) -> Result<Json<Article>, (StatusCode, String)> {
    // tbd ...

Let's implement the query. We do a simple query instead of the builder and use the query_as method to map the result to our Article struct. We use the format! macro to insert the article ID into the query.

We don't need to fear SQL injection here since the article ID is an integer and not a string.

let query = format!(
    "SELECT title, content, published_date FROM articles WHERE id = {}",
let result = sqlx::query_as(&query);

And now for a little magic 🪄. We use the fetch_one method to fetch the article from the database. If the article is not found, the method returns an error. We use the map_err method to convert the error into a status code and an error message.

If the article is found, we get a PgRow struct. But thanks to the FromRow trait, we can convert it into our Article struct. All we need to do is to annotate the binding with the Article type. That's all. Rust's type system is clever enough to know that the row can be serialized into Article.

Since fetch_one still returns a Result type, we use the ? operator to return an error if the result is an error. The error now is the one we expect based on our function signature.

let article: Article = result.fetch_one(&pool).await.map_err(|_| {
        format!("Article with id {} not found", article_id),

So, the first magic conversion has happened, now on to the second one. Since we used the Serialize trait on Article, all we need to do to send the article as JSON is to wrap it in a Json struct. We use the Ok function to wrap the Json struct in a Result type.


And that's all that is. We can now read articles from the database.

Try it out yourself. Deploy your app to Shuttle, and use the following commands to create and read articles.

$ curl --request POST \
  --url https://<your-app-name> \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
	"title": "What a fantastic day",
	"content": "Look at all the beautiful flowers",
	"published_date": "2023-08-11"
$ curl --request GET \
  --url https://<your-app-name>